My 'lil Bubs is 5 mos old now and I can't believe it! I say that every month that passes, but I can't help it. I'm so amazed at how time flies in the blink of an eye. I'm starting to lose track of how many weeks has passed since I gave birth to him because life is taking over.
Dave, the girls, Angelo and I went to Michigan for Christmas with my side of the family. Angelo helped open his gifts and then stuck the wrapping paper right in his mouth, LOL! It was adorable. I'm waiting on pictures from my mom and sister since I forgot my camera. He had a hard time sleeping at my mom's house since it's a strange environment and there was so much excitement. We just got home yesterday (Sunday the 21st) so hopefully he'll get back on track today.
Angelo is back to sleeping through the night so I'm hoping he sticks with it. He goes to bed by 11pm and wakes up between 6 and 7am, eats and then goes back to sleep until about 9 or 10am. It's like he's sleeping all night and taking his morning nap at the same time, which works just fine for me. I can get a lot done in that time. He still takes an afternoon nap around 3pm and that nap has proven to be a necessity.
The Bubs is on solids more now, although we haven't been consistent with twice a day yet. He's had green beans, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, applesauce, pears and rice cereal. He likes the squash, sweet potatoes, pears and applesauce the best. Due to the solids, I'm trying to keep him on 6 ounces of formula, but he's not happy unless he gets 8, so I'm still trying to adjust things a bit. He's also struggling with eating every 4 hours instead of 2 1/2 or 3. I don't want to over feed him since he's already reached 19 lbs and in size 3 diapers. He gets a good work out with his Jumperoo though, so I'm guessing he burns a ton of calories with that thing. Angelo tries to hold his bottle during feedings, but ends up either pushing it in too far, or accidentally swatting it away. When he's done eating, he does this baby curl-up to try and sit up straight. It's really precious to watch.
Angelo is teething pretty bad now. I can feel the grooves in his bottom gums and can see the little teeth trying to break through. Hopefully they'll come in soon. I think he's doing pretty well though. He's not a huge whiner, but you can tell when his gums are hurting. That damn Baby Orajel doesn't do jack for him though. He hates the taste and the numbing doesn't last long due to all the drooling. He isn't taking to teething rings either. He still prefers chewing on his and our clothes and his blankets/burp cloths.
On the development side, the Bubs can stand on his tippy toes with us holding his hands and he's pretty steady. He rolls over just fine, but only from his tummy to his back. We're trying to help him sit up on his own, but all he does his reach over to touch his feet. I'm hoping that next month he'll be able to do it better. Bubbas likes to take his toys and shove them in his mouth. My God-Mother's daughter bought him some balls (yeah, that sounded good) that have different designs in them. If he's on his tummy, he can reach for them, tries to hold them and shoves them in his mouth, LOL. Although he can't understand why he can't chew on them, LOL. He still loves the Baby Einstein videos and we just got a new one from my sister. He's testing it out now, but so far so good.
Like I said earlier, Angelo is now about 19 pounds and in size 3 diapers. You know what really bugs me? It seems like everyone in town had a child when I did because I can NEVER find the brand of diapers in the size I want. I favor Pampers Swaddlers, but am now using the Pampers Cruisers. This time I had to settle for Luvs because nothing else was available and I refuse to buy store brand. They suck, BIG TIME! At least I got off cheap this time though. Luvs are decent and pretty affordable. I really wish the store brand diapers were good because I hate spending a lot of money. Oh and Sam's club doesn't have my brand in bulk either....Damnit!
I'm waiting for the Bubs to start the "Army Crawl". It looks like he's getting ready to start that pretty soon. As for talking, his "O's" are very clear and I've got him forming his mouth to say "Mmmm" for "Mama". Sometimes he does the "Ohhh Mmmm" as if to say, "Oh Mama!", which is something I've been playing around with as well. He hasn't blurted out "Dada" yet, thank God! I'll be damned if he says that first!
Dave, the girls, Angelo and I went for our family pictures last week and we'll be picking them up tomorrow afternoon. I was able to get the Bubs to smile big a few times and the pictures of all 3 kids turned out beautifully. Dave and I, on the other hand, look like we've been smoking a lot of weed. It's too bad that we take such awful pictures! I'll be scanning them Tuesday night and will post them as soon as I can. We got them done at Target because there's a 20% off in-store discount and no sitting fees. We ended up paying $70 for 2- 8x10's, 4- 5x7's, 4- 3.5 x 5's and 8 wallets. They did a really great job too, so if any of you are looking to do this, Target may be the way to go.
Now, on to me...
I've been working out twice a day and eating right consistently, with the exception of this past weekend at my Mom's. If I can lost a pound a week, I'd be very happy. So I've lost 43 out of the 54 pounds I gained during pregnancy. Only 11 pounds to go and then another 20 to get back to my weight before I met Dave. My mom sent me a 10-day diet, which didn't do jack for me. Dave lost 14 pounds though. That really pisses me off, LOL, but I'm happy for him at the same time. Sometimes I feel like a failure because I haven't lost all my weight by now. My son is 5 mos old and my baby belly should be gone, but Nooooooooo, not me!
I can't wait until the holidays are over so I can get my life back in order. It's utter chaos around here, especially with the girls. We're having behavioral issues with Dave's 8 yr-old and her mother isn't help one bit. She gets spoiled at her mom's and acts like a brat at our house. We've tried everything but giving her a tour of the police station, which we may end up doing. I'm terrified that if she doesn't clean up her act, Angelo will turn out the same way so I have to work over-time to make sure that doesn't happen.
Anyway, that's all for now. I you enjoy your holidays!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008

Angelo is almost 20 weeks old! That puts him just shy of 5 months. I remember when I was 20 weeks pregnant and that's when I received confirmation that my baby was indeed a boy. It's been a year and 3 weeks since I found out I was pregnant and a year since my first ultrasound. The Bubs wasn't a bubs, he was just a little grain of rice. Isn't it amazing how quickly they grow in and out of the womb? I got on the scale with Angelo today. He's 19 pounds and in size 3 diapers. His 2's didn't even last a whole month!
Angelo is eating about 8 ounces of formula per feeding and we're trying to transition him to solids. Like I said before, our doctor told us he needed to be on solids twice a day, but the Bubs isn't allowing it yet. He's been real cranky due to teething and I can't feed him when he's upset. We're going to try and get him consistent with his rice cereal every night first and then get him on his fruit in the mornings. He is very good with eating the solids when he wants to, though. His tongue reflex is gone and he swallows without a problem.
A couple of weeks ago the Bubs found his hands and now he's found his ears. It's so cute to see him grabbing them and the look of wonder on his face is absolutely priceless. He's only able to roll over from his tummy, but not his back at this time. He bounces like crazy in his Jumperoo and I think we'll be able to put it on the #2 setting soon.
His "O's" are super clear now. It's so awesome! Today, after 4 months of me pounding it into his head (not literally, of course!) he put out a big "MMMMMM" to try and say "Mama". I'm so excited because I know he's going to just blurt it out soon. I caught Dave going behind my back, trying to teach Angelo "Dada" last night and I ran right in there to stop the madness, LOL! This child will say "Mama" first, if it kills me!
Unfortunately Angelo is still waking up in the middle of the night for some reason and we can't figure out why. He slept throughout the night from the very beginning and now I feel like I've got a 2 week old baby on my hands. He must be going through a lot of changes right now. What's odd though is that yesterday he was really tired. It's as if his two naps weren't enough, but I couldn't let him have a third or else he won't fall asleep well. Last week Dave came down with a cold and passed it along to the Bubs. My poor baby is snotting all over the place, but he's getting better. This could also be part of the reason he's not been sleeping through the night lately.
Now, on to me...
Dave and I went on this 10-day diet in effort to lose some of our "congratulations, you just had a baby" weight. He lost 14 lbs and I lost 2. That really sucks, but I guess I should be happy because something is better than nothing. I decided that dieting doesn't work for me so I'm going back to just eating healthy and working out. When I'm supposed to lose the weight, I will.
We're going to Michigan for Christmas #1 and we're bringing all 3 kids. I just hope we have enough room in the car for all our stuff. My sister is lending us some of her baby stuff so we don't have to bring all of Angelo's crap with us. Laura she just found out that she's pregnant with baby #2 and she'll be due about a week after Angelo's first birthday. Dave and I are going to try and get Angelo to meet Santa this Wednesday, if we can muster up some time. I really want to get a picture of his first time with the Claus.
By the way, the pictures in this entry were taken this past Saturday at the Wild Lights exhibit at the Columbus Zoo.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
17/18 Week Update
17 weeks - Bouncing in the Jumperoo
17 weeks - After rolling over
16 weeks- "Look Mommy, I found my hands!"
Hey everyone! Sorry I missed last week's update. I've been extremely busy due to Thanksgiving and having to watch the girls while Dave was at work. I've also been working my ass off because I ran a sale, but now that it's over, I have some time to get caught up on the updates.
Angelo will be 18 weeks old tomorrow and is doing really well. He is getting fussy a lot and that's due to him teething. The drool in unbelievable and he's chewing on every little thing he gets his hands on. We've been using Baby Orajel and although he hates the taste, I think it's working for him a bit.
He's back to sleeping throughout the night and is going to bed a bit earlier these days. The poor 'lil guy is just exhausted by 9:30pm and clunks out on us. He is still moving around a lot in his sleep, but isn't rolling on to his back anymore. He may start that up again, who knows, but for now it's looking pretty good. I had to remove the bumper from the crib because he was pulling it over his head and getting caught in it.
Now I'm finding his arms hanging out of the crib when he wakes in the morning. That freaks me out, but no damage has been done. The Bubs has been waking up pretty happy lately too! I'll hear him mumbling to himself. I go in there to start our day and he's pushed his chest up and looking around for me. Then I start singing my "Good morning to you" song and he flashes me a series of beautiful smiles that just melt my heart. I'm going to leave my camera on his dresser for those moments.
I think the holiday spoiled him a bit because everyone was holding him and now he wants Dave and I to do the same thing ALL the time. It's so exhausting! Angelo is getting better with playing by himself in the Jumperoo while his video is on. He'll watch it twice in a row and then he's done. He's finally taken to the swing as well. I had him in it the other day and he fell asleep. I have to replace the batteries in his bouncy seat and I'm going to see if he likes that now.
I think I said it before, but he's a lot happier in the car now. When we're stopped at the light, however, he gets fussy, LOL! I think our trip to Michigan at Christmas will be very different this time because we're taking the freeway, the girls will be with us and he'll probably get more sleep. Last time he screamed bloody murder the whole way, to and from which killed me! It was absolutely AWFUL.
My 'lil Bubs is full of smiles these days, which makes me very happy. He laughs a lot more now too. He's doing some funny things as well. When it's time for a diaper change, he puts his legs up and pushes his butt up. When it's time for a bottle, he opens his mouth then tries to grab it. When he's done eating, he tries to push himself into a sitting position, but he hasn't been able to get there yet. I try to pull him up to make him sit, but he just stands up like a board, LOL. So from laying on his back to standing, nice.
It looks like I'm getting Angelo back to his regular nap schedule and that has been comforting. I'm pretty sure he's going through a growth spurt and clearly needs his rest.
Now, on to me!
Things are crazy in my house. I'm so glad I got my Christmas decorations up early this year. I started my Christmas shopping last week and I'm hoping to be done with most of it by the end of next week. We're going to Michigan from the 19th-21st, which is NOT enough time, but I can't stay longer because we're bringing Dave's girls with us. I think I'm going to go back in January because there are a lot of people I need to see and they haven't met Angelo yet. He'll be six months old by the time I can make that happen, sheesh!
I lost 2 more pounds, but that's not enough so Dave and I are starting a 10-day diet that my mother suggested. My first day is today so we'll see how it goes. I still have the "baby belly" in a major way. I thought most of it would be gone by now, but nope! I also still have that dark line on my stomach and I thought that would've faded by now, but nope! I was taking a bath the other day and thought, "My God, I still look pregnant! This is ridiculous."
Now that Angelo is 4 1/2 months old, I feel like I've finally got it together in the motherhood department. The biggest concern I had was my work and down time schedule. I think that things are beginning to balance out now and that will decrease my stress, which I've needed in the worst way.
That's about it for now. I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
4 Months and Ready for Change!
Angelo turned 16 weeks old this past Wednesday. He went to the doctor for his 4 month check-up and shots. He weighed in at 16 lbs, 1 ounce and he's 25 inches long, which is exactly what I thought he'd be. He's average for his weight and length and I'm just fine with that. The doctor told us that he needs to be on solids twice a day now, but Angelo isn't taking to it just yet. I'm going to let Angelo guide me as I have been and I think that will make for a smooth transition. Right now he's eating 6-8 ounces of formula about 5 times a day and taking solids about once a day.
Bubbas can roll over from his stomach to both sides and is doing this in his sleep still. He's been waking up in the middle of the night, anywhere from 3:30-6:30am still. He slept until 8 a couple of mornings this week though. I'm trying to get him on a better nap schedule during the day and it's trial and error at the moment. If he's not ready to go down, he'll flip over to his back and cry for a bit. He's been falling asleep on my chest the last couple of days and I think it's due to the residual effects of the shots.
Dave bought the Bubs a few new outfits and a booster seat so he can sit with us at dinner time. That seems to be working out quite well. I feel like we don't have enough clothes for his age, but that's probably because he's constantly leaking through them and spitting up. I'm still doing laundry like mad crazy and I've accepted that it won't end until he's old enough to do his own.
Angelo is still reacting poorly to his car seat, but has grown out of screaming while in the car. He falls asleep when we're driving and that's been wonderful! I can't wait until he can sit up on his own so I won't have to drag the carrier around everywhere I go. He is still showing a great interest in the Baby Einstein video I bought him. I hear him whining when it's over and then he needs something else to do. It's kind of funny.
That's about it for the Bubs. Now on to me...
This is placebo week for me with "the pill" and I started my period. Yay! This means that my body has taken to it and everything seems to be on track. I'm going to make my OB/GYN appointment for next month and get my prescription for a year.
I bought a digital scale this week because I want to know my actual weight. There's an interpretation error with the one I have. I did get confirmation that I've lost 3 pounds, so I'm glad about that. I still have a long way to go, but I'm starting to get motivated again. I'm taking the time to cook more now and I think that will help keep my family healthy. Dave is a bit of a challenge since he's not into veggies and practically LIVES on pizza.
Right now I'm working on a natural body detox because my physical energy level is quite low. I'm drinking a lot more water and organic tea, but I can't seem to give up my coffee just yet. I have to get rid of my fatty coffee creamer and go back to soy. I'm also going to stop eating so much red meat. That stuff just plugs me up. I went Vegetarian for about a year the last time I was over weight and I lost 40 lbs, but I'm not quite ready for that type of change. My eating habits are awful. I have been skipping breakfast and only eating a small lunch and normal dinner so that's got to change now.
My household has been upside down and chaotic for a while and I'm working on a new plan. I changed the girls' chore day to Fridays and I'm doing a massive sweep for the rest of the house. One room a day and then we can all maintain it better. Dave and I haven't had a lot of time to do stuff so I'm going to come up with a way to change that as well.
Bubbas can roll over from his stomach to both sides and is doing this in his sleep still. He's been waking up in the middle of the night, anywhere from 3:30-6:30am still. He slept until 8 a couple of mornings this week though. I'm trying to get him on a better nap schedule during the day and it's trial and error at the moment. If he's not ready to go down, he'll flip over to his back and cry for a bit. He's been falling asleep on my chest the last couple of days and I think it's due to the residual effects of the shots.
Dave bought the Bubs a few new outfits and a booster seat so he can sit with us at dinner time. That seems to be working out quite well. I feel like we don't have enough clothes for his age, but that's probably because he's constantly leaking through them and spitting up. I'm still doing laundry like mad crazy and I've accepted that it won't end until he's old enough to do his own.
Angelo is still reacting poorly to his car seat, but has grown out of screaming while in the car. He falls asleep when we're driving and that's been wonderful! I can't wait until he can sit up on his own so I won't have to drag the carrier around everywhere I go. He is still showing a great interest in the Baby Einstein video I bought him. I hear him whining when it's over and then he needs something else to do. It's kind of funny.
That's about it for the Bubs. Now on to me...
This is placebo week for me with "the pill" and I started my period. Yay! This means that my body has taken to it and everything seems to be on track. I'm going to make my OB/GYN appointment for next month and get my prescription for a year.
I bought a digital scale this week because I want to know my actual weight. There's an interpretation error with the one I have. I did get confirmation that I've lost 3 pounds, so I'm glad about that. I still have a long way to go, but I'm starting to get motivated again. I'm taking the time to cook more now and I think that will help keep my family healthy. Dave is a bit of a challenge since he's not into veggies and practically LIVES on pizza.
Right now I'm working on a natural body detox because my physical energy level is quite low. I'm drinking a lot more water and organic tea, but I can't seem to give up my coffee just yet. I have to get rid of my fatty coffee creamer and go back to soy. I'm also going to stop eating so much red meat. That stuff just plugs me up. I went Vegetarian for about a year the last time I was over weight and I lost 40 lbs, but I'm not quite ready for that type of change. My eating habits are awful. I have been skipping breakfast and only eating a small lunch and normal dinner so that's got to change now.
My household has been upside down and chaotic for a while and I'm working on a new plan. I changed the girls' chore day to Fridays and I'm doing a massive sweep for the rest of the house. One room a day and then we can all maintain it better. Dave and I haven't had a lot of time to do stuff so I'm going to come up with a way to change that as well.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
15 Week Update

Angelo and I by the Christmas stuff!

The Bubs taking a snooze on daddy. Nice pajama pants, eh?
The Bubs taking a snooze on daddy. Nice pajama pants, eh?
Angelo is now 15 weeks old and so much is going on.
First of all, his sleep schedule has gotten so messed up and I have no idea why. He's been waking up around 6:30am every day now and I'm guessing it's due to him having a diaper loaded with urine. Yes, he's still peeing like a champ! It's either that or he's waking up due to hunger. So I get up at 6:30am, change his diaper, feed him and then he sleeps until 8:30/9am. He's been staying up, but only until about 1pm and then he's exhausted. Usually he doesn't get his afternoon nap until 3pm, but that seems to be a thing of the past.
Yesterday he took his nap from 1pm-4:15pm and then stayed awake until about 8:30pm. During his awake hours, he was really cranky. Then he dozed off for about 20 minutes and we tried to get him off to bed around 10pm. It took him a while, but he finally fell back asleep around 10:30pm. This morning he woke up around 6:30am again, but it's Dave's day so I got to sleep in until 8am.
The Bubs is rolling over now. It's so funny to watch because he starts to roll, stays on his side for a bit and then ends up on his back. He grunts the entire time because he gets frustrated that he can't do it quickly. It's about 10:30am now and I just checked on him. He's in his Pack 'N Play, laying on his side, eyes wide open and mumbling to himself. He's not crying to get out because he doesn't see me. Any time Dave is taking care of him alone, he's real quiet. When I'm around, he has to interact and hates it when I leave the area, even for a few seconds. I honestly think Dave bores him, LOL!
Speaking of baby entertainment, I just bought Angelo's first "Baby Einstein" video. He watches it and I think gets into it, but only if I'm out of sight. I tried using the Bumbo for his comfort, however, he's trying to push himself out of it. I think the Bumbo days are officially over. So I lay a blanket down on the floor and put him on his stomach to watch the video and that seems to be working well. He still only lasts about 15-20 mins in one position.
Now Angelo can push his stomach off the floor for a few mins at a time. He is also trying to scoot and it's hilarious watching him. Poor Bubs gets so frustrated because he has places to go, but can't seem to get there! While trying to scoot, his legs start flailing and his little butt sticks way up in the air, LOL! He holds his head up for long periods during tummy time.
We are transitioning him to solids more consistently now. We have him on rice cereal and Gerber 1st foods once a week. I think we're going to increase it to 2-3 times a week soon. He LOVES the 1st foods. He's had green beans and bananas so far. Obviously, he prefers the bananas. Seeing his face with the green beans cracks me up. We're going to try carrots and hopefully he'll like that better so we can keep him on one thing for a while. I don't wanna mix things too much, too quickly.
Angelo's 4 month check-up with the doctor is next week. He's also getting his second round of shots. I'm excited because I'll get to see how much he's grown in the last 2 months. Bubs is now in size 2 diapers. We went to Sam's Club today hoping to find that size in bulk, but nooooo. They have every other size. That ticked me off pretty good today, plus I was hungry and I think going through the PMS. I'm on the pill and I don't feel a thing, so who knows. I have to go back to Walmart tomorrow and get his diapers and that kills me because I KNOW that I'll be spending more money than I would have if Sam's had what I needed. Damn!
As for me...
It looks like I've lost around 2 or 3 pounds, but I'm no so sure. I think I need to invest in a digital scale. My friend Nikki told me that she's noticed a bit of weight loss and some of my shirts and jeans are getting loose, thank GOD! I have the rest of the month to bust my ass before the scale humiliation at my next OB/GYN appointment. I have to go for my yearly PAP and have a post baby check-up. I'm also going to have a talk with Tiffany about my birth control pills. If I bleed on the placebos this month, then I will continue on the Kariva, if I bleed early, which I'm due any day now, then we'll have to make adjustments.
I put up my Christmas tree and decorations this past weekend. I decided to do it early because I'd like to actually enjoy the season this year. Usually I keep my decorations up until Spring, mostly because I'm lazy, but also because I always do stuff last minute. Not this year, yay! I'm going to have to do something with my office because I'm finding that I would rather stay upstairs by the tree instead of working there.
That's it for now. I'll be posting more pictures of the Bubs later on this week!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Teething Hell

13 weeks - trying to get out of the Bumbo already!

Bubs at 13 weeks
14 weeks - I FINALLY got a pic of Angelo's big smile!
Here he is, getting ready to chew on his hand again
Well folks, Angelo is now 14 weeks old and I've officially entered teething hell. That's right. He's drooling all over the place, chewing everything he can find and whining all the time. I bought him a teething ring, but he's not taking to it. He'd rather stick to his hands and the nipple from his bottle. Oh well. Every baby is different. The unfortunate thing about him teething at the moment is him waking up earlier. He usually sleeps from 10pm-8:30am, but lately he's been getting up anywhere from 4:30-6am, which sucks big time! His gums are really swollen, but he's not cutting any teeth just yet. Man, this could take a while. Poor 'lil Bubs!
The Bubs is adjusting to the time change. That's taken a few days, but it looks like we're getting back on track. I'm trying to keep his nap schedule the same for as long as I can. He's starting to grow out of the morning nap, but his afternoon time is still going strong. Thank God because I need to work at some point during the day and the afternoon is my best bet!
Dave and I were playing with him the other day and we saw him roll over, yay! It was really cute. When we put him down for "tummy time", he tries to scoot and gets real frustrated if he isn't moving. It's kind of funny to see him try. We are starting to stand him up, supporting his upper body and he can push his feet on the floor. He's really strong and loves it! He still isn't able to sit upright on his own though. I'm hoping that will start next month.
Angelo turns his head and follows me with his eyes whenever I'm walking around him. If someone else is holding him and I'm around, he stares at me with the "what the hell are you thinking allowing someone else to feed me" look. He's great with people he's familiar with, but once he hears my voice, all bets are off! LOL He loves when I sing my good morning and good afternoon songs. They're silly, yes, but it calms him down if he starts to get fussy.
Angelo is finally taking to his toys a bit. He loves this plush bug my friend Dawn gave me at my baby shower. It's in a couple of the pictures posted above. He grabs it all the time. He can now touch the ground completely while in his Jumperoo and is also messing with the toys on it. Dave's mom bought him this farm thing where he can push or kick it, then it plays music and makes the sounds of the animals. While on the floor, he's starting to push them on his own.
I've noticed that the Bubs is getting sick of his Bumbo chair now. I caught him trying to get out of it the other day. I think it may be too confining for him. He's also in the "carry me" phase and it's been real frustrating for me. We have this "strap-on the body" carrier (I don't know what they're called) and he's in love with it. So now I'm thinking that I should use it when I'm out shopping since he HATES his car seat carrier. He's getting way too big for it anyway, plus it's a pain in the ass to drag around these days. We're going to get him a convertible car seat soon. I think he'll like that much better. I can't wait for the day when he can sit in the shopping cart without tipping over.
Now, on to me...
I finally got my hair done, woo hoo! I feel like a whole new woman! Unfotunately it cost me an arm and a leg, but it was worth it. My friend Nikki and I went together and we were there for 4 hours. I got my hair cut, thinned and slightly highlighted.
No more weight loss for me in the last 2 weeks, but at least I'm not gaining. I'm going to give the pill a couple more months and if my body doesn't shape up then I'll consider going off of it and finding another method for birth control. The pill is wonderful in the sense that I don't feel anything during PMS or my menstral cycle, but now my periods are lasting about 10 days and I hate that. They are lighter though, but before baby, they only lasted about 4 days. It's turning into a huge inconvenience!
Okay, I think that's all for now. I'll see you guys next week and hopefully I'll have a lot to report!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Super Bubbas!

Getting ready to save the world!

The kids at their Nana and Poppy's house

Halle, Trenity and Caitlynn

Dave, me and Super Bubbas!
Angelo is now 13 weeks old. Some people are telling me that he's only 3 mos old today since he was born on the 30th, but I disagree. I gave birth to him on a Wednesday and that was 13 weeks ago, damnit! Anyway, he's around 14/15lbs and 24/25 inches long. I have to wait about another month before I get his official weight at his next doctor's appointment.
He's now sleeping from 10pm to about 8:30 or 9am. Once in a while he gets up early to eat and then goes right back to sleep. This is usually because he didn't finish his bottle the night before, which is fine since he passes right out. We still have him on 6 ounces of formula, but sometimes he goes to 8. Bubbas is taking about 3 naps a day now and I think that's because he's going through a growth spurt..God help me! We have him in 3-6 mos size clothes now since the 3 mos are just fitting him. One more week and that'll be finito!
Angelo's development is going well. He's still mimicking me and making very clear "O" and "AH" sounds. When he wants my attention, he yells "OHHHHH". It's hilarious! He's been a bit cranky lately and I think it's due to early teething. He's chewing on anything he can get his mouth on, especially clothes and burp cloths. I don't know what it is about that material, but he's all over that shit. LOL! He's drooling like mad and just loves it when I take his burp cloth and pat his lips. His eyes get wide and he gives me the most grand smile you'd ever see. Then he starts to laugh. Nuts, eh?
The Bubs has got the tummy time down. The minute I put him on his stomach he pushes himself up and looks around the room. I think he's hoping for something cool to happen, but no such luck. Sorry buddy! The only disturbing thing about his development is that he's rolling on to his back from his stomach at random times. Though I have him in a sleep positioner, which has been a life save (literally), I'm finding him in strange positions in the crib. He also does it in the Pack 'N Play. Once he's on his back, he wakes up and has a shit fit. "OMG, I'm on my back, I'M ON MY BACK! HELP!" I swear to God, that's exactly what he's thinking. He will only lay on his back if someone is hovering over and talking to him, otherwise, forget it!
Even though tomorrow is Halloween, the city in which I reside has a rule to do Trick or Treating the day before from 6-8pm. Unfortunately, it's a school night so it was absolute chaos when it was all over. Trenity went as Gabriella from High School Musical, Halle was Hannah Montana and Angelo was Superman! We couldn't find an infant Batman costume, but Dave was still happy. It was nice to have the best of both words, doing the girly stuff and the guy thing for Halloween. I'm so glad I had a boy because I'm terribly sick of PINK.
While I was in the middle of basking in my holiday joy, I started to think about my friend Dawn who lost her 4 week old son not too long ago. I feel so sad because I get to experience the baby's first everything and she doesn't. It makes me so honored and grateful to have these memories, not only with my son, but with the girls as well. I think I'll be in this mode for a while, especially during the holidays.
Yesterday we had to attend Parent-Teacher conferences for Trenity, who is now in the 2nd grade. Apparently she's improved a lot in the last couple of weeks, which makes us very happy. There's always room for improvement and we're right on top of that. She started doing tutoring sessions at one of the high schools and that is every Saturday. Dave takes her to that so I get a morning break from doing all the kiddie stuff, YAY!
Now on to me...
I don't believe I've lost any more weight, however, I'm avoiding the scale at the moment. I don't need to experience depression. I did buy a new pair of regular (not maternity) jeans a week ago and now they're way too big. That's either a great sign of weight loss or I was just a moron and bought the wrong size. I was so desperate to wear regular jeans that I didn't care if it's a nasty double digit size. So now I'm thinking that I need to just stick to my first pair of maternity jeans (which finally fit me again) until I can fit into my "skinny jeans".
Shirts are a pain in the ass. They don't carry any cute ones that work well with big busted bitches with rolls like myself. Nice. So I'm stuck with stuff that less than fashionable until I can get rid of a cup size. I so regret being too afraid to work out regularly while I was pregnant.
Now here's the great news. I'm getting my hair done on Saturday, FINALLY! I'm not too sure what I'm going to do with it yet, just that it'll be cut and highlighted. I can't take being frump mommy anymore. I'm not 30 until January and I refuse to look 40 so there. I'm gonna do it and I'm SO excited!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Angelo Is 3 Months Old, Holy Crap!

Angelo and Mommy - 3 mos later
Bubs smiling
Tomorrow marks 3 months since I gave birth to my beautiful son, Angelo. This whole experience for me has been a bit surreal. Next month is the anniversary of my positive pregnancy tests, LOL! Time flies and it's so unbelievable! Every day I think to myself, "Oh my God I'm a mother. I have a child. Wow, I sure am blessed."
To be honest, a year ago I wasn't saying those things or even thinking them. I was too busy dealing with the fact that I was falling in love, for real, with a divorced guy who has 2 children. I know it sounds silly, but for the type of person I was back then, it was a difficult adjustment. Then I found out I was pregnant and I swear it felt like I had absolutely NO control over my life at all. I went from being single, doing whatever I wanted and whenever to changing my lifestyle completely. Now I'm in love with motherhood and am responsible for raising a human life to be healthy and happy. My priorities are completely different, with Angelo being #1...forever. What a difference a year makes, eh?
Okay, so moving on to the Bubs...
I weighed myself then weighed Angelo and it looks like he's around 14/15lbs already. Damn, that child is eating like a pig and growing like a weed! His facial features are changing as well as his coloring. His eyes are clearly brown now. He has medium brown hair and his skin has gotten a lot lighter since birth. He's peeing like a champ too, leaking through his diapers like mad. I'm using Pampers Swadlers, which I found to be the best, but still there's leakage. I'm spending a lot more time doing laundry these days.
My bubs is smiling so much now and starting to laugh often. I'm waiting for the giggle still, though. He knows when I want to take a picture and plays games. He waits until the flashes go off and then shines me a big grin. He practically cheers when I say "Mama" and I just melt. He's really taking to his Jumperoo, however, he hates the music and quite frankly, so do I. We got the Fisher Price one with the jungle animals. He's playing with the toys on it and bouncing around since his feet can touch the carpet now. About 5 minutes after we turn on the music he makes it known to us that he's in hell, LOL.
Angelo has been a bit fussy lately when I leave the room for a second or put him down when he wants to play with me. He's very particular about having me around when other people are holding him. Although he's not a whiner, if someone else is feeding him or trying to play, he's checking the room to make sure I'm there. If I get up, he follows me by turning his head and once he makes eye contact, he stares me down. He doesn't cry when others hold him and that's a good thing. He can tell the difference between mommy/daddy, other family members and strangers now. He makes these confused faces when he's with someone he's not familiar with.
Finally, the bubs is drooling a lot and chewing on everything he can reach, even his clothes. It's so funny because he's chew on his collar, then realizes that it tastes like crap and makes the "eww gross" look. I'm waiting for him to start fussing because I swear he's teething. I'm praying that he's not too fussy though.
As for me...
I've lost 40 out of the 54 lbs I've gained during pregnancy. I only lost 5 lbs in the last 6 weeks, which is really disheartening. I think the pill has everything to do with that one and that pisses me off big time! I know I could probably work out a little harder, however, having an infant to care for makes it difficult. It seems like everytime I get into the work out, Angelo wakes up from his nap. Let's not forget that I'm self-employed so I'm trying get work done as well. I have 14lbs left before reaching my pre-preggo weight, but I've got another 20 to go before I get out of minor obesity. That's what I'm calling it these days because it's true.
I haven't been getting enough sleep because Angelo has been waking up an hour and a half early this past week. He hasn't been eating his entire bottle before bed so maybe he's just hungry. I'm going to focus on getting him back to his normal sleep schedule so I can get back to mine. Dave is on baby duty tomorrow morning so hopefully my body clock won't wake me up. I'm going to try and re-adjust that tonight.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
11 Week Old Bubbas!

His new thing: drooling and chewing

"I'm trying to smile for ya mommy, really!"

Tummy Time
Dave and I came back from our trip to West Virginia Sunday afternoon. We went white water rafting and camping. We had a great time, but were very sore from the excursion Saturday and Sunday. Leaving Angelo was hard for me at first, but I was okay once we got on the road. Dave's parents said that he was very good and got his afternoon naps in. I didn't have much trouble getting him back on schedule when we got home.
The bubs is now sleeping longer at night. He goes to bed around 10pm and is now waking up at 8:30am. I have to delay his morning nap an hour in order to adjust to his new night time schedule. His morning naps are becoming pretty inconsistent. Sometimes he sleeps for an hour and other times he goes for 2-4 hours. His afternoon naps are still the same, about 2-3 hours. I think he's going to start rejecting his morning naps soon.
I think Angelo is playing mind games with me, LOL! He knows what the camera is and doesn't smile until after the flash goes off. Man, I really want to show you guys how cute he can be. Maybe I'll get some good pictures after he turns 3 months, which is next week already! Bubs has a new habit, sticking his tongue out like crazy. I came home from my trip and that's what I got. I was only gone less than 2 days!
He's doing really well with tummy time these days. I can put him on the floor and he immediately pushes himself up without assistance. Maybe now he'll start getting into the play gym we got him. I've also noticed that Angelo is becoming pretty needy. He prefers human contact to toys, which I'm happy about. He still gets bored every 20 minutes or so, no matter what he's doing. I'm hoping that this human contact thing will give me the opportunity to teach him more stuff and perhaps develop his skills faster.
Bubs tries to pull himself up once we're done with a feeding so that he can sit upright. It's really cute! He likes to stand on my legs too now and he's really strong. It's funny because he stands on the tips of his toes. The other new development is his excessive urination. This child pees like a champ and is starting to leak through his diapers in less than an hour's time. He's soaking wet when he wakes up in the morning. I've had to do laundry a lot more this week, that's for sure!
Now, on to me...
I've been on the pill for almost 2 months now and I'm getting my periods a week earlier than I should. This worries me because I'm bleeding the week before I take the placebos, which is when I'm supposed to start. I wonder if I could get pregnant during that time, if something happens to the condom. Yes folks, I'm I'm using 2 methods of birth control because I definitely don't need to get pregnant again. I just want to enjoy my life the way it is. If we ever decide to have another child, we want it to be planned. I don't really see myself doing it again, even though my pregnancy and birth was flawless.
I've lost 40 out of the 54 pounds I gained while I was pregnant. I'm a little bummed because I have monthly goals and I'm not reaching them. I'm guessing the pill may have something to do with that. After I lose the preggo weight, I have 20 more to go in order to get back to the weight I was when Dave and I met. Our work-out equipment finally came last week and Dave's almost done putting the weight bench together. Our bike is done and I'm using that every day since it's getting colder outside and I can't take the bubs out.
Also, I'm noticing that I'm getting motivated again, YAY! I'm almost done with my home office. All I have to do is paint and decorate the walls. I think I'll start that project this Saturday since Dave will be able to watch the kids while I work. Next on my agenda is a new website for work. I'm very excited about it and I can't wait to get started!
That's all for now. I hope everyone is doing well and I wish you all a great recovery from the retrograde!
Friday, October 10, 2008
10 Weeks Old!
10/9/08 - Chillin' in the jumperoo
"Are we done here?"
"I'm too quick for your camera, haha!"
Talking to the toys
Angelo is 10 weeks old already, wow! He's a big boy, eating an easy 6 ounces of formula every feeding and rice cereal a few times a week. He doesn't go back to the doctor until November 19th, so next week I'm going to get on the scale with him again. I want to get an idea of how much he's grown since his last appointment.
My 'lil bubs is displaying quite the personality and loves to "talk". It's funny because he seems to be a morning guy, whereas Dave and I most certainly aren't morning people. He eats, gets a diaper change then wants to chat, LOL! He mumbles stuff only God understands, but it's cute anyway. I do, however, have him saying his "O's" clearly and when I say, "Mama", he smiles BIG and tries to form the "M" with his lips. I'm gonna get his to say it before "Dada" if it kills me, damnit!
He still gets bored every 20 minutes or so and still prefers to be in the upright position, unless he wants to sleep. Speaking of sleep, this child sure loves his! He takes morning and afternoon naps then goes to bed from 10pm to 7am. If he doesn't get his naps in he's a bit cranky, but then again, I'm that way too.
Dave and I are going away this weekend and it's the first time I have to leave Angelo with someone over night. This is really going to kill me, I'm sure. He's staying with Dave's parents, brother and sister-in-law from tonight until Sunday afternoon. I know he'll be just fine, but I'll be calling there fairly often. This will be the second trip Dave and I have taken (for fun) alone since we started dating. I spent the majority of our relationship being pregnant so this trip is definitely necessary.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Pictures - 9 Weeks - Bath Time!

Mommy and Angelo after the bath

I love this picture

His favorite part

Bubbas taking a bath at Grandma's house!
First time in the sink.
Scroll down for more pictures from MI and my 9 week update
Pictures - 9 Weeks

Trip to MI: Me, my sister Laura, my Niece Sienna and Angelo

Us plus my mom!

Mom being goofy with the bubs

Aunt Laura couldn't get enough of her nephew

Mom's bf Mike with the bubs
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Letting Go - 9 Weeks
I just got back from Michigan after attending a baby's funeral. My friend Dawn, who I wrote about back when I was about 21/22 weeks pregnant, lost her son Bradly on Friday, September 26th. He was only 4 weeks old. The showing was on Monday, the funeral was Tuesday and it was AWFUL. I am heartbroken for Dawn, Brian and their family.
We found out that he had a major issue back when she was 17 weeks pregnant, but had hope for his survival after he would have surgery and time in the NICU. He was born 4 weeks after Angelo and weighed 8lbs, 14 ounces. His surgery was a few days later and went well, however, he was stuck on ventilators the entire time. He passed away in his mother's arms 25 minutes after removing him from the machines. That was the only time she could hold her son.
I came back from Michigan on Wednesday very depressed. Every time I looked at Angelo I would tear up. I'm so grateful that my son is healthy and growing beautifully every day, but angry that my friend, who would've been an excellent mother to Bradly, was denied physical motherhood not once, but TWICE. She had a miscarriage at 9 weeks when she was married back in 2004. I'm angry because there are so many mothers out there who could care less about their children and treat them poorly. I had a friend who is like that and of course, she's no longer in my life. It makes me sick. I'm working on letting go of my pain and anger so that Angelo doesn't pick up on it.
Angelo is now 9 weeks old. He's the love of my life and I am making sure he knows it every day. He's getting so big and now he's wearing mostly 3 month size outfits. He can still wear some 0-3 mos, but only if they run big. He's still eating, farting and sleeping like a champ! He's also doing well in the mimicking department and he's got the "O's" down. I'm working on the "Ah's" now. He's smiling a lot, but I still can't get him to giggle enough.
My bubbas is eating rice cereal a few times a week and a 6 ounce bottle every couple of hours. My doctor told me that I can give him the cereal whenever I want, so I think I will increase it to once a day. I don't want to overwhelm his little digestive system with solids too quickly. He LOVES the cereal, man. It's funny to watch him eat it up.
The only problem we're having at this time is that Angelo doesn't like his car seat anymore. He is fine for the first 5-10 mins in the car, but starts screaming soon after. Once we get him out of it, he's a happy camper. I'm really bummed about that. My 4 hr drive (one way) to Michigan was hell. He only slept for 30 mins. I wish there was a way I could change that. I knew eventually I'd have an issue with something since he's been so perfect for 7 1/2 weeks.
Angelo's sleep schedule got messed up due to the trip and he wasn't able to take all his naps. He gets a morning nap around 9am-12pm, an afternoon nap from 2pm-4/5pm and goes to bed around 10pm then wakes up at 7am. He's been going to bed earlier since I came home and that was around 8:30/9pm and still slept until 7am. I'm hoping that he'll be back to his old ways tomorrow.
That's all for now. I'll be posting new pictures soon!
We found out that he had a major issue back when she was 17 weeks pregnant, but had hope for his survival after he would have surgery and time in the NICU. He was born 4 weeks after Angelo and weighed 8lbs, 14 ounces. His surgery was a few days later and went well, however, he was stuck on ventilators the entire time. He passed away in his mother's arms 25 minutes after removing him from the machines. That was the only time she could hold her son.
I came back from Michigan on Wednesday very depressed. Every time I looked at Angelo I would tear up. I'm so grateful that my son is healthy and growing beautifully every day, but angry that my friend, who would've been an excellent mother to Bradly, was denied physical motherhood not once, but TWICE. She had a miscarriage at 9 weeks when she was married back in 2004. I'm angry because there are so many mothers out there who could care less about their children and treat them poorly. I had a friend who is like that and of course, she's no longer in my life. It makes me sick. I'm working on letting go of my pain and anger so that Angelo doesn't pick up on it.
Angelo is now 9 weeks old. He's the love of my life and I am making sure he knows it every day. He's getting so big and now he's wearing mostly 3 month size outfits. He can still wear some 0-3 mos, but only if they run big. He's still eating, farting and sleeping like a champ! He's also doing well in the mimicking department and he's got the "O's" down. I'm working on the "Ah's" now. He's smiling a lot, but I still can't get him to giggle enough.
My bubbas is eating rice cereal a few times a week and a 6 ounce bottle every couple of hours. My doctor told me that I can give him the cereal whenever I want, so I think I will increase it to once a day. I don't want to overwhelm his little digestive system with solids too quickly. He LOVES the cereal, man. It's funny to watch him eat it up.
The only problem we're having at this time is that Angelo doesn't like his car seat anymore. He is fine for the first 5-10 mins in the car, but starts screaming soon after. Once we get him out of it, he's a happy camper. I'm really bummed about that. My 4 hr drive (one way) to Michigan was hell. He only slept for 30 mins. I wish there was a way I could change that. I knew eventually I'd have an issue with something since he's been so perfect for 7 1/2 weeks.
Angelo's sleep schedule got messed up due to the trip and he wasn't able to take all his naps. He gets a morning nap around 9am-12pm, an afternoon nap from 2pm-4/5pm and goes to bed around 10pm then wakes up at 7am. He's been going to bed earlier since I came home and that was around 8:30/9pm and still slept until 7am. I'm hoping that he'll be back to his old ways tomorrow.
That's all for now. I'll be posting new pictures soon!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Pictures - 8 weeks

"Whoah..look at the blue froggy!"

"I love this jumperoo thingy!"

Angelo and his teddy

Nerdy mommy and the bubs

Trenity trying to make Angelo laugh

First thing in the morning
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Bubs Is 8 Weeks Old!
Angelo is now 8 weeks old today and I can’t believe it! He’s getting so big, it’s not even funny. Dave and I took him to the doctor for his shots and 2 month check-up. He only cried when the nurse gave the shots and was calm almost immediately. He weighed in at 12 pounds, 4 ounces and 24.5 inches long. The doctor told us that we can give him rice cereal whenever we want as long as he continues to eat properly, meaning no choking or barfing it up. Due to Angelo being in the 97th percentile for weight and length, coupled with his need to eat A LOT, we’ll probably have him on solids sooner than most children his age, which is fine by me.
I had to buy the bubs a few new items of clothing, even though my sister is bringing me some this weekend when she comes to visit. I can only get 0-3 months if it runs big because he’s wearing 3 months consistently now. Isn’t that something? What a monster child I’m going to have, LOL! I still can’t believe I pushed him out without getting cut or ripping on the outside. I think about that and go, “Damn. First it’s the miracle pregnancy and then it was the easiest birth known to man…what’s next? Oh wait! I have the most easy going baby on Earth!” His doctor even commented on that one and he‘s not the only one.
It’s days like these that make me so thankful to have the life I do. Motherhood for me has been like a dream so far. I hear many stories about mothers who have to deal with their babies’ colic, restlessness, rage and other sorted problems. I haven’t seen one thing to be worried about with Angelo. Dave’s mom had told me while I was pregnant that you can tell what a child will be like when he gets older by observing how he is in the womb and as a baby. So I guess Angelo will be just like Dave. All he will care about is food, farting, sleep and not disturbing the peace.
Our doctor confirmed what I had believed all along about children and their behavior. It’s either in their DNA, their environment or a little of both. Since both Dave and I are pretty relaxed and easy going most of the time, our child was born with that personality. Our relationship is really fun and stable so hopefully Angelo will pick up on that and react favorably. Unfortunately we’re not good at keeping the house clean and organized all the time so we may have a lazy bum on our hands when it comes to that stuff, LOL. I communicate well and Dave is a great listener so hopefully the bubs will be both. I’m looking forward to finding that out.
Angelo is making great progress in the mimicking department. I get right up in his face and do the “O” and “AH” sounds, then he does it right back. It’s so friggen adorable to see him trying with all his might to get his lips the right way and make the sound. I’m trying to get him to recognize his name, but he only answers to Bubbas, LOL. That’s my fault. I’ll say something like, “Bubbas, Mama’s Bubbas” then he turns his head and makes clear eye contact with me. When I repeat “Mama”, he smiles big. Anytime I say his name, he looks at me like I’m nuts. He responds well to my vowel song too. “A-E-I-O-UUUUUUU!“ Don’t ask me why I decided to do that one because I couldn’t tell you. It just came out of my mouth one day.
That’s about it for the bubs. I should have new 8 week pictures in the next few days. Dave and I are still purging the house of unnecessary crap. He’s already ordered our work-out equipment and he’s trying to get that room ready. I bought a few things to help me shed this unwanted baby fat so wish me luck. 20 more pounds to go before I hit my pre-pregnancy weight!
I had to buy the bubs a few new items of clothing, even though my sister is bringing me some this weekend when she comes to visit. I can only get 0-3 months if it runs big because he’s wearing 3 months consistently now. Isn’t that something? What a monster child I’m going to have, LOL! I still can’t believe I pushed him out without getting cut or ripping on the outside. I think about that and go, “Damn. First it’s the miracle pregnancy and then it was the easiest birth known to man…what’s next? Oh wait! I have the most easy going baby on Earth!” His doctor even commented on that one and he‘s not the only one.
It’s days like these that make me so thankful to have the life I do. Motherhood for me has been like a dream so far. I hear many stories about mothers who have to deal with their babies’ colic, restlessness, rage and other sorted problems. I haven’t seen one thing to be worried about with Angelo. Dave’s mom had told me while I was pregnant that you can tell what a child will be like when he gets older by observing how he is in the womb and as a baby. So I guess Angelo will be just like Dave. All he will care about is food, farting, sleep and not disturbing the peace.
Our doctor confirmed what I had believed all along about children and their behavior. It’s either in their DNA, their environment or a little of both. Since both Dave and I are pretty relaxed and easy going most of the time, our child was born with that personality. Our relationship is really fun and stable so hopefully Angelo will pick up on that and react favorably. Unfortunately we’re not good at keeping the house clean and organized all the time so we may have a lazy bum on our hands when it comes to that stuff, LOL. I communicate well and Dave is a great listener so hopefully the bubs will be both. I’m looking forward to finding that out.
Angelo is making great progress in the mimicking department. I get right up in his face and do the “O” and “AH” sounds, then he does it right back. It’s so friggen adorable to see him trying with all his might to get his lips the right way and make the sound. I’m trying to get him to recognize his name, but he only answers to Bubbas, LOL. That’s my fault. I’ll say something like, “Bubbas, Mama’s Bubbas” then he turns his head and makes clear eye contact with me. When I repeat “Mama”, he smiles big. Anytime I say his name, he looks at me like I’m nuts. He responds well to my vowel song too. “A-E-I-O-UUUUUUU!“ Don’t ask me why I decided to do that one because I couldn’t tell you. It just came out of my mouth one day.
That’s about it for the bubs. I should have new 8 week pictures in the next few days. Dave and I are still purging the house of unnecessary crap. He’s already ordered our work-out equipment and he’s trying to get that room ready. I bought a few things to help me shed this unwanted baby fat so wish me luck. 20 more pounds to go before I hit my pre-pregnancy weight!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Germ Fest
So Angelo will be 8 weeks on Wednesday and he's got a cold. I'm thinking that Halle (the 4 yr old) was sick and she didn't wash her hands as she slimed all over my 'lil bubs. Yes that sounds gross, but that's how kids are. Now I'm sick and I haven't been able to work for a few days, which really bums me out. Angelo has a doctor's appointment for routine shots and now I have to consult him about how to take care of the bubs if his cold gets worse. I'm not giving him anything right now because I don't believe in meds unless it's really necessary. He doesn't have a fever or anything, but has been sleeping A LOT.
The bubs is getting pretty big now. I can't wait to find out how much he's grown and how much weighs. I've got him wearing some 0-3 months outfits, but mostly he's in a solid 3 months. Can you believe that? He's been smiling a lot more now when I speak to him. It's adorable and I love this part of being a mommy SO much! He's been using his jumperoo more lately. He's pretty long and can touch the carpet. It would be a little better for him if he were wider, but it's not time for that yet. The Bumbo chair is still going strong for Angelo...he loves it! That thing has turned out to be a lifesaver for me. When he gets bored and I need to be in my office in the basement, I can have him with me and he's happy.
His sleep schedule is going very well. He usually goes to bed around 10pm and wakes up at 7am. Then he takes his morning nap from 9am to about 11:30am/12pm. He gets another nap around 2 and usually wakes up around 4 or 5pm, depending on his morning nap or if he was disturbed at that time. With him being sick, he hasn't been getting his daytime naps in like normal. He'll take a bunch of cat naps, but still sleeps well at night and doesn't wake up at all.
Angelo is still eating 6 ounces of formula consistently with 1 ounce snacks in between. I'm going to ask my doctor about feeding him rice cereal at night more to give him an alternative and keep him happy. The bubs goes absolutely nuts (in a good way) when he sees that spoon coming in his direction. It's really funny. He's hungriest the most at night so we need to do something about that.
As for me, I feel fatter than ever! I'm not losing any more weight and it's really bothering me. I'm also bloated a bit due to being on my period. My symptoms were almost non-existant. That and it's been a pretty light flow. This cycle has been very pleasant for me. I used to get the worst PMS known to man and my period wasn't much better. The cramps I would get were the same strength as my contractions while being in labor. Isn't that something? I'm hoping it's the pill that's making this happen for me. If not, then perhaps giving birth changed things. As long as it stays this way, I'm going to be golden and beaming with joy.
I'm still working on purging my home of unnecessary crap. It's taking a while. Dave just ordered some work-out equipment and that should be arriving at our doorstep this week. Woo Hoo! He got a bike so I plan to use that every single day. It's more convenient for me anyway since we cleared out the girls' playroom and have transformed the area to suit our needs...YES! Dave also ordered a weight bench, but I'm not sure how often I'll be using that. I need to get a yoga mat or something because the carpet in my office and the work-out room isn't plush.
Anyway, I hope you're all doing well.
The bubs is getting pretty big now. I can't wait to find out how much he's grown and how much weighs. I've got him wearing some 0-3 months outfits, but mostly he's in a solid 3 months. Can you believe that? He's been smiling a lot more now when I speak to him. It's adorable and I love this part of being a mommy SO much! He's been using his jumperoo more lately. He's pretty long and can touch the carpet. It would be a little better for him if he were wider, but it's not time for that yet. The Bumbo chair is still going strong for Angelo...he loves it! That thing has turned out to be a lifesaver for me. When he gets bored and I need to be in my office in the basement, I can have him with me and he's happy.
His sleep schedule is going very well. He usually goes to bed around 10pm and wakes up at 7am. Then he takes his morning nap from 9am to about 11:30am/12pm. He gets another nap around 2 and usually wakes up around 4 or 5pm, depending on his morning nap or if he was disturbed at that time. With him being sick, he hasn't been getting his daytime naps in like normal. He'll take a bunch of cat naps, but still sleeps well at night and doesn't wake up at all.
Angelo is still eating 6 ounces of formula consistently with 1 ounce snacks in between. I'm going to ask my doctor about feeding him rice cereal at night more to give him an alternative and keep him happy. The bubs goes absolutely nuts (in a good way) when he sees that spoon coming in his direction. It's really funny. He's hungriest the most at night so we need to do something about that.
As for me, I feel fatter than ever! I'm not losing any more weight and it's really bothering me. I'm also bloated a bit due to being on my period. My symptoms were almost non-existant. That and it's been a pretty light flow. This cycle has been very pleasant for me. I used to get the worst PMS known to man and my period wasn't much better. The cramps I would get were the same strength as my contractions while being in labor. Isn't that something? I'm hoping it's the pill that's making this happen for me. If not, then perhaps giving birth changed things. As long as it stays this way, I'm going to be golden and beaming with joy.
I'm still working on purging my home of unnecessary crap. It's taking a while. Dave just ordered some work-out equipment and that should be arriving at our doorstep this week. Woo Hoo! He got a bike so I plan to use that every single day. It's more convenient for me anyway since we cleared out the girls' playroom and have transformed the area to suit our needs...YES! Dave also ordered a weight bench, but I'm not sure how often I'll be using that. I need to get a yoga mat or something because the carpet in my office and the work-out room isn't plush.
Anyway, I hope you're all doing well.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
7 Weeks - Pictures
7 weeks- "Wow weeeee!"
"Whoah, what a trip! This is sweet!"
"I love my new jumperoo"
"WTF is going on? I want attention, damnit!"
He's wearing a 3 month outfit in these pictures. The 7 weeks update blog has been posted. Scroll down.
7 Weeks - Life Is Grand
My 'lil bubs is 7 weeks old today, wow. Almost 2 months. It's amazing how time flies. I say this in almost every blog, but it's very very true! Angelo is smiling a lot more now and starting to mimick my facial expressions. Every time I make a noise, he tries to make the same one. It's sooo cute! This part of being a mommy is so special to me.
He's getting a little picky about being in the car seat now. A couple of days ago, Dave's mom and I went to visit his sister an hour away and he wasn't having it. Then this morning I put him in the stroller and he wasn't feeling that either. Hmph! I can tell that Angelo's legs are getting stronger. When I'm holding him, he tries to stand up on my legs and he can keep them straight for a few seconds. He pushes his feet down on my legs HARD.
We lost power in our home this past Sunday and just got it back consistently today. I had to stay at the in laws' house for the last few days and Angelo seemed out of sorts. He hasn't been taking his daytime naps due to the strange environment, but is catching up now. Nothing like sleeping in your own crib, eh bubs? I thought so. Due to the power outage, I had to have him sleep in the bassinet next to me since we couldn't use the video monitor. I was quite surprised that he actually slept throughout the night in that thing. I think he was really tired though.
As for me, I swear I've started my first period since being pregnant. I was getting dark, brownish blood (sorry if TMI) and I wasn't sure if this was really IT. I have most of the symptoms, minus the cramps right now. I'm on the pill so it got delayed by about 3 weeks. It's very strange and different from what I remember, but I think that's due to the pill and birth. My PMS hasn't been nearly as severe as it used to be. I'll know for sure how my body is reacting to the pill by next month, but so far, so good and I can't believe I never tried it before!! Although, had I been on the pill, that leaky condom wouldn't have produced Angelo and for that, I'm grateful.
Now for the "I Feel Pretty" update...
I went and got an eye exam then bought new glasses and contact lenses. Now I don't have to be 4 eyes every day. My hair is dyed, so no more gray, yay! Dave and I cleaned out the girls' playroom and are going to turn it into a workout room. It's going to be sweet. I changed my home office and I have a few more design things to take care of, then it'll be finished.
I'm doing great with my to-do list for September and I'm finding the time to work more. That's been a real source of pain and unhappiness for me lately. I asked Dave to help me out and he is...thank God! My job used to be my it's Angelo, but I need my job to make his life great. I'm really motivated and standing up for what I want at home. No more doing things that aren't my responsibility and no more doing all the work. This is going to work out for me, I can feel it!
Dave has signed up for mixed martial arts classes and he's getting his butt kicked hard. He goes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. I have him take Halle with him on Thursday so that I'm not stuck with 2 children who will fight all night long. Plus that gives the girls alone time with each of us. It's been working out well so far.
One of the goals I have listed for the month of October is finding a new sport, hobby or club I can join. I'm going to the annual Universal Light Expo next month and I'm going to try to find more spiritual centers in my area. The one I've been going to is way too far of a drive since I've moved into this home.
He's getting a little picky about being in the car seat now. A couple of days ago, Dave's mom and I went to visit his sister an hour away and he wasn't having it. Then this morning I put him in the stroller and he wasn't feeling that either. Hmph! I can tell that Angelo's legs are getting stronger. When I'm holding him, he tries to stand up on my legs and he can keep them straight for a few seconds. He pushes his feet down on my legs HARD.
We lost power in our home this past Sunday and just got it back consistently today. I had to stay at the in laws' house for the last few days and Angelo seemed out of sorts. He hasn't been taking his daytime naps due to the strange environment, but is catching up now. Nothing like sleeping in your own crib, eh bubs? I thought so. Due to the power outage, I had to have him sleep in the bassinet next to me since we couldn't use the video monitor. I was quite surprised that he actually slept throughout the night in that thing. I think he was really tired though.
As for me, I swear I've started my first period since being pregnant. I was getting dark, brownish blood (sorry if TMI) and I wasn't sure if this was really IT. I have most of the symptoms, minus the cramps right now. I'm on the pill so it got delayed by about 3 weeks. It's very strange and different from what I remember, but I think that's due to the pill and birth. My PMS hasn't been nearly as severe as it used to be. I'll know for sure how my body is reacting to the pill by next month, but so far, so good and I can't believe I never tried it before!! Although, had I been on the pill, that leaky condom wouldn't have produced Angelo and for that, I'm grateful.
Now for the "I Feel Pretty" update...
I went and got an eye exam then bought new glasses and contact lenses. Now I don't have to be 4 eyes every day. My hair is dyed, so no more gray, yay! Dave and I cleaned out the girls' playroom and are going to turn it into a workout room. It's going to be sweet. I changed my home office and I have a few more design things to take care of, then it'll be finished.
I'm doing great with my to-do list for September and I'm finding the time to work more. That's been a real source of pain and unhappiness for me lately. I asked Dave to help me out and he is...thank God! My job used to be my it's Angelo, but I need my job to make his life great. I'm really motivated and standing up for what I want at home. No more doing things that aren't my responsibility and no more doing all the work. This is going to work out for me, I can feel it!
Dave has signed up for mixed martial arts classes and he's getting his butt kicked hard. He goes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. I have him take Halle with him on Thursday so that I'm not stuck with 2 children who will fight all night long. Plus that gives the girls alone time with each of us. It's been working out well so far.
One of the goals I have listed for the month of October is finding a new sport, hobby or club I can join. I'm going to the annual Universal Light Expo next month and I'm going to try to find more spiritual centers in my area. The one I've been going to is way too far of a drive since I've moved into this home.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
More Pictures!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Picture Time Again - 5 & 6 Weeks
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