Angelo and I by the Christmas stuff!

The Bubs taking a snooze on daddy. Nice pajama pants, eh?
The Bubs taking a snooze on daddy. Nice pajama pants, eh?
Angelo is now 15 weeks old and so much is going on.
First of all, his sleep schedule has gotten so messed up and I have no idea why. He's been waking up around 6:30am every day now and I'm guessing it's due to him having a diaper loaded with urine. Yes, he's still peeing like a champ! It's either that or he's waking up due to hunger. So I get up at 6:30am, change his diaper, feed him and then he sleeps until 8:30/9am. He's been staying up, but only until about 1pm and then he's exhausted. Usually he doesn't get his afternoon nap until 3pm, but that seems to be a thing of the past.
Yesterday he took his nap from 1pm-4:15pm and then stayed awake until about 8:30pm. During his awake hours, he was really cranky. Then he dozed off for about 20 minutes and we tried to get him off to bed around 10pm. It took him a while, but he finally fell back asleep around 10:30pm. This morning he woke up around 6:30am again, but it's Dave's day so I got to sleep in until 8am.
The Bubs is rolling over now. It's so funny to watch because he starts to roll, stays on his side for a bit and then ends up on his back. He grunts the entire time because he gets frustrated that he can't do it quickly. It's about 10:30am now and I just checked on him. He's in his Pack 'N Play, laying on his side, eyes wide open and mumbling to himself. He's not crying to get out because he doesn't see me. Any time Dave is taking care of him alone, he's real quiet. When I'm around, he has to interact and hates it when I leave the area, even for a few seconds. I honestly think Dave bores him, LOL!
Speaking of baby entertainment, I just bought Angelo's first "Baby Einstein" video. He watches it and I think gets into it, but only if I'm out of sight. I tried using the Bumbo for his comfort, however, he's trying to push himself out of it. I think the Bumbo days are officially over. So I lay a blanket down on the floor and put him on his stomach to watch the video and that seems to be working well. He still only lasts about 15-20 mins in one position.
Now Angelo can push his stomach off the floor for a few mins at a time. He is also trying to scoot and it's hilarious watching him. Poor Bubs gets so frustrated because he has places to go, but can't seem to get there! While trying to scoot, his legs start flailing and his little butt sticks way up in the air, LOL! He holds his head up for long periods during tummy time.
We are transitioning him to solids more consistently now. We have him on rice cereal and Gerber 1st foods once a week. I think we're going to increase it to 2-3 times a week soon. He LOVES the 1st foods. He's had green beans and bananas so far. Obviously, he prefers the bananas. Seeing his face with the green beans cracks me up. We're going to try carrots and hopefully he'll like that better so we can keep him on one thing for a while. I don't wanna mix things too much, too quickly.
Angelo's 4 month check-up with the doctor is next week. He's also getting his second round of shots. I'm excited because I'll get to see how much he's grown in the last 2 months. Bubs is now in size 2 diapers. We went to Sam's Club today hoping to find that size in bulk, but nooooo. They have every other size. That ticked me off pretty good today, plus I was hungry and I think going through the PMS. I'm on the pill and I don't feel a thing, so who knows. I have to go back to Walmart tomorrow and get his diapers and that kills me because I KNOW that I'll be spending more money than I would have if Sam's had what I needed. Damn!
As for me...
It looks like I've lost around 2 or 3 pounds, but I'm no so sure. I think I need to invest in a digital scale. My friend Nikki told me that she's noticed a bit of weight loss and some of my shirts and jeans are getting loose, thank GOD! I have the rest of the month to bust my ass before the scale humiliation at my next OB/GYN appointment. I have to go for my yearly PAP and have a post baby check-up. I'm also going to have a talk with Tiffany about my birth control pills. If I bleed on the placebos this month, then I will continue on the Kariva, if I bleed early, which I'm due any day now, then we'll have to make adjustments.
I put up my Christmas tree and decorations this past weekend. I decided to do it early because I'd like to actually enjoy the season this year. Usually I keep my decorations up until Spring, mostly because I'm lazy, but also because I always do stuff last minute. Not this year, yay! I'm going to have to do something with my office because I'm finding that I would rather stay upstairs by the tree instead of working there.
That's it for now. I'll be posting more pictures of the Bubs later on this week!
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