Angelo is almost 20 weeks old! That puts him just shy of 5 months. I remember when I was 20 weeks pregnant and that's when I received confirmation that my baby was indeed a boy. It's been a year and 3 weeks since I found out I was pregnant and a year since my first ultrasound. The Bubs wasn't a bubs, he was just a little grain of rice. Isn't it amazing how quickly they grow in and out of the womb? I got on the scale with Angelo today. He's 19 pounds and in size 3 diapers. His 2's didn't even last a whole month!
Angelo is eating about 8 ounces of formula per feeding and we're trying to transition him to solids. Like I said before, our doctor told us he needed to be on solids twice a day, but the Bubs isn't allowing it yet. He's been real cranky due to teething and I can't feed him when he's upset. We're going to try and get him consistent with his rice cereal every night first and then get him on his fruit in the mornings. He is very good with eating the solids when he wants to, though. His tongue reflex is gone and he swallows without a problem.
A couple of weeks ago the Bubs found his hands and now he's found his ears. It's so cute to see him grabbing them and the look of wonder on his face is absolutely priceless. He's only able to roll over from his tummy, but not his back at this time. He bounces like crazy in his Jumperoo and I think we'll be able to put it on the #2 setting soon.
His "O's" are super clear now. It's so awesome! Today, after 4 months of me pounding it into his head (not literally, of course!) he put out a big "MMMMMM" to try and say "Mama". I'm so excited because I know he's going to just blurt it out soon. I caught Dave going behind my back, trying to teach Angelo "Dada" last night and I ran right in there to stop the madness, LOL! This child will say "Mama" first, if it kills me!
Unfortunately Angelo is still waking up in the middle of the night for some reason and we can't figure out why. He slept throughout the night from the very beginning and now I feel like I've got a 2 week old baby on my hands. He must be going through a lot of changes right now. What's odd though is that yesterday he was really tired. It's as if his two naps weren't enough, but I couldn't let him have a third or else he won't fall asleep well. Last week Dave came down with a cold and passed it along to the Bubs. My poor baby is snotting all over the place, but he's getting better. This could also be part of the reason he's not been sleeping through the night lately.
Now, on to me...
Dave and I went on this 10-day diet in effort to lose some of our "congratulations, you just had a baby" weight. He lost 14 lbs and I lost 2. That really sucks, but I guess I should be happy because something is better than nothing. I decided that dieting doesn't work for me so I'm going back to just eating healthy and working out. When I'm supposed to lose the weight, I will.
We're going to Michigan for Christmas #1 and we're bringing all 3 kids. I just hope we have enough room in the car for all our stuff. My sister is lending us some of her baby stuff so we don't have to bring all of Angelo's crap with us. Laura she just found out that she's pregnant with baby #2 and she'll be due about a week after Angelo's first birthday. Dave and I are going to try and get Angelo to meet Santa this Wednesday, if we can muster up some time. I really want to get a picture of his first time with the Claus.
By the way, the pictures in this entry were taken this past Saturday at the Wild Lights exhibit at the Columbus Zoo.
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