My 'lil bubs is 7 weeks old today, wow. Almost 2 months. It's amazing how time flies. I say this in almost every blog, but it's very very true! Angelo is smiling a lot more now and starting to mimick my facial expressions. Every time I make a noise, he tries to make the same one. It's sooo cute! This part of being a mommy is so special to me.
He's getting a little picky about being in the car seat now. A couple of days ago, Dave's mom and I went to visit his sister an hour away and he wasn't having it. Then this morning I put him in the stroller and he wasn't feeling that either. Hmph! I can tell that Angelo's legs are getting stronger. When I'm holding him, he tries to stand up on my legs and he can keep them straight for a few seconds. He pushes his feet down on my legs HARD.
We lost power in our home this past Sunday and just got it back consistently today. I had to stay at the in laws' house for the last few days and Angelo seemed out of sorts. He hasn't been taking his daytime naps due to the strange environment, but is catching up now. Nothing like sleeping in your own crib, eh bubs? I thought so. Due to the power outage, I had to have him sleep in the bassinet next to me since we couldn't use the video monitor. I was quite surprised that he actually slept throughout the night in that thing. I think he was really tired though.
As for me, I swear I've started my first period since being pregnant. I was getting dark, brownish blood (sorry if TMI) and I wasn't sure if this was really IT. I have most of the symptoms, minus the cramps right now. I'm on the pill so it got delayed by about 3 weeks. It's very strange and different from what I remember, but I think that's due to the pill and birth. My PMS hasn't been nearly as severe as it used to be. I'll know for sure how my body is reacting to the pill by next month, but so far, so good and I can't believe I never tried it before!! Although, had I been on the pill, that leaky condom wouldn't have produced Angelo and for that, I'm grateful.
Now for the "I Feel Pretty" update...
I went and got an eye exam then bought new glasses and contact lenses. Now I don't have to be 4 eyes every day. My hair is dyed, so no more gray, yay! Dave and I cleaned out the girls' playroom and are going to turn it into a workout room. It's going to be sweet. I changed my home office and I have a few more design things to take care of, then it'll be finished.
I'm doing great with my to-do list for September and I'm finding the time to work more. That's been a real source of pain and unhappiness for me lately. I asked Dave to help me out and he is...thank God! My job used to be my it's Angelo, but I need my job to make his life great. I'm really motivated and standing up for what I want at home. No more doing things that aren't my responsibility and no more doing all the work. This is going to work out for me, I can feel it!
Dave has signed up for mixed martial arts classes and he's getting his butt kicked hard. He goes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. I have him take Halle with him on Thursday so that I'm not stuck with 2 children who will fight all night long. Plus that gives the girls alone time with each of us. It's been working out well so far.
One of the goals I have listed for the month of October is finding a new sport, hobby or club I can join. I'm going to the annual Universal Light Expo next month and I'm going to try to find more spiritual centers in my area. The one I've been going to is way too far of a drive since I've moved into this home.
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