His new thing: drooling and chewing

"I'm trying to smile for ya mommy, really!"

Tummy Time
Dave and I came back from our trip to West Virginia Sunday afternoon. We went white water rafting and camping. We had a great time, but were very sore from the excursion Saturday and Sunday. Leaving Angelo was hard for me at first, but I was okay once we got on the road. Dave's parents said that he was very good and got his afternoon naps in. I didn't have much trouble getting him back on schedule when we got home.
The bubs is now sleeping longer at night. He goes to bed around 10pm and is now waking up at 8:30am. I have to delay his morning nap an hour in order to adjust to his new night time schedule. His morning naps are becoming pretty inconsistent. Sometimes he sleeps for an hour and other times he goes for 2-4 hours. His afternoon naps are still the same, about 2-3 hours. I think he's going to start rejecting his morning naps soon.
I think Angelo is playing mind games with me, LOL! He knows what the camera is and doesn't smile until after the flash goes off. Man, I really want to show you guys how cute he can be. Maybe I'll get some good pictures after he turns 3 months, which is next week already! Bubs has a new habit, sticking his tongue out like crazy. I came home from my trip and that's what I got. I was only gone less than 2 days!
He's doing really well with tummy time these days. I can put him on the floor and he immediately pushes himself up without assistance. Maybe now he'll start getting into the play gym we got him. I've also noticed that Angelo is becoming pretty needy. He prefers human contact to toys, which I'm happy about. He still gets bored every 20 minutes or so, no matter what he's doing. I'm hoping that this human contact thing will give me the opportunity to teach him more stuff and perhaps develop his skills faster.
Bubs tries to pull himself up once we're done with a feeding so that he can sit upright. It's really cute! He likes to stand on my legs too now and he's really strong. It's funny because he stands on the tips of his toes. The other new development is his excessive urination. This child pees like a champ and is starting to leak through his diapers in less than an hour's time. He's soaking wet when he wakes up in the morning. I've had to do laundry a lot more this week, that's for sure!
Now, on to me...
I've been on the pill for almost 2 months now and I'm getting my periods a week earlier than I should. This worries me because I'm bleeding the week before I take the placebos, which is when I'm supposed to start. I wonder if I could get pregnant during that time, if something happens to the condom. Yes folks, I'm I'm using 2 methods of birth control because I definitely don't need to get pregnant again. I just want to enjoy my life the way it is. If we ever decide to have another child, we want it to be planned. I don't really see myself doing it again, even though my pregnancy and birth was flawless.
I've lost 40 out of the 54 pounds I gained while I was pregnant. I'm a little bummed because I have monthly goals and I'm not reaching them. I'm guessing the pill may have something to do with that. After I lose the preggo weight, I have 20 more to go in order to get back to the weight I was when Dave and I met. Our work-out equipment finally came last week and Dave's almost done putting the weight bench together. Our bike is done and I'm using that every day since it's getting colder outside and I can't take the bubs out.
Also, I'm noticing that I'm getting motivated again, YAY! I'm almost done with my home office. All I have to do is paint and decorate the walls. I think I'll start that project this Saturday since Dave will be able to watch the kids while I work. Next on my agenda is a new website for work. I'm very excited about it and I can't wait to get started!
That's all for now. I hope everyone is doing well and I wish you all a great recovery from the retrograde!
1 comment:
Congrats on your weight loss! :) I'm sure the rest will melt off shortly. You are doing wonderful!
As for the pill, it generally takes a body 3-4 months to adjust to the new hormonal schedule so just hang in there. If you continue to bleed one week prior to placebo beyond that point, I'd try another pill. Sometimes the estrogen-androgen combo is completely off for what your body needs.
I've changed my pill 3 times in the past 11 years... I'm grateful that the universe not only has an endless supply of love and support, but that it also a spectrum of birth control pill varieties :D LOL
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