13 weeks - trying to get out of the Bumbo already!

Bubs at 13 weeks
14 weeks - I FINALLY got a pic of Angelo's big smile!
Here he is, getting ready to chew on his hand again
Well folks, Angelo is now 14 weeks old and I've officially entered teething hell. That's right. He's drooling all over the place, chewing everything he can find and whining all the time. I bought him a teething ring, but he's not taking to it. He'd rather stick to his hands and the nipple from his bottle. Oh well. Every baby is different. The unfortunate thing about him teething at the moment is him waking up earlier. He usually sleeps from 10pm-8:30am, but lately he's been getting up anywhere from 4:30-6am, which sucks big time! His gums are really swollen, but he's not cutting any teeth just yet. Man, this could take a while. Poor 'lil Bubs!
The Bubs is adjusting to the time change. That's taken a few days, but it looks like we're getting back on track. I'm trying to keep his nap schedule the same for as long as I can. He's starting to grow out of the morning nap, but his afternoon time is still going strong. Thank God because I need to work at some point during the day and the afternoon is my best bet!
Dave and I were playing with him the other day and we saw him roll over, yay! It was really cute. When we put him down for "tummy time", he tries to scoot and gets real frustrated if he isn't moving. It's kind of funny to see him try. We are starting to stand him up, supporting his upper body and he can push his feet on the floor. He's really strong and loves it! He still isn't able to sit upright on his own though. I'm hoping that will start next month.
Angelo turns his head and follows me with his eyes whenever I'm walking around him. If someone else is holding him and I'm around, he stares at me with the "what the hell are you thinking allowing someone else to feed me" look. He's great with people he's familiar with, but once he hears my voice, all bets are off! LOL He loves when I sing my good morning and good afternoon songs. They're silly, yes, but it calms him down if he starts to get fussy.
Angelo is finally taking to his toys a bit. He loves this plush bug my friend Dawn gave me at my baby shower. It's in a couple of the pictures posted above. He grabs it all the time. He can now touch the ground completely while in his Jumperoo and is also messing with the toys on it. Dave's mom bought him this farm thing where he can push or kick it, then it plays music and makes the sounds of the animals. While on the floor, he's starting to push them on his own.
I've noticed that the Bubs is getting sick of his Bumbo chair now. I caught him trying to get out of it the other day. I think it may be too confining for him. He's also in the "carry me" phase and it's been real frustrating for me. We have this "strap-on the body" carrier (I don't know what they're called) and he's in love with it. So now I'm thinking that I should use it when I'm out shopping since he HATES his car seat carrier. He's getting way too big for it anyway, plus it's a pain in the ass to drag around these days. We're going to get him a convertible car seat soon. I think he'll like that much better. I can't wait for the day when he can sit in the shopping cart without tipping over.
Now, on to me...
I finally got my hair done, woo hoo! I feel like a whole new woman! Unfotunately it cost me an arm and a leg, but it was worth it. My friend Nikki and I went together and we were there for 4 hours. I got my hair cut, thinned and slightly highlighted.
No more weight loss for me in the last 2 weeks, but at least I'm not gaining. I'm going to give the pill a couple more months and if my body doesn't shape up then I'll consider going off of it and finding another method for birth control. The pill is wonderful in the sense that I don't feel anything during PMS or my menstral cycle, but now my periods are lasting about 10 days and I hate that. They are lighter though, but before baby, they only lasted about 4 days. It's turning into a huge inconvenience!
Okay, I think that's all for now. I'll see you guys next week and hopefully I'll have a lot to report!
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