17 weeks - Bouncing in the Jumperoo
17 weeks - After rolling over
16 weeks- "Look Mommy, I found my hands!"
Hey everyone! Sorry I missed last week's update. I've been extremely busy due to Thanksgiving and having to watch the girls while Dave was at work. I've also been working my ass off because I ran a sale, but now that it's over, I have some time to get caught up on the updates.
Angelo will be 18 weeks old tomorrow and is doing really well. He is getting fussy a lot and that's due to him teething. The drool in unbelievable and he's chewing on every little thing he gets his hands on. We've been using Baby Orajel and although he hates the taste, I think it's working for him a bit.
He's back to sleeping throughout the night and is going to bed a bit earlier these days. The poor 'lil guy is just exhausted by 9:30pm and clunks out on us. He is still moving around a lot in his sleep, but isn't rolling on to his back anymore. He may start that up again, who knows, but for now it's looking pretty good. I had to remove the bumper from the crib because he was pulling it over his head and getting caught in it.
Now I'm finding his arms hanging out of the crib when he wakes in the morning. That freaks me out, but no damage has been done. The Bubs has been waking up pretty happy lately too! I'll hear him mumbling to himself. I go in there to start our day and he's pushed his chest up and looking around for me. Then I start singing my "Good morning to you" song and he flashes me a series of beautiful smiles that just melt my heart. I'm going to leave my camera on his dresser for those moments.
I think the holiday spoiled him a bit because everyone was holding him and now he wants Dave and I to do the same thing ALL the time. It's so exhausting! Angelo is getting better with playing by himself in the Jumperoo while his video is on. He'll watch it twice in a row and then he's done. He's finally taken to the swing as well. I had him in it the other day and he fell asleep. I have to replace the batteries in his bouncy seat and I'm going to see if he likes that now.
I think I said it before, but he's a lot happier in the car now. When we're stopped at the light, however, he gets fussy, LOL! I think our trip to Michigan at Christmas will be very different this time because we're taking the freeway, the girls will be with us and he'll probably get more sleep. Last time he screamed bloody murder the whole way, to and from which killed me! It was absolutely AWFUL.
My 'lil Bubs is full of smiles these days, which makes me very happy. He laughs a lot more now too. He's doing some funny things as well. When it's time for a diaper change, he puts his legs up and pushes his butt up. When it's time for a bottle, he opens his mouth then tries to grab it. When he's done eating, he tries to push himself into a sitting position, but he hasn't been able to get there yet. I try to pull him up to make him sit, but he just stands up like a board, LOL. So from laying on his back to standing, nice.
It looks like I'm getting Angelo back to his regular nap schedule and that has been comforting. I'm pretty sure he's going through a growth spurt and clearly needs his rest.
Now, on to me!
Things are crazy in my house. I'm so glad I got my Christmas decorations up early this year. I started my Christmas shopping last week and I'm hoping to be done with most of it by the end of next week. We're going to Michigan from the 19th-21st, which is NOT enough time, but I can't stay longer because we're bringing Dave's girls with us. I think I'm going to go back in January because there are a lot of people I need to see and they haven't met Angelo yet. He'll be six months old by the time I can make that happen, sheesh!
I lost 2 more pounds, but that's not enough so Dave and I are starting a 10-day diet that my mother suggested. My first day is today so we'll see how it goes. I still have the "baby belly" in a major way. I thought most of it would be gone by now, but nope! I also still have that dark line on my stomach and I thought that would've faded by now, but nope! I was taking a bath the other day and thought, "My God, I still look pregnant! This is ridiculous."
Now that Angelo is 4 1/2 months old, I feel like I've finally got it together in the motherhood department. The biggest concern I had was my work and down time schedule. I think that things are beginning to balance out now and that will decrease my stress, which I've needed in the worst way.
That's about it for now. I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!
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