Getting ready to save the world!

The kids at their Nana and Poppy's house

Halle, Trenity and Caitlynn

Dave, me and Super Bubbas!
Angelo is now 13 weeks old. Some people are telling me that he's only 3 mos old today since he was born on the 30th, but I disagree. I gave birth to him on a Wednesday and that was 13 weeks ago, damnit! Anyway, he's around 14/15lbs and 24/25 inches long. I have to wait about another month before I get his official weight at his next doctor's appointment.
He's now sleeping from 10pm to about 8:30 or 9am. Once in a while he gets up early to eat and then goes right back to sleep. This is usually because he didn't finish his bottle the night before, which is fine since he passes right out. We still have him on 6 ounces of formula, but sometimes he goes to 8. Bubbas is taking about 3 naps a day now and I think that's because he's going through a growth spurt..God help me! We have him in 3-6 mos size clothes now since the 3 mos are just fitting him. One more week and that'll be finito!
Angelo's development is going well. He's still mimicking me and making very clear "O" and "AH" sounds. When he wants my attention, he yells "OHHHHH". It's hilarious! He's been a bit cranky lately and I think it's due to early teething. He's chewing on anything he can get his mouth on, especially clothes and burp cloths. I don't know what it is about that material, but he's all over that shit. LOL! He's drooling like mad and just loves it when I take his burp cloth and pat his lips. His eyes get wide and he gives me the most grand smile you'd ever see. Then he starts to laugh. Nuts, eh?
The Bubs has got the tummy time down. The minute I put him on his stomach he pushes himself up and looks around the room. I think he's hoping for something cool to happen, but no such luck. Sorry buddy! The only disturbing thing about his development is that he's rolling on to his back from his stomach at random times. Though I have him in a sleep positioner, which has been a life save (literally), I'm finding him in strange positions in the crib. He also does it in the Pack 'N Play. Once he's on his back, he wakes up and has a shit fit. "OMG, I'm on my back, I'M ON MY BACK! HELP!" I swear to God, that's exactly what he's thinking. He will only lay on his back if someone is hovering over and talking to him, otherwise, forget it!
Even though tomorrow is Halloween, the city in which I reside has a rule to do Trick or Treating the day before from 6-8pm. Unfortunately, it's a school night so it was absolute chaos when it was all over. Trenity went as Gabriella from High School Musical, Halle was Hannah Montana and Angelo was Superman! We couldn't find an infant Batman costume, but Dave was still happy. It was nice to have the best of both words, doing the girly stuff and the guy thing for Halloween. I'm so glad I had a boy because I'm terribly sick of PINK.
While I was in the middle of basking in my holiday joy, I started to think about my friend Dawn who lost her 4 week old son not too long ago. I feel so sad because I get to experience the baby's first everything and she doesn't. It makes me so honored and grateful to have these memories, not only with my son, but with the girls as well. I think I'll be in this mode for a while, especially during the holidays.
Yesterday we had to attend Parent-Teacher conferences for Trenity, who is now in the 2nd grade. Apparently she's improved a lot in the last couple of weeks, which makes us very happy. There's always room for improvement and we're right on top of that. She started doing tutoring sessions at one of the high schools and that is every Saturday. Dave takes her to that so I get a morning break from doing all the kiddie stuff, YAY!
Now on to me...
I don't believe I've lost any more weight, however, I'm avoiding the scale at the moment. I don't need to experience depression. I did buy a new pair of regular (not maternity) jeans a week ago and now they're way too big. That's either a great sign of weight loss or I was just a moron and bought the wrong size. I was so desperate to wear regular jeans that I didn't care if it's a nasty double digit size. So now I'm thinking that I need to just stick to my first pair of maternity jeans (which finally fit me again) until I can fit into my "skinny jeans".
Shirts are a pain in the ass. They don't carry any cute ones that work well with big busted bitches with rolls like myself. Nice. So I'm stuck with stuff that less than fashionable until I can get rid of a cup size. I so regret being too afraid to work out regularly while I was pregnant.
Now here's the great news. I'm getting my hair done on Saturday, FINALLY! I'm not too sure what I'm going to do with it yet, just that it'll be cut and highlighted. I can't take being frump mommy anymore. I'm not 30 until January and I refuse to look 40 so there. I'm gonna do it and I'm SO excited!
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