Thursday, August 21, 2008

3 Weeks Old, 3 Weeks To Go!

Angelo is now 3 weeks old and I have 3 weeks until I can have sex again. I know that sounds stupid coming from someone who just had a baby and was pregnant for 10 months, but Dave has been a little too hot to handle lately. It's like the minute I gave birth he was ready to go and quite honestly, so was I.

My post baby check-up is a week from tomorrow. I've decided that I'm going to use the pill and condoms (yes, together) as my methods of birth control. I have to do everything in my power to make sure I do NOT get pregnant again. I've never been on the pill before so I'm hoping that my body will react favorably. I'm really hoping that it makes my pms and periods much easier to deal with since it always seems to knock me on my ass.

I feel like I'm still recovering nicely, except that I'm really stressed out having 3 kids in my house. School starts again on Monday so that'll be my salvation. Our schedule with the girls changes again. Instead of getting them Tuesday through Saturday, we have them Wednesday after school through Saturday. I love the girls, but this schedule will give me a much needed break. This past week Dave has been on vacation and he kept the girls home so I haven't had much privacy. That's been killing me. I could barely function yesterday because I was SO exhausted.

As for my physical self, well that's going great. My libido is back in full force, which is also killing me, lol. No more inflammation, but I can still feel those damn stitches! I'm guessing these aren't the kind that dissolve, unless it takes longer than 3 1/2 weeks. I'm still bleeding, but very little and it's starting to change color, woo hoo! I'm so not looking forward to my first real period though, ugh. My boobs feel just fine, but are still big for my taste. Dave isn't complaining though.

I still have a bit of a tummy and I can't wait until that goes away. I've lost 30 lbs since giving birth, yay for Cristin! I'm sticking to my real food diet and completely resisting temptation. I've replaced ice cream with caramel rice cake snacks. Dave is looking for a replacement for cookies, but hasn't found anything yet. I've also cut down my smoking again. I think having the baby around really helps since I refuse to smoke anywhere near him, including the car. I don't have as much time as I did before so I can't get outside to smoke as much. Now I'm under a half pack per day, which is amazing for me. I started this journey out at 2 packs a day, damn.

I took the clan with me to Angelo's second doctor's appointment on Wednesday and he's doing really well. He's still 22 inches long, but now he weighs 9lbs, 12 ounces. They told me that he's in the 90th percentile for size. He gets some shots done at the end of September and I'm not looking forward to that. His sleeping habits are mad crazy. Some days he's wide awake most of the time and other days he's dead to the world unless I wake him up. At night he's been consistently waking up twice for food. The last couple of nights he's woken up once and sleeping until 7 and 8am. It's been really nice.

Now football is starting and Dave wants me to dress Angelo up in his Chicago Bears gear for all the games, lol, and only the pre-season games are on right now! Clearly having a boy excites him. It's really cute to watch, actually. I'm just thrilled that I don't have to buy any pink. God, I HATE that color! Sorry, it's just that the girls always show up to my house in pink and that drives me absolutely insane.

I cleaned most of my house today and I finally went through all the paperwork that's been piling up. My God that was pure craziness. Most of the crap laying around my house belongs to Dave and the girls. I decided to let everyone know that this isn't a hotel and I'm not a maid. Man, I sound just like my mother. Go figure. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I went from a complete slob to a normal mother who just wants to organization and cleanliness at home. Keep in mind, I still have strange hormones running wild through my body.

Anyway, that's it for now. I should have new pictures of my little man pretty soon. I just need to catch him while his eye are wide open.

'Til next time,

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