Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Restless Preggo

Week 34

Today is the last day of week 34. Only 5 more weeks to go! Like I said in the last entry, our household has been crazy busy with a little drama to boot. We’ve had the girls since last Tuesday night and are returning them to their mother tonight. I love them dearly, but I’m so excited to finally have a 3 day break!

I had my 34 week check-up yesterday. All is well. I’m measuring right on target and I only gained ½ a pound in 2 weeks. My midwife is certain that it’s all baby weight at this point. She checked the little guy’s position and he’s face up again, however, she told me not to worry about it until week 38, when they check my cervix. If he’s still breech at that point I only have 2 options. 1- Have an epidural and allow the doctor to try and turn him or 2- Get a C-Section.

Then I’m informed that I have to take a vaginal and rectal Strep test. I have to use the same cotton swab for both areas and stick it up where the sun doesn’t shine. Nice eh? The midwife told me that if it comes up positive, not to worry because I’ve always had it and they’ll treat me during labor with antibiotics so the baby doesn’t get it. My last bi-weekly appointment is July 3rd and then I go weekly. I’ll be almost 37 weeks at that time.

I sent my papers in to the hospital so now I’m pre-registered. All I have to do is show up. I’m going to give them a call this week so that I can take a tour of the maternity facility. I want to know exactly where to park and everything so that I’m not in a panic for Labor Day. I’ll have to start thinking about what to put in my childbirth bag soon. The only pressing issue I have to take care of is some insurance stuff. I need to make sure that what I need to be covered during the birthing process will be covered.

I haven’t been able to sleep much at all, with the exception of one 3-hour nap yesterday. I’ve been waking up around 5am sharp every morning this past week. Today it was 4:30am. A few days ago I also noticed that my uterus has popped up a little. I feel absolutely HUGE. I feel like the baby is resting on my diaphram now and it’s getting really difficult to breathe properly when changing positions on the couch or in bed. If I’m not standing, I’m very uncomfortable. The midwife also informed me that it’s only going to get worse from here on out. That made Dave cringe a little, lol.

So I guess that’s it for now. I’m going to enjoy my time off with Dave and my clients! I need to get back to work so I can feel whole again.

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