Thursday, May 8, 2008

28 Weeks Update

I called the automated test results hotline at my OB office and found out that my Gestational Diabetes test came back normal. Sweet! That's one less thing I have to worry about. I'm hearing that having an Epidural is not fully covered by most insurance companies so now I have to check my provider. That's really frustrating because I don't have a lot of money just laying around for that shit. I'm not even convinced that I will go that route, but I want the option.

I'm really stressed out right now. Gas prices are through the roof and I have to save up so that I can make the trip to Michigan for my first baby shower. My home life is turning into a cluster fuck from hell and the the great results of my nesting phase went to shit once the girls came here on Wednesday. Their behavior was the equivalent to caged animals being set free in a strange environment and it hasn't stopped since they got here. I'm not getting much help from Dave and I swear I'm about to blow my stack so instead, I'm just locking myself up so that I don't start screaming bloody murder.

Sorry for the negativity. I'm just pissed off right now and the best way for me to release this stuff is to write about it.

Happy Mother's Day to all the fabulous mommy's and expected mothers-to-be! I hope you guys have a very relaxing day.

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