Angelo turned 16 weeks old this past Wednesday. He went to the doctor for his 4 month check-up and shots. He weighed in at 16 lbs, 1 ounce and he's 25 inches long, which is exactly what I thought he'd be. He's average for his weight and length and I'm just fine with that. The doctor told us that he needs to be on solids twice a day now, but Angelo isn't taking to it just yet. I'm going to let Angelo guide me as I have been and I think that will make for a smooth transition. Right now he's eating 6-8 ounces of formula about 5 times a day and taking solids about once a day.
Bubbas can roll over from his stomach to both sides and is doing this in his sleep still. He's been waking up in the middle of the night, anywhere from 3:30-6:30am still. He slept until 8 a couple of mornings this week though. I'm trying to get him on a better nap schedule during the day and it's trial and error at the moment. If he's not ready to go down, he'll flip over to his back and cry for a bit. He's been falling asleep on my chest the last couple of days and I think it's due to the residual effects of the shots.
Dave bought the Bubs a few new outfits and a booster seat so he can sit with us at dinner time. That seems to be working out quite well. I feel like we don't have enough clothes for his age, but that's probably because he's constantly leaking through them and spitting up. I'm still doing laundry like mad crazy and I've accepted that it won't end until he's old enough to do his own.
Angelo is still reacting poorly to his car seat, but has grown out of screaming while in the car. He falls asleep when we're driving and that's been wonderful! I can't wait until he can sit up on his own so I won't have to drag the carrier around everywhere I go. He is still showing a great interest in the Baby Einstein video I bought him. I hear him whining when it's over and then he needs something else to do. It's kind of funny.
That's about it for the Bubs. Now on to me...
This is placebo week for me with "the pill" and I started my period. Yay! This means that my body has taken to it and everything seems to be on track. I'm going to make my OB/GYN appointment for next month and get my prescription for a year.
I bought a digital scale this week because I want to know my actual weight. There's an interpretation error with the one I have. I did get confirmation that I've lost 3 pounds, so I'm glad about that. I still have a long way to go, but I'm starting to get motivated again. I'm taking the time to cook more now and I think that will help keep my family healthy. Dave is a bit of a challenge since he's not into veggies and practically LIVES on pizza.
Right now I'm working on a natural body detox because my physical energy level is quite low. I'm drinking a lot more water and organic tea, but I can't seem to give up my coffee just yet. I have to get rid of my fatty coffee creamer and go back to soy. I'm also going to stop eating so much red meat. That stuff just plugs me up. I went Vegetarian for about a year the last time I was over weight and I lost 40 lbs, but I'm not quite ready for that type of change. My eating habits are awful. I have been skipping breakfast and only eating a small lunch and normal dinner so that's got to change now.
My household has been upside down and chaotic for a while and I'm working on a new plan. I changed the girls' chore day to Fridays and I'm doing a massive sweep for the rest of the house. One room a day and then we can all maintain it better. Dave and I haven't had a lot of time to do stuff so I'm going to come up with a way to change that as well.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
15 Week Update

Angelo and I by the Christmas stuff!

The Bubs taking a snooze on daddy. Nice pajama pants, eh?
The Bubs taking a snooze on daddy. Nice pajama pants, eh?
Angelo is now 15 weeks old and so much is going on.
First of all, his sleep schedule has gotten so messed up and I have no idea why. He's been waking up around 6:30am every day now and I'm guessing it's due to him having a diaper loaded with urine. Yes, he's still peeing like a champ! It's either that or he's waking up due to hunger. So I get up at 6:30am, change his diaper, feed him and then he sleeps until 8:30/9am. He's been staying up, but only until about 1pm and then he's exhausted. Usually he doesn't get his afternoon nap until 3pm, but that seems to be a thing of the past.
Yesterday he took his nap from 1pm-4:15pm and then stayed awake until about 8:30pm. During his awake hours, he was really cranky. Then he dozed off for about 20 minutes and we tried to get him off to bed around 10pm. It took him a while, but he finally fell back asleep around 10:30pm. This morning he woke up around 6:30am again, but it's Dave's day so I got to sleep in until 8am.
The Bubs is rolling over now. It's so funny to watch because he starts to roll, stays on his side for a bit and then ends up on his back. He grunts the entire time because he gets frustrated that he can't do it quickly. It's about 10:30am now and I just checked on him. He's in his Pack 'N Play, laying on his side, eyes wide open and mumbling to himself. He's not crying to get out because he doesn't see me. Any time Dave is taking care of him alone, he's real quiet. When I'm around, he has to interact and hates it when I leave the area, even for a few seconds. I honestly think Dave bores him, LOL!
Speaking of baby entertainment, I just bought Angelo's first "Baby Einstein" video. He watches it and I think gets into it, but only if I'm out of sight. I tried using the Bumbo for his comfort, however, he's trying to push himself out of it. I think the Bumbo days are officially over. So I lay a blanket down on the floor and put him on his stomach to watch the video and that seems to be working well. He still only lasts about 15-20 mins in one position.
Now Angelo can push his stomach off the floor for a few mins at a time. He is also trying to scoot and it's hilarious watching him. Poor Bubs gets so frustrated because he has places to go, but can't seem to get there! While trying to scoot, his legs start flailing and his little butt sticks way up in the air, LOL! He holds his head up for long periods during tummy time.
We are transitioning him to solids more consistently now. We have him on rice cereal and Gerber 1st foods once a week. I think we're going to increase it to 2-3 times a week soon. He LOVES the 1st foods. He's had green beans and bananas so far. Obviously, he prefers the bananas. Seeing his face with the green beans cracks me up. We're going to try carrots and hopefully he'll like that better so we can keep him on one thing for a while. I don't wanna mix things too much, too quickly.
Angelo's 4 month check-up with the doctor is next week. He's also getting his second round of shots. I'm excited because I'll get to see how much he's grown in the last 2 months. Bubs is now in size 2 diapers. We went to Sam's Club today hoping to find that size in bulk, but nooooo. They have every other size. That ticked me off pretty good today, plus I was hungry and I think going through the PMS. I'm on the pill and I don't feel a thing, so who knows. I have to go back to Walmart tomorrow and get his diapers and that kills me because I KNOW that I'll be spending more money than I would have if Sam's had what I needed. Damn!
As for me...
It looks like I've lost around 2 or 3 pounds, but I'm no so sure. I think I need to invest in a digital scale. My friend Nikki told me that she's noticed a bit of weight loss and some of my shirts and jeans are getting loose, thank GOD! I have the rest of the month to bust my ass before the scale humiliation at my next OB/GYN appointment. I have to go for my yearly PAP and have a post baby check-up. I'm also going to have a talk with Tiffany about my birth control pills. If I bleed on the placebos this month, then I will continue on the Kariva, if I bleed early, which I'm due any day now, then we'll have to make adjustments.
I put up my Christmas tree and decorations this past weekend. I decided to do it early because I'd like to actually enjoy the season this year. Usually I keep my decorations up until Spring, mostly because I'm lazy, but also because I always do stuff last minute. Not this year, yay! I'm going to have to do something with my office because I'm finding that I would rather stay upstairs by the tree instead of working there.
That's it for now. I'll be posting more pictures of the Bubs later on this week!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Teething Hell

13 weeks - trying to get out of the Bumbo already!

Bubs at 13 weeks
14 weeks - I FINALLY got a pic of Angelo's big smile!
Here he is, getting ready to chew on his hand again
Well folks, Angelo is now 14 weeks old and I've officially entered teething hell. That's right. He's drooling all over the place, chewing everything he can find and whining all the time. I bought him a teething ring, but he's not taking to it. He'd rather stick to his hands and the nipple from his bottle. Oh well. Every baby is different. The unfortunate thing about him teething at the moment is him waking up earlier. He usually sleeps from 10pm-8:30am, but lately he's been getting up anywhere from 4:30-6am, which sucks big time! His gums are really swollen, but he's not cutting any teeth just yet. Man, this could take a while. Poor 'lil Bubs!
The Bubs is adjusting to the time change. That's taken a few days, but it looks like we're getting back on track. I'm trying to keep his nap schedule the same for as long as I can. He's starting to grow out of the morning nap, but his afternoon time is still going strong. Thank God because I need to work at some point during the day and the afternoon is my best bet!
Dave and I were playing with him the other day and we saw him roll over, yay! It was really cute. When we put him down for "tummy time", he tries to scoot and gets real frustrated if he isn't moving. It's kind of funny to see him try. We are starting to stand him up, supporting his upper body and he can push his feet on the floor. He's really strong and loves it! He still isn't able to sit upright on his own though. I'm hoping that will start next month.
Angelo turns his head and follows me with his eyes whenever I'm walking around him. If someone else is holding him and I'm around, he stares at me with the "what the hell are you thinking allowing someone else to feed me" look. He's great with people he's familiar with, but once he hears my voice, all bets are off! LOL He loves when I sing my good morning and good afternoon songs. They're silly, yes, but it calms him down if he starts to get fussy.
Angelo is finally taking to his toys a bit. He loves this plush bug my friend Dawn gave me at my baby shower. It's in a couple of the pictures posted above. He grabs it all the time. He can now touch the ground completely while in his Jumperoo and is also messing with the toys on it. Dave's mom bought him this farm thing where he can push or kick it, then it plays music and makes the sounds of the animals. While on the floor, he's starting to push them on his own.
I've noticed that the Bubs is getting sick of his Bumbo chair now. I caught him trying to get out of it the other day. I think it may be too confining for him. He's also in the "carry me" phase and it's been real frustrating for me. We have this "strap-on the body" carrier (I don't know what they're called) and he's in love with it. So now I'm thinking that I should use it when I'm out shopping since he HATES his car seat carrier. He's getting way too big for it anyway, plus it's a pain in the ass to drag around these days. We're going to get him a convertible car seat soon. I think he'll like that much better. I can't wait for the day when he can sit in the shopping cart without tipping over.
Now, on to me...
I finally got my hair done, woo hoo! I feel like a whole new woman! Unfotunately it cost me an arm and a leg, but it was worth it. My friend Nikki and I went together and we were there for 4 hours. I got my hair cut, thinned and slightly highlighted.
No more weight loss for me in the last 2 weeks, but at least I'm not gaining. I'm going to give the pill a couple more months and if my body doesn't shape up then I'll consider going off of it and finding another method for birth control. The pill is wonderful in the sense that I don't feel anything during PMS or my menstral cycle, but now my periods are lasting about 10 days and I hate that. They are lighter though, but before baby, they only lasted about 4 days. It's turning into a huge inconvenience!
Okay, I think that's all for now. I'll see you guys next week and hopefully I'll have a lot to report!
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