The "stop taking pictures of me, damnit!" face
My ‘lil bubs is doing great. His diaper rash is almost gone and bowel movements are back to normal. There’s still a bit of baby acne going on, but that should be gone soon. He’s been able to lift his head for weeks, but now he can hold it up for a long time without much support. I posted pictures of this in the last entry, just scroll down to see.
It’s funny to see my baby trying to scoot. He gets real frustrated when he can’t move the way he wants. He’s also starting to smile often and no, it’s not gas…yippee! It’s so damn cute. I just wish I could get good pictures of his many faces. The “smile“, the “I’m pushing out a poop” and the “stop taking pictures of me, damnit!” are my favorites.
Dave put bubs in the “big boy bather” last night. He reacted much better, no crying. We used to put him on a newborn sponge thing, but that keeps him flat on his back and he hates it. I thought he was too little for the bather and it wasn’t soft enough, but I guess I was wrong. Now bath time will be a lot easier for us and better for the bubs.
Angelo is more visually aware of his surroundings. He’s finally taking to the swing and staring up at the mobile attached to it. He still gets bored fairly easily though so we can only keep him in the swing for about 30 minutes or less. I met my friend Nikki’s friend who works as a maternity nurse at children’s hospital in Columbus the other night. She was testing Angelo’s reflexes and giving me all sorts of useful information. She said that he can tell me apart from everyone else due to my “scent” and shape. He can also see in color now. Black, white and red.
Dave and I are getting a lot more sleep now. Last night was the best ever! We put Angelo to bed at 10:30pm, he woke up at 5am and I woke him up at 9am for a feeding and diaper change. He was starting to stir a bit anyway. Speaking of feedings, my bubs takes 5-6 ounces of formula per feeding now. Sometimes he’ll go for 4 ounces, takes a break and uses the last 2 ounces as a snack.
Post Partum Recovery:
For the last week, my digestive system has been acting up. I’ve been a bit uncomfortable and experiencing the need to use the restroom often, but I’m not sick. I started my birth control pills on Sunday, but I had my tummy issues before that. I think my body is back to rejecting red meat. I only craved it during my pregnancy, so it’s back to the basics for me.
I’m done with the bleeding for good now and everything down there appears to be normal. The stitches aren’t bothering me either, which is great. I’m taking power walks and going to start my other excersize routine this week. I’m also revamping my diet and going to spend a lot more time at Whole Foods, like I used to. I’ve lost 32 lbs, but I still have a ways to go..
I’m doing pretty well emotionally, with the exception of dealing with household chores and everyone’s crap laying around. I’m making adjustments to the chores and rules so that I don’t lose my mind. I’ve given up a lot of the stuff I’ve taken on that wasn’t my responsibility and that’s helped me a great deal. Changing standards that was set ages ago takes time to be consistent. Wish me luck!
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