Angelo is now 8 weeks old today and I can’t believe it! He’s getting so big, it’s not even funny. Dave and I took him to the doctor for his shots and 2 month check-up. He only cried when the nurse gave the shots and was calm almost immediately. He weighed in at 12 pounds, 4 ounces and 24.5 inches long. The doctor told us that we can give him rice cereal whenever we want as long as he continues to eat properly, meaning no choking or barfing it up. Due to Angelo being in the 97th percentile for weight and length, coupled with his need to eat A LOT, we’ll probably have him on solids sooner than most children his age, which is fine by me.
I had to buy the bubs a few new items of clothing, even though my sister is bringing me some this weekend when she comes to visit. I can only get 0-3 months if it runs big because he’s wearing 3 months consistently now. Isn’t that something? What a monster child I’m going to have, LOL! I still can’t believe I pushed him out without getting cut or ripping on the outside. I think about that and go, “Damn. First it’s the miracle pregnancy and then it was the easiest birth known to man…what’s next? Oh wait! I have the most easy going baby on Earth!” His doctor even commented on that one and he‘s not the only one.
It’s days like these that make me so thankful to have the life I do. Motherhood for me has been like a dream so far. I hear many stories about mothers who have to deal with their babies’ colic, restlessness, rage and other sorted problems. I haven’t seen one thing to be worried about with Angelo. Dave’s mom had told me while I was pregnant that you can tell what a child will be like when he gets older by observing how he is in the womb and as a baby. So I guess Angelo will be just like Dave. All he will care about is food, farting, sleep and not disturbing the peace.
Our doctor confirmed what I had believed all along about children and their behavior. It’s either in their DNA, their environment or a little of both. Since both Dave and I are pretty relaxed and easy going most of the time, our child was born with that personality. Our relationship is really fun and stable so hopefully Angelo will pick up on that and react favorably. Unfortunately we’re not good at keeping the house clean and organized all the time so we may have a lazy bum on our hands when it comes to that stuff, LOL. I communicate well and Dave is a great listener so hopefully the bubs will be both. I’m looking forward to finding that out.
Angelo is making great progress in the mimicking department. I get right up in his face and do the “O” and “AH” sounds, then he does it right back. It’s so friggen adorable to see him trying with all his might to get his lips the right way and make the sound. I’m trying to get him to recognize his name, but he only answers to Bubbas, LOL. That’s my fault. I’ll say something like, “Bubbas, Mama’s Bubbas” then he turns his head and makes clear eye contact with me. When I repeat “Mama”, he smiles big. Anytime I say his name, he looks at me like I’m nuts. He responds well to my vowel song too. “A-E-I-O-UUUUUUU!“ Don’t ask me why I decided to do that one because I couldn’t tell you. It just came out of my mouth one day.
That’s about it for the bubs. I should have new 8 week pictures in the next few days. Dave and I are still purging the house of unnecessary crap. He’s already ordered our work-out equipment and he’s trying to get that room ready. I bought a few things to help me shed this unwanted baby fat so wish me luck. 20 more pounds to go before I hit my pre-pregnancy weight!
So Angelo will be 8 weeks on Wednesday and he's got a cold. I'm thinking that Halle (the 4 yr old) was sick and she didn't wash her hands as she slimed all over my 'lil bubs. Yes that sounds gross, but that's how kids are. Now I'm sick and I haven't been able to work for a few days, which really bums me out. Angelo has a doctor's appointment for routine shots and now I have to consult him about how to take care of the bubs if his cold gets worse. I'm not giving him anything right now because I don't believe in meds unless it's really necessary. He doesn't have a fever or anything, but has been sleeping A LOT.
The bubs is getting pretty big now. I can't wait to find out how much he's grown and how much weighs. I've got him wearing some 0-3 months outfits, but mostly he's in a solid 3 months. Can you believe that? He's been smiling a lot more now when I speak to him. It's adorable and I love this part of being a mommy SO much! He's been using his jumperoo more lately. He's pretty long and can touch the carpet. It would be a little better for him if he were wider, but it's not time for that yet. The Bumbo chair is still going strong for Angelo...he loves it! That thing has turned out to be a lifesaver for me. When he gets bored and I need to be in my office in the basement, I can have him with me and he's happy.
His sleep schedule is going very well. He usually goes to bed around 10pm and wakes up at 7am. Then he takes his morning nap from 9am to about 11:30am/12pm. He gets another nap around 2 and usually wakes up around 4 or 5pm, depending on his morning nap or if he was disturbed at that time. With him being sick, he hasn't been getting his daytime naps in like normal. He'll take a bunch of cat naps, but still sleeps well at night and doesn't wake up at all.
Angelo is still eating 6 ounces of formula consistently with 1 ounce snacks in between. I'm going to ask my doctor about feeding him rice cereal at night more to give him an alternative and keep him happy. The bubs goes absolutely nuts (in a good way) when he sees that spoon coming in his direction. It's really funny. He's hungriest the most at night so we need to do something about that.
As for me, I feel fatter than ever! I'm not losing any more weight and it's really bothering me. I'm also bloated a bit due to being on my period. My symptoms were almost non-existant. That and it's been a pretty light flow. This cycle has been very pleasant for me. I used to get the worst PMS known to man and my period wasn't much better. The cramps I would get were the same strength as my contractions while being in labor. Isn't that something? I'm hoping it's the pill that's making this happen for me. If not, then perhaps giving birth changed things. As long as it stays this way, I'm going to be golden and beaming with joy.
I'm still working on purging my home of unnecessary crap. It's taking a while. Dave just ordered some work-out equipment and that should be arriving at our doorstep this week. Woo Hoo! He got a bike so I plan to use that every single day. It's more convenient for me anyway since we cleared out the girls' playroom and have transformed the area to suit our needs...YES! Dave also ordered a weight bench, but I'm not sure how often I'll be using that. I need to get a yoga mat or something because the carpet in my office and the work-out room isn't plush.
My 'lil bubs is 7 weeks old today, wow. Almost 2 months. It's amazing how time flies. I say this in almost every blog, but it's very very true! Angelo is smiling a lot more now and starting to mimick my facial expressions. Every time I make a noise, he tries to make the same one. It's sooo cute! This part of being a mommy is so special to me.
He's getting a little picky about being in the car seat now. A couple of days ago, Dave's mom and I went to visit his sister an hour away and he wasn't having it. Then this morning I put him in the stroller and he wasn't feeling that either. Hmph! I can tell that Angelo's legs are getting stronger. When I'm holding him, he tries to stand up on my legs and he can keep them straight for a few seconds. He pushes his feet down on my legs HARD.
We lost power in our home this past Sunday and just got it back consistently today. I had to stay at the in laws' house for the last few days and Angelo seemed out of sorts. He hasn't been taking his daytime naps due to the strange environment, but is catching up now. Nothing like sleeping in your own crib, eh bubs? I thought so. Due to the power outage, I had to have him sleep in the bassinet next to me since we couldn't use the video monitor. I was quite surprised that he actually slept throughout the night in that thing. I think he was really tired though.
As for me, I swear I've started my first period since being pregnant. I was getting dark, brownish blood (sorry if TMI) and I wasn't sure if this was really IT. I have most of the symptoms, minus the cramps right now. I'm on the pill so it got delayed by about 3 weeks. It's very strange and different from what I remember, but I think that's due to the pill and birth. My PMS hasn't been nearly as severe as it used to be. I'll know for sure how my body is reacting to the pill by next month, but so far, so good and I can't believe I never tried it before!! Although, had I been on the pill, that leaky condom wouldn't have produced Angelo and for that, I'm grateful.
Now for the "I Feel Pretty" update...
I went and got an eye exam then bought new glasses and contact lenses. Now I don't have to be 4 eyes every day. My hair is dyed, so no more gray, yay! Dave and I cleaned out the girls' playroom and are going to turn it into a workout room. It's going to be sweet. I changed my home office and I have a few more design things to take care of, then it'll be finished.
I'm doing great with my to-do list for September and I'm finding the time to work more. That's been a real source of pain and unhappiness for me lately. I asked Dave to help me out and he is...thank God! My job used to be my it's Angelo, but I need my job to make his life great. I'm really motivated and standing up for what I want at home. No more doing things that aren't my responsibility and no more doing all the work. This is going to work out for me, I can feel it!
Dave has signed up for mixed martial arts classes and he's getting his butt kicked hard. He goes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. I have him take Halle with him on Thursday so that I'm not stuck with 2 children who will fight all night long. Plus that gives the girls alone time with each of us. It's been working out well so far.
One of the goals I have listed for the month of October is finding a new sport, hobby or club I can join. I'm going to the annual Universal Light Expo next month and I'm going to try to find more spiritual centers in my area. The one I've been going to is way too far of a drive since I've moved into this home.
I wanted to post a little update about Angelo. He's 6 weeks old today! Strangers come up to me and ask his age. When I tell them, they always reply with, "Oh my! He looks like he's about 3 or 4 months!" I can't believe how time flies. He's such a good, calm baby. He only cries when he's bored and when he's hungry. What kills me is that he's perfectly happy chillin' out in a loaded diaper. I don't let him, of course.
The last time he went to the doctor he weighed in at 9lbs, 12 ounces (22.5 inches long) and that was 3 weeks ago. I did the good 'ole, weigh myself, then get on the scale with the child and it looks like he's close to 11 lbs now. Wow. He eats like a little piggy so I shouldn't be too surprised, which is now 6 ounces of formula per feeding and a 1/4 cup of rice cereal at night ( only a couple of days a week). Last night he took 8 ounces before bed. I haven't measured him since his last doctor's appointment, but I can tell he's grown in length.
Bubs is sleeping throughout the night consistently now, from about 11pm to 7:30am. He takes a couple of naps during the day and I'm working on timing it better. Dave and I changed to an "every other night" rotation (him one night, me the next) for feedings and diaper changes, but it looks like we don't need it anymore. Last week he had a diaper rash and woke up around 3:30am only once per night until it went away.
Angelo has been smiling a lot, but yesterday he gave us a few BIG grins and started "talking". He's making the "ahhh, oooh and oh" sounds. While we're doing tummy time, he can push up his chest and hold his head up for long periods of time. When he's up, he's looking around and it seems like his vision is getting clearer. The bubs is facinated with Dave while he's on the laptop. He makes noises, grins and tries to push his way toward him, as if to get his attention, LOL. One of these days I'll be able to get a good picture of Angelo's smile.
Being a mommy is such a joy for me. I can't believe I was so against it. I can't imagine my life without Angelo in it. It's really been an incridible experience so far and I'm looking forward to the rest of it. He's going to be so much fun, I can feel it! we all know that pregnancy can sometimes give a woman permission to let herself go a bit. That was the one thing I swore I wouldn't do when I found out I had a bun in the oven, but guess what? I fell into the trap. It's just now hitting me, but I've gained way too much weight in my last trimester. I can't believe I fell off the wagon, man. I was doing great until the last 3 months. I blame it on the fun times of summer and the fact that I didn't give myself any time off from work or taking care of Dave's kids after the baby was born.
I took a bath this afternoon when Dave came home from work. Afterward, I made my way toward the mirror, saying to myself, "I feel pretty, I feel pretty." So I proceeded and the face staring back at me was anything BUT pretty. My skin is starting to break out, my hair is frizzy, I'm in desperate need of an eyebrow wax and I'm so tired that I could've fallen over. Ugh. Behind me lies the scale and all I could think was, "Whatever you do Cristin, don't step on that thing. It's the Devil...THE DEVIL, I tell ya!" and so I didn't. My spirit had already taken a hit from the mirror and I didn't need another whack. Here's the silver lining though: when I gazed into that wretched mirror, I did see myself as good mother who feels blessed to have her son. Yes, I am a good mother. Thank God for that! I still wanna feel pretty though, LOL.
Since I am a new mother, I decided that the best way to go in effort to reclaim my physical self, or what I believe is acceptable, is to take "baby steps". I gained 54 lbs during my pregnancy and lost 32 within the first 3 weeks. My son is now 5 weeks and though I've been eating right and working out, I believe I've reached my first plateu. Not cool. So I will keep up with that and start saying, "I am pretty, I am pretty" until the shit actually happens. Here are the "baby steps" I've decided to take to get me where I need to go:
* Work out regularly * Stay on my "real food" diet * Get my hair done like a normal woman does (not every 6 mos like I do) * Wax those brows often * Give myself regular facials * Get a mani/pedi once a month * Take my mystical baths everyday * Take one short nap a day until I no longer need it * Meditate for at least 30 minutes a day * Keep my house clean (no matter what the kids do to it afterward) * Spend at least 4 hours a day (5 days a week) working * Start a new hobby
With the help of my boyfriend, I know I can do it all! I did everything on the above list consistently before I got knocked up and I was a very happy woman. I think being happy on the inside contributes to at least 70% of how you look on the outside. If you feel like shit, you look like shit. If you don't believe you're pretty, you aren't. That's me right about now and I'm already sick of myself. Thank God, because you really aren't open to change unless you've hit your rock bottom...and I've hit mine.
What is a real food diet? I don't believe in man made religions, so why would I trust in a man made diet? I know my body and what food it responds favorably to. I call my method a real food diet because I just spend more time at the grocery store buying real, fresh (mostly organic) food. I spend time cooking instead of going for the Lean Cousine. That's processed and isn't as good for you as "they" want you to believe. So it's 3 balanced meals coupled with 3 small, healthy snacks per day and not eating after 8pm. I allow myself treats once in a while because I'm not psychotic.
What is a mystical bath? Technically, it's not really mystical, I just believe it is. I use candles, oils and bath salts I get from the mystical store. My bathroom is lit up with a million candles as I soak in the tub with the oils or bath salts and listen to new age music for about 30 minutes. During this time I'm usually drowning out my boyfriend who is yelling at the TV because his Chicago Bears aren't scoring touchdowns. I consider this my alone time and I try my best to care about nothing except staying connected to my higher self.
I don't know if I should give credit to the mirror or if it's just my time, but I'm completely motivated and not just with sprucing up my physical appearance. I'm so ready to polish up my career path, re-decorate my condo and finally get my home office looking the way I had dreamed prior to moving in here. I let my pregnancy slow me down so much, which I'm sure is perfectly normal, but now I'm ready to move into the next phase of my life. There may never be a day when everything will go exactly according to plan so I figured that I should take the bull by the horns and just do it now.
My ‘lil bubs is doing great. His diaper rash is almost gone and bowel movements are back to normal. There’s still a bit of baby acne going on, but that should be gone soon. He’s been able to lift his head for weeks, but now he can hold it up for a long time without much support. I posted pictures of this in the last entry, just scroll down to see.
It’s funny to see my baby trying to scoot. He gets real frustrated when he can’t move the way he wants. He’s also starting to smile often and no, it’s not gas…yippee! It’s so damn cute. I just wish I could get good pictures of his many faces. The “smile“, the “I’m pushing out a poop” and the “stop taking pictures of me, damnit!” are my favorites.
Dave put bubs in the “big boy bather” last night. He reacted much better, no crying. We used to put him on a newborn sponge thing, but that keeps him flat on his back and he hates it. I thought he was too little for the bather and it wasn’t soft enough, but I guess I was wrong. Now bath time will be a lot easier for us and better for the bubs.
Angelo is more visually aware of his surroundings. He’s finally taking to the swing and staring up at the mobile attached to it. He still gets bored fairly easily though so we can only keep him in the swing for about 30 minutes or less. I met my friend Nikki’s friend who works as a maternity nurse at children’s hospital in Columbus the other night. She was testing Angelo’s reflexes and giving me all sorts of useful information. She said that he can tell me apart from everyone else due to my “scent” and shape. He can also see in color now. Black, white and red.
Dave and I are getting a lot more sleep now. Last night was the best ever! We put Angelo to bed at 10:30pm, he woke up at 5am and I woke him up at 9am for a feeding and diaper change. He was starting to stir a bit anyway. Speaking of feedings, my bubs takes 5-6 ounces of formula per feeding now. Sometimes he’ll go for 4 ounces, takes a break and uses the last 2 ounces as a snack.
Post Partum Recovery: For the last week, my digestive system has been acting up. I’ve been a bit uncomfortable and experiencing the need to use the restroom often, but I’m not sick. I started my birth control pills on Sunday, but I had my tummy issues before that. I think my body is back to rejecting red meat. I only craved it during my pregnancy, so it’s back to the basics for me.
I’m done with the bleeding for good now and everything down there appears to be normal. The stitches aren’t bothering me either, which is great. I’m taking power walks and going to start my other excersize routine this week. I’m also revamping my diet and going to spend a lot more time at Whole Foods, like I used to. I’ve lost 32 lbs, but I still have a ways to go..
I’m doing pretty well emotionally, with the exception of dealing with household chores and everyone’s crap laying around. I’m making adjustments to the chores and rules so that I don’t lose my mind. I’ve given up a lot of the stuff I’ve taken on that wasn’t my responsibility and that’s helped me a great deal. Changing standards that was set ages ago takes time to be consistent. Wish me luck!