I had an OB appointment yesterday morning. It was really easy as they only weighed me, took my blood pressure and tried to find the baby’s heartbeat. It took the nurse about 10 minutes to find it. The little booger was hiding from me. I thought I was going to have a heart attack, but then I heard it going at 150 bmp…whew! Due to the fact that I’ve had very mild pregnancy symptoms, it’s been difficult believing that there’s really something in there. I’m at the point now where I’m dying to know the sex of the baby. This waiting is killing me, but I know it will go by pretty fast.
Dave bought me a new digital camera for my birthday and since I had some friends asking for baby bump pictures, I took some last Saturday at 14.6 weeks. Yesterday morning I woke up feeling a bit bigger and took some more shots (15.2 weeks). I am starting to show a little and I couldn’t believe how much my body has changed in only 3 days. Check out the comparison below. I’m scared to see how I will look when my next appointment arrives at 21 weeks, LOL!

Remember I mentioned that Dave and I applied for a condo last Friday? Well, we found out Monday morning that we’re approved. It really is the perfect place for us. I’m soooo happy and now that’s not hanging over my head. We have to break the news to his kids about the move and the pregnancy. I’m pretty sure it will go over well, especially since Trenity used to bug me about living with them a lot. It will be a huge adjustment for all of us, especially me, but I think God and the kids have broken me in, lol.
Pregnancy Symptoms This Week:
* Growing tummy
* Light heartburn
* Minor fatigue
* Light heartburn
* Minor fatigue
March 13th can’t come fast enough for me since that’s the date of my next ultrasound. I’m getting really excited. We’re slated to move into the new place at that time also. March has always been the big month for me to experience major life changes. I met Dave a year ago, March 17th so it’s fitting that we’re starting our new life together in that same timeframe this year. It’s amazing how things can change over night and all I did was go to a wedding!
Until next time,
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