Week 17
I hit 17 weeks on Sunday and I’m really grateful. I honestly feel like I’m out of the woods and can relax about this pregnancy. I’ve been feeling the baby move a lot lately and it’s so exciting! It started in week 14 or so, but by last week this kid was making its presence known pretty often. It’s calmed down a bit now though and I’m finding myself trying to get it to move again, lol. Dave and I only have 3 1/2 weeks until we find out the sex and start the moving process. I have so much to celebrate.
I’ve been taking weekly pictures of my belly’s progress and I’m starting to see the changes in my body more frequently. It’s expanding outward, not width wise yet. It’s not just my uterus though. My face has bloated out a bit in the last week, ugh! At the end of 16 weeks I had what they’re calling “round ligament pain”. It wasn’t too bad and it only lasted an hour or so. This week I’ve got normal stretchy cramps, but now I’m feeling it in my tummy region. My face is still clear of acne, yay!
I’m learning so much about myself while going through this. I’m not reacting the way I originally thought I would, which is obviously a great thing. I was so anti-pregnancy, but now that I’m here, I’m really looking forward to raising my child. I’m not looking forward to childbirth though. I’m still terrified and hope I pass the hell out and not remember a damn thing about it, lol.
At this point I’ve got a lot to do to prepare for this life change. It’s not just the pregnancy, but moving in with Dave and the girls. I’m really stoked because our new place is fabulous and now we have more to offer the kids in the long term sense. I’m starting to clear out more crap and clutter so I can pack and be prepared by March 13th. Dave is a bit on the lazy side when it comes to this stuff though. He’ll be doing things last minute, but as long as I have my stuff in order, I’ll be fine.
Pregnancy Symptoms This Week:
* Stretchy cramps
* Morning gas
* Uncomfortable sleeping
* Stuffy nose
Baby Name List
Check out my tentative baby name options and vote yay or nay. I probably won't be able to decide until I see the baby after it is born, but I thought this would be fun. I will add names as they come to me.
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