Week 18
I started week 18 on Sunday with the expectation of feeling my baby more often and that’s exactly what I got! The movements slowed down a bit last week so of course I started to get paranoid. I only feel it early in the morning and after 8pm at night, which is fine as long as I feel something. I still get the flutters, but they’re stronger now and it also feels like the baby is rolling. I can locate my uterus easily, no matter what time of day it is. I think that’s pretty cool. Getting these sensations has been the best part of my pregnancy thus far.
My face is starting to break out just a tad bit, but I’m not looking gross. Thank God! It still doesn’t even come close to my PMS symptoms. I’m still wondering why that is. Shouldn’t I have crazy hormonal imbalances? I can count on 1 hand how many times in the last 4 months I’ve felt overly emotional. It’s good for Dave I guess, lol. I’m not happy with the fact that my face is looking tired all the time, even though I’m not sleepy. It’s also blowing up and making me look fat! Perhaps I need to invest in some good make-up. I’m starting to wonder if a fabulous pregnancy equals a nasty child birth session. Let’s hope not!
I took my weekly belly shot yesterday, but this morning I woke up to a much bigger bulge. It’s amazing how things can change over night! Just 2 more weeks until Dave and I find out the sex. We’re getting really excited about that. I want to stop calling my baby “IT”. We’ll be finding out the same day we start our residential move so then we can start buying baby crap and designing the room. I’m pretty stuck on having a boy since I haven’t had ANY girl dreams or visuals in the last 2 months. What do you all think?
As for the name, I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to make a decision until after the birth. Dave still hasn’t come up with anything, so yay. I really want to be the one to name my child since he had that luxury with Halle. It’s my turn, damnit! So far the votes are in alignment with my first choices - Dominick Angelo and Destiny Rae. Please click on my baby name list and cast your vote!
I started week 18 on Sunday with the expectation of feeling my baby more often and that’s exactly what I got! The movements slowed down a bit last week so of course I started to get paranoid. I only feel it early in the morning and after 8pm at night, which is fine as long as I feel something. I still get the flutters, but they’re stronger now and it also feels like the baby is rolling. I can locate my uterus easily, no matter what time of day it is. I think that’s pretty cool. Getting these sensations has been the best part of my pregnancy thus far.
My face is starting to break out just a tad bit, but I’m not looking gross. Thank God! It still doesn’t even come close to my PMS symptoms. I’m still wondering why that is. Shouldn’t I have crazy hormonal imbalances? I can count on 1 hand how many times in the last 4 months I’ve felt overly emotional. It’s good for Dave I guess, lol. I’m not happy with the fact that my face is looking tired all the time, even though I’m not sleepy. It’s also blowing up and making me look fat! Perhaps I need to invest in some good make-up. I’m starting to wonder if a fabulous pregnancy equals a nasty child birth session. Let’s hope not!
I took my weekly belly shot yesterday, but this morning I woke up to a much bigger bulge. It’s amazing how things can change over night! Just 2 more weeks until Dave and I find out the sex. We’re getting really excited about that. I want to stop calling my baby “IT”. We’ll be finding out the same day we start our residential move so then we can start buying baby crap and designing the room. I’m pretty stuck on having a boy since I haven’t had ANY girl dreams or visuals in the last 2 months. What do you all think?
As for the name, I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to make a decision until after the birth. Dave still hasn’t come up with anything, so yay. I really want to be the one to name my child since he had that luxury with Halle. It’s my turn, damnit! So far the votes are in alignment with my first choices - Dominick Angelo and Destiny Rae. Please click on my baby name list and cast your vote!
Pregnancy Symptoms This Week:
* Growing belly
* A couple of zits (eww)
* Difficult time getting to sleep
* Feeling the baby move