Making a mess at 13 mos
14 mos - He won't give up the Wii remote!
First mini hamburger! 14 mos
Dirty Bubs - 14 mos - Halloween fun night at home
The Incredible Hulk! 15 mos - Halloween 2009
Life with Dave, Angelo and the girls keeps me super busy, as I'm sure you can tell since I haven't updated in 3 months. School started for the girls at the end of August and I've had to change my schedule a couple of times due to that, our situation with Dave's ex-wife and Angelo going to daycare. He goes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1-3:30pm. Just long enough for Dave and I to run errands and for me to take a few appointments. Bubbas is doing really well there. There's a little boy 2 months older he plays with and a couple of 2yr-olds as well. The first month he started pulling that baby manipulation thing when I dropped him off. You know, the crying and holding on to me for dear life. Well, that's gone now and he's adjusted beautifully!
My child eats everything now and I mean EVERYTHING. Anything he can get his little hand on goes straight into his mouth, be it shoes, toys, stuff in my purse and of course, real food. He's been off formula since 11mos and we're finally done with bottles. He's graduated from the beginner to intermediate sippy cup. No handles! I knew he was ready because I had him in the living room playing one day, locked in by the baby gates. I was in the kitchen. I accidentally left a small glass of apple cider on an end table. I heard slurping so I ran over to the living room and there he was...holding the glass with two hands, drinking the cider. As soon as he saw me, he knew he did wrong and threw the glass on the carpet, LOL! Two wrongs don't make a right, buddy.
Bubs still only has his 4 teeth, but is cutting the 2 eye teeth. They'll be in any time now. Unfortunately, the teething has been pretty bad lately so it wakes him up in the middle of the night unless I give him baby Tylenol before bed. I've been up at 3, 4 and 5am a lot and of course, could never go back to sleep. His attitude has been really go throughout this teething process, so I feel we're really lucky.
As for his motor skills..well, he's an animal! He runs around the house chasing his sisters, climbs up the stairs by himself (we're always behind him though) and sometimes walks on the tips of his toes. He tries really hard to climb on the couch by himself, but it's still a little high for him. He's a little hellion when it comes to taking our stuff and running away with it all, LOL. I need to get more videos of him doing that. When we say "No!" he just laughs and runs away like it's a game. Too cute for words...right now. We really need a bigger yard so he can run around to his heart's desire because that's all he wants to do anymore. I took him to the bus stop without the stroller and he was super excited, but I had to hold on to the hood of his coat or else I would've lost him, LOL. He only likes to hold our hands when he's in unfamiliar territory.
His language skills are developing much quicker now. He mumbles like nobody's business and says "Hi, Mama, Dada, Bubba, Up, Oh & More" very clearly. He's trying other words, but it's still slurred. He understands commands well too, but sometimes he just chooses to ignore us. He does well with them when he wants to though. He very clearly knows the people around him and when asked, "where's so and so" he looks for them and goes to the right person. Bubbas points at people's faces in pictures and giggles a lot and it's very cool to watch. He doesn't point at something he wants, however, he just goes and gets it. This kid waits for NO man!
As for clothing..well, let me just tell you that this kid is not only going to make us broke with his eating habits, he's wearing some 18 month, 24 month and 2T sizes! Good Lord, son! He's only 15 mos old, which kills me. He wears the bigger sizes in shirts and jammies. He's in a size 5 shoe now, but will be in a 6 pretty soon.
I'm taking him to the DR. on the 19th so we'll find out his weight, length and get his chicken pox vaccine. At his 12 month appointment he was 31 inches long so I'm guessing he's about 35 now. I could be off on this one again. Weight wise? I have no clue. He only gained one pound from 9 to 12 mos so we'll see.
I have to say that I'm extremely excited to have a toddler vs. a newborn. Life is so much easier even though my particular toddler won't sit still, makes a huge mess and does whatever the hell he wants most of the time, LOL! I HATED carrying that infant seat around with me everywhere. I love the idea of this kid getting out of the car and walking into the store. The cost of formula and bottle liners wasn't as bad as I thought, but now I don't have to worry about that stuff anymore.
We're going to start potty training him at 18 months. He's already grabbing his diaper when he goes and I can tell that he's got more control with his potty muscles. We've also been looking at toddler beds because this kid attempts to climb out of his crib almost every day. I don't think he's ready yet, but I'm going to see how he is around January when he turns 18 mos. I'm just so afraid that one day he'll be successful in escaping and really hurt himself. He can already reach the door knobs and has opened a door so we're going to start taking precautions with that as well.
My brother-in-law told me that they let 2 yr olds in flag football, so we're going to check that out next summer. I can't BELIEVE I'm talking about this ALREADY, but I'm stoked. I can't wait until my 'lil Bubs can play sports. He's getting a tricycle for Christmas so we're hoping by late Spring he'll be able to ride it.
Life with Dave, Angelo and the girls keeps me super busy, as I'm sure you can tell since I haven't updated in 3 months. School started for the girls at the end of August and I've had to change my schedule a couple of times due to that, our situation with Dave's ex-wife and Angelo going to daycare. He goes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1-3:30pm. Just long enough for Dave and I to run errands and for me to take a few appointments. Bubbas is doing really well there. There's a little boy 2 months older he plays with and a couple of 2yr-olds as well. The first month he started pulling that baby manipulation thing when I dropped him off. You know, the crying and holding on to me for dear life. Well, that's gone now and he's adjusted beautifully!
My child eats everything now and I mean EVERYTHING. Anything he can get his little hand on goes straight into his mouth, be it shoes, toys, stuff in my purse and of course, real food. He's been off formula since 11mos and we're finally done with bottles. He's graduated from the beginner to intermediate sippy cup. No handles! I knew he was ready because I had him in the living room playing one day, locked in by the baby gates. I was in the kitchen. I accidentally left a small glass of apple cider on an end table. I heard slurping so I ran over to the living room and there he was...holding the glass with two hands, drinking the cider. As soon as he saw me, he knew he did wrong and threw the glass on the carpet, LOL! Two wrongs don't make a right, buddy.
Bubs still only has his 4 teeth, but is cutting the 2 eye teeth. They'll be in any time now. Unfortunately, the teething has been pretty bad lately so it wakes him up in the middle of the night unless I give him baby Tylenol before bed. I've been up at 3, 4 and 5am a lot and of course, could never go back to sleep. His attitude has been really go throughout this teething process, so I feel we're really lucky.
As for his motor skills..well, he's an animal! He runs around the house chasing his sisters, climbs up the stairs by himself (we're always behind him though) and sometimes walks on the tips of his toes. He tries really hard to climb on the couch by himself, but it's still a little high for him. He's a little hellion when it comes to taking our stuff and running away with it all, LOL. I need to get more videos of him doing that. When we say "No!" he just laughs and runs away like it's a game. Too cute for words...right now. We really need a bigger yard so he can run around to his heart's desire because that's all he wants to do anymore. I took him to the bus stop without the stroller and he was super excited, but I had to hold on to the hood of his coat or else I would've lost him, LOL. He only likes to hold our hands when he's in unfamiliar territory.
His language skills are developing much quicker now. He mumbles like nobody's business and says "Hi, Mama, Dada, Bubba, Up, Oh & More" very clearly. He's trying other words, but it's still slurred. He understands commands well too, but sometimes he just chooses to ignore us. He does well with them when he wants to though. He very clearly knows the people around him and when asked, "where's so and so" he looks for them and goes to the right person. Bubbas points at people's faces in pictures and giggles a lot and it's very cool to watch. He doesn't point at something he wants, however, he just goes and gets it. This kid waits for NO man!
As for clothing..well, let me just tell you that this kid is not only going to make us broke with his eating habits, he's wearing some 18 month, 24 month and 2T sizes! Good Lord, son! He's only 15 mos old, which kills me. He wears the bigger sizes in shirts and jammies. He's in a size 5 shoe now, but will be in a 6 pretty soon.
I'm taking him to the DR. on the 19th so we'll find out his weight, length and get his chicken pox vaccine. At his 12 month appointment he was 31 inches long so I'm guessing he's about 35 now. I could be off on this one again. Weight wise? I have no clue. He only gained one pound from 9 to 12 mos so we'll see.
I have to say that I'm extremely excited to have a toddler vs. a newborn. Life is so much easier even though my particular toddler won't sit still, makes a huge mess and does whatever the hell he wants most of the time, LOL! I HATED carrying that infant seat around with me everywhere. I love the idea of this kid getting out of the car and walking into the store. The cost of formula and bottle liners wasn't as bad as I thought, but now I don't have to worry about that stuff anymore.
We're going to start potty training him at 18 months. He's already grabbing his diaper when he goes and I can tell that he's got more control with his potty muscles. We've also been looking at toddler beds because this kid attempts to climb out of his crib almost every day. I don't think he's ready yet, but I'm going to see how he is around January when he turns 18 mos. I'm just so afraid that one day he'll be successful in escaping and really hurt himself. He can already reach the door knobs and has opened a door so we're going to start taking precautions with that as well.
My brother-in-law told me that they let 2 yr olds in flag football, so we're going to check that out next summer. I can't BELIEVE I'm talking about this ALREADY, but I'm stoked. I can't wait until my 'lil Bubs can play sports. He's getting a tricycle for Christmas so we're hoping by late Spring he'll be able to ride it.
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