Angelo is 8 months old and so much has happened since my last update! First of all, Dave and I got engaged on our anniversary, March 17th. We will be getting married on April 4th. We’re having a very cheap and simple ceremony, thank God! After having to go to the mall for dresses, I cannot imagine what it would be like for me have a big wedding that takes about a year to plan. No thank you! Dave’s ring came in early, but mine aren’t here yet so I’m a bit nervous. I don’t want to be rushing around at the last minute.
Angelo has been fantastic. His scoot-crawl is almost an all-fours crawl now. He can pull himself up to a kneeling position when he’s found something to keep his arms stable like his wipes box or crib bars. He can also balance for a few minutes while standing and leaning his back against the couch. He goes back and forth from standing on his toes to flat feet. We’ve noticed that he’s really getting into his toys, especially his penguin roller coaster. He also found his way up over the step from the living room to the dining room. Now it’s time for baby gates!
The Bubs is showing some disinterest in his bottle and formula lately, so we’re giving him solids about 3 times a day now. He hasn’t been eating much in the last couple of days due to his teething and he’s been taking more naps. We’re anxiously awaiting his teeth as his gums are still very swollen.
This child is now into size 9 months for clothing. Only a few 6-9 months still fit him so pretty soon I’ll need to do some shopping. I have some stuff, but not nearly enough. I weighed him on my Wii Fit and he’s coming up 24.4 pounds. He has a doctor’s appointment on April 8th, so we will find out exactly how heavy and long he is. After me coming up short a few inches last time, I’m guessing that he’s about 30-32 inches long. We shall see.
We haven’t gotten him to say “Da Da” yet, but we’re working on it. I’m getting ready to buy him another Baby Einstein video. There are a few choices, but I’m going to get him something to teach him his first words. We’re almost done with “Baby’s First Moves”.
Now, on to me…
I’ve lost almost 20 pounds since the beginning of February. Dave told me that he’s been checking me out lately…nice! I still have another 20 pounds to go before I reach my pre-Dave weight, but so far, so good! I wanna reach my goal weight by the time we take our family vacation to Hilton Head at the end of May.
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