Week 38
I had my OB appointment on Tuesday and was really disappointed. I saw a new doctor and he was just strange. I know that sounds funny coming from me, but normal is necessary when you have a stranger getting ready to go up your crotch. Maybe it’s just me, but whatever. First of all, I had to wait 30 minutes for just him and let me say that it wasn’t worth it. He didn’t measure me, check the baby’s position or check my cervix. He did, however, swipe 2 fingers to check for the baby’s head, which was the equivalent of inserting a junior size tampon. How low does he expect the head to be exactly? I was so pissed, especially after he confirmed that I am losing my plug. The only good thing that came out of that appointment was hearing the baby’s heartbeat, which of course came from the nurse, not the kooky doctor. He ended our session by saying, “Just go home and act as if you aren’t pregnant.” Nice, just what a 38 week preggo needs to hear. Screw you!
I think Dave was more pissed than I was to be honest. He’s at the end of his rope as well and is quite impatient. He calls me about 3 times a day asking about baby action. There’s also the fact that we’re supposed to go see The Dark Knight tomorrow and the last thing he wants is me going into labor during the move, lol. That would be our luck though, but the full moon isn’t until tomorrow night so we may just be safe for our 11:30am showtime. The car is packed and ready to go, so if it does happen, we’re prepared.
Speaking of the car, I spent 2 hours cleaning it out yesterday afternoon. Since we’ve been using my vehicle for practically everything, including carting the kids around, it’s gotten quite disgusting in my opinion. My motivation rubbed off on Dave. When he saw me going to town on my car, that prompted him to clean his as well. His was way worse than mine. All that bending over caused me to have some sharp abdominal cramps, but that was only temporary…damn! I’m trying everything to induce labor, short of sky diving. Sex, walking, dancing, running up and down the stairs and cleaning are just a few examples, but nothing. This child is giving me the middle finger for sure.
I know I have to be patient, but I’m so uncomfortable! Dave has been doing laundry and forgetting to remove my maternity stuff before putting clothes in the dryer. Now most of my shirts have shrunk. Not only that, but I swear I am having major PMS symptoms. The littlest things are starting to annoy me. Dave just shakes his head in disbelief. I’m in that “unless you want to give me food, rub my feet or have sex, keep your hands off of me” mode. I even had an emotional break-down the other day over nothing. I think that’s 3 times this entire pregnancy, but it still sucks.
Ok, now that I’m done with the rant, please say a prayer that this kid will try to make his appearance this weekend. I’m starting to go out of my mind, lol.
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