Week 39
So here I am, week 39 and still pregnant. Why am I not surprised? I had an OB appointment Tuesday and got one of my favorite doctors. Unfortunately she didn’t have anything real exciting to tell me. I walked in with hope, but the minute she came into the room I just knew that I shouldn’t have had such high expectations.
Apparently my cervix is still thick and hard, which is the opposite of what I was told last week by the asshole doctor. I’m only 1cm dilated and the baby’s head is at a -2 station. The good news is that he’s definitely dropped a bit, but not enough for me to think that I’ll be in labor in the next 24 hours. Damnit! If I’m early, it would only be by a day or two. She had me schedule my 40 week appointment, which falls 2 days after my due date. Let’s hope I don’t have to show up for that one.
The baby and I have been a bit sluggish lately. I’m really tired and he’s not moving much, but at night or after I eat. The doctor told me that since he’s dropped I should be able to breathe and function better. Um, nope! I haven’t had trouble breathing throughout the pregnancy and I’m even more uncomfortable now. The only thing that’s better for me these days is sex. It’s very well deserved and about damn time! At least that’s something, right?
I believe that getting my cervix checked helped dislodge more of my plug. I took a nap yesterday then went to the bathroom to find more of it coupled with a bloody show and hay colored leakage. Sweet! Isn’t it amazing how excited a woman can get when disgusting stuff comes out of her vagina at the end of pregnancy? Believe me, this will be the only time I will be happy about bizarre discharge.
On the labor symptoms front, I’ve been getting a ton of painless contractions, severe gas and pains, psychotically frequent urination, slight menstrual cramps and pressure south of the border, front and back. When I go to the bathroom, all I want to do is push out something, but there‘s nothing there. These symptoms fall under the pre-labor category, so great. At least I know there’s action, even if it’s going at a snail’s pace.
Dave is getting sick of waiting too. He’s wanting to have a full two weeks off of work to be with us, but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. He is changing positions at work and has to go in for a week of training starting August 4th, right after the baby is supposed to come. It’s looking like he’s going to have to split his vacation. Off one week, work the next and off again for another week. What a bummer. The girls are going away with their mother for two weeks starting July 28th and he’s hoping that the baby will come before they go so that they can see their new brother.
My lovely boyfriend went through the “Baby Watch 2008” protocol with his parents the other day, lol. Yes, BW 2008 is what he’s calling our emotional rollercoaster. Anyway, we have our plans set and his parents have permission to pick up the girls at daycare and camp in case my labor begins during the day. I’m honestly hoping for labor to occur during the day vs. the middle of night, but I shouldn’t count on that one. I’m also hoping that my original prediction for baby hyphenate’s birthday will be July 24th, but again, I shouldn’t really believe that’s going to happen either. No need to set myself up for another disappointment.
As of right now I’ve got my shit together for when the baby comes. I’ve washed everything and disinfected the binkies and nipples. Dave and the girls have done an excellent job of keeping the house pretty clean, which really helps me a lot. I still feel like I want to clean and I probably will, but I plan to work as much as I can until this baby comes.
July 24th
Ok, so we’re at the 24th and of course, nothing as of right now. I’m giving up hope and totally letting go of the possibility that this kid will come. Maybe that will induce labor since walking, running up and down the stairs and sex isn’t doing jack shit.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Return of the PMS

Week 38
I had my OB appointment on Tuesday and was really disappointed. I saw a new doctor and he was just strange. I know that sounds funny coming from me, but normal is necessary when you have a stranger getting ready to go up your crotch. Maybe it’s just me, but whatever. First of all, I had to wait 30 minutes for just him and let me say that it wasn’t worth it. He didn’t measure me, check the baby’s position or check my cervix. He did, however, swipe 2 fingers to check for the baby’s head, which was the equivalent of inserting a junior size tampon. How low does he expect the head to be exactly? I was so pissed, especially after he confirmed that I am losing my plug. The only good thing that came out of that appointment was hearing the baby’s heartbeat, which of course came from the nurse, not the kooky doctor. He ended our session by saying, “Just go home and act as if you aren’t pregnant.” Nice, just what a 38 week preggo needs to hear. Screw you!
I think Dave was more pissed than I was to be honest. He’s at the end of his rope as well and is quite impatient. He calls me about 3 times a day asking about baby action. There’s also the fact that we’re supposed to go see The Dark Knight tomorrow and the last thing he wants is me going into labor during the move, lol. That would be our luck though, but the full moon isn’t until tomorrow night so we may just be safe for our 11:30am showtime. The car is packed and ready to go, so if it does happen, we’re prepared.
Speaking of the car, I spent 2 hours cleaning it out yesterday afternoon. Since we’ve been using my vehicle for practically everything, including carting the kids around, it’s gotten quite disgusting in my opinion. My motivation rubbed off on Dave. When he saw me going to town on my car, that prompted him to clean his as well. His was way worse than mine. All that bending over caused me to have some sharp abdominal cramps, but that was only temporary…damn! I’m trying everything to induce labor, short of sky diving. Sex, walking, dancing, running up and down the stairs and cleaning are just a few examples, but nothing. This child is giving me the middle finger for sure.
I know I have to be patient, but I’m so uncomfortable! Dave has been doing laundry and forgetting to remove my maternity stuff before putting clothes in the dryer. Now most of my shirts have shrunk. Not only that, but I swear I am having major PMS symptoms. The littlest things are starting to annoy me. Dave just shakes his head in disbelief. I’m in that “unless you want to give me food, rub my feet or have sex, keep your hands off of me” mode. I even had an emotional break-down the other day over nothing. I think that’s 3 times this entire pregnancy, but it still sucks.
Ok, now that I’m done with the rant, please say a prayer that this kid will try to make his appearance this weekend. I’m starting to go out of my mind, lol.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Still Week 37

I didn’t have time to upload those pics yesterday because I ended up in the hospital due to some major vaginal bleeding. I just had to have a little fun with Dave and that’s what I got. We were supposed to have our tour of the Labor & Delivery floor yesterday and ended up going through all the motions before our scheduled time. They did an ultrasound to make sure my placenta wasn’t too low and it’s not. Then they checked my cervix and no action there. They also did a baby stress test and he’s just fine. He’s head down and they’re not expecting him to turn again.
Today I went to my normal OB appointment. The baby is still measuring on target so he’s expected to weigh about 6.5 pounds by the beginning of next week. I get my cervix checked again on Tuesday and the doctor told me that the baby can come any time now and be perfectly fine outside the womb, nice! I’m still expected to go about a week early, which makes me happy. I’m getting to the end of my rope here, folks!
I received the results of my Strep B and blood tests. Both came out great and I’m thrilled about that for sure. No extra antibiotics for me! My doctor told me that I can resume having sex at the end of week 38 and to expect more blood, but not to worry. He said that they highly recommend that I be as active as I can, including sex, to help get this process rolling. I just have to stay out of the heat since I’ve blown up like the Goodyear Blimp!
So now all Dave and I can do at this point is wait. I really don’t like that so I’m trying to fill up my schedule as much as I can. I want to get my mind off of my impending labor and everything that comes with it. It’s not the easiest thing in the world to do, especially since I’m going to meet my son in a couple of weeks. I’m really excited now.
Today I went to my normal OB appointment. The baby is still measuring on target so he’s expected to weigh about 6.5 pounds by the beginning of next week. I get my cervix checked again on Tuesday and the doctor told me that the baby can come any time now and be perfectly fine outside the womb, nice! I’m still expected to go about a week early, which makes me happy. I’m getting to the end of my rope here, folks!
I received the results of my Strep B and blood tests. Both came out great and I’m thrilled about that for sure. No extra antibiotics for me! My doctor told me that I can resume having sex at the end of week 38 and to expect more blood, but not to worry. He said that they highly recommend that I be as active as I can, including sex, to help get this process rolling. I just have to stay out of the heat since I’ve blown up like the Goodyear Blimp!
So now all Dave and I can do at this point is wait. I really don’t like that so I’m trying to fill up my schedule as much as I can. I want to get my mind off of my impending labor and everything that comes with it. It’s not the easiest thing in the world to do, especially since I’m going to meet my son in a couple of weeks. I’m really excited now.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
We're Nesting For Real!
Week 37 - Part I
Well folks, I’m up again at 4am! I’ve been a bit psychotic about keeping the house clean for a few weeks now, but Friday morning I took it to a whole new level. Hearing Dave say to me, “Are you crazy?“ makes me believe I’m knee deep in my nesting phase. Anyone who knows me remembers the old, sloppy Cristin who didn’t bother with cleaning unless she really had to or had people coming over, lol.
Now I’m doing everything from the kitchen floor to the windows (me, windows!) The last time I went on a window cleaning binge was a few years ago in Michigan when I didn’t have electricity due to a power outage in the area. I remember my friend Dawn sitting in my parking lot, calling my mother because she couldn’t freaking believe what she was seeing, lol.
Yesterday I was calling for Dave and he seemed to have disappeared. I went to almost every room in the house and he was nowhere to be found nor would he answer me. I finally decided to take the hike up stairs and there he was, in the baby’s room, cleaning the carpet, lol. It was like that all day and I finally said to him, “My God, you’re spending a lot of time in here”, to which he replied, “Yeah, I’m nesting”. LMAO! Seeing him all proud of himself after accomplishing something in that room is too cute for words. That and watching him show off all the cool baby electronics to anyone who will pay attention makes me giggle.
We finally have the baby’s room all set. I’ll be taking some pictures and uploading them to the blog later today. The car seat and mirror is now installed in my vehicle. All we have left to do is clean the basement and finish packing our hospital bag. I think I’m going to clean out the refrigerator, make a grocery list and head off to Sam’s club so that we have enough food to last us a while.
Due to the kids and their summertime habits of running through the house with flip flops on, my carpet isn’t looking too special so I think I need to run my steam cleaner through the dining room. It’s grossing me out big time, even though it’s not the worst that I’ve seen. Speaking of the kids, I've taken my nesting phase out on them as well. After they took their bath last night, I whipped out the Q-Tips for an extensive ear cleaning session. I've never seen them look so confused.
Trenity says to me, "You're going to do what with that thing?" I said to her, "I'm going to clean your ears child!" Trenity: "Huh?" Me: "Your ears, dear. Say goodbye to the wax". Trenity's weren't that bad, but Halle's were disgusting! After the session Halle says to me, "I can hear you better now Cristin". LOL..no shit!
Baby hyphenate is still very active, especially at night after I’ve eaten. He’s dropped so low that all he can do is wiggle around, looking for a decent position. I don’t think I’m that big for 37 weeks so I’m wondering how it’s possible for me to have a 6 pound baby hanging out in there. I feel him all balled up. The only time he can stretch out is when I’m lying on my back and let me just tell you that it’s not the most comfortable thing for me to be doing at this time. My stomach is pretty hard these days and it’s weird to see the baby flip-flopping from one side to the other.
My next OB appointment is on Tuesday and I’m really excited. I don’t really know why, to be honest. Maybe it’s the cool male doctor I’m seeing. He’s very much into the technical side of this stuff and I’m hoping that I can convince him to check my cervix. Everyone at that doctor’s office just loves this guy and I’m feeling very very lucky to get him this time as he’s never at the office I go to.
That’s it for now. I will be back with the pictures later today and will post a new entry after my appointment on Tuesday. I hope you all had a great 4th of July!
Well folks, I’m up again at 4am! I’ve been a bit psychotic about keeping the house clean for a few weeks now, but Friday morning I took it to a whole new level. Hearing Dave say to me, “Are you crazy?“ makes me believe I’m knee deep in my nesting phase. Anyone who knows me remembers the old, sloppy Cristin who didn’t bother with cleaning unless she really had to or had people coming over, lol.
Now I’m doing everything from the kitchen floor to the windows (me, windows!) The last time I went on a window cleaning binge was a few years ago in Michigan when I didn’t have electricity due to a power outage in the area. I remember my friend Dawn sitting in my parking lot, calling my mother because she couldn’t freaking believe what she was seeing, lol.
Yesterday I was calling for Dave and he seemed to have disappeared. I went to almost every room in the house and he was nowhere to be found nor would he answer me. I finally decided to take the hike up stairs and there he was, in the baby’s room, cleaning the carpet, lol. It was like that all day and I finally said to him, “My God, you’re spending a lot of time in here”, to which he replied, “Yeah, I’m nesting”. LMAO! Seeing him all proud of himself after accomplishing something in that room is too cute for words. That and watching him show off all the cool baby electronics to anyone who will pay attention makes me giggle.
We finally have the baby’s room all set. I’ll be taking some pictures and uploading them to the blog later today. The car seat and mirror is now installed in my vehicle. All we have left to do is clean the basement and finish packing our hospital bag. I think I’m going to clean out the refrigerator, make a grocery list and head off to Sam’s club so that we have enough food to last us a while.
Due to the kids and their summertime habits of running through the house with flip flops on, my carpet isn’t looking too special so I think I need to run my steam cleaner through the dining room. It’s grossing me out big time, even though it’s not the worst that I’ve seen. Speaking of the kids, I've taken my nesting phase out on them as well. After they took their bath last night, I whipped out the Q-Tips for an extensive ear cleaning session. I've never seen them look so confused.
Trenity says to me, "You're going to do what with that thing?" I said to her, "I'm going to clean your ears child!" Trenity: "Huh?" Me: "Your ears, dear. Say goodbye to the wax". Trenity's weren't that bad, but Halle's were disgusting! After the session Halle says to me, "I can hear you better now Cristin". LOL..no shit!
Baby hyphenate is still very active, especially at night after I’ve eaten. He’s dropped so low that all he can do is wiggle around, looking for a decent position. I don’t think I’m that big for 37 weeks so I’m wondering how it’s possible for me to have a 6 pound baby hanging out in there. I feel him all balled up. The only time he can stretch out is when I’m lying on my back and let me just tell you that it’s not the most comfortable thing for me to be doing at this time. My stomach is pretty hard these days and it’s weird to see the baby flip-flopping from one side to the other.
My next OB appointment is on Tuesday and I’m really excited. I don’t really know why, to be honest. Maybe it’s the cool male doctor I’m seeing. He’s very much into the technical side of this stuff and I’m hoping that I can convince him to check my cervix. Everyone at that doctor’s office just loves this guy and I’m feeling very very lucky to get him this time as he’s never at the office I go to.
That’s it for now. I will be back with the pictures later today and will post a new entry after my appointment on Tuesday. I hope you all had a great 4th of July!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Testing and Progressing
Week 36
When I found out I was pregnant, I had no idea what this experience would be like for me. I’ve always had fear regarding this process and of course, none of my fears came to fruition. You’d think me of all people would know that it doesn’t pay to be fearful when you don’t know anything about that particular subject.
I moved my 36 week OB appointment from today to Tuesday because Trenity has come down with the chicken pox. The Dr. told me that I can’t be anywhere near her and that it’s best for her to stay with her mother, so that’s what we did. The girls won’t be coming until Friday morning. They gave me a blood test to make sure I have high immunities for the pox and I should get the results soon. I’ve done nothing but work, clean and disinfect my entire house.
I’m measuring at 37.5 instead of 36. My Dr. said that it could mean that the baby will come early. I sure hope so! I was told that my little guy weighs about 6 lbs or a little over, which is normal for this stage. I asked about the strange leakage and she told me it was my cervix adjusting itself and preparing for birth, but I still won’t have it checked until week 38. They want to avoid infection. That’s really frustrating because I swear that I’ve already started to lose my plug. I just want to know how I’m progressing. I took that dirty swab test as well. I get the results of my Strep B next week.
The period-like cramps are still here and coming every day. I don’t feel like I’m contracting anymore though. All it feels like to me is pre-labor shit. It’s so weird because I haven’t felt like this since week 7. I’ve noticed that the baby has dropped too. It’s funny because now my shirts are fitting differently and since he’s so low, I can almost identify my waist! On the flip side, I still have the cankles and that really blows. I’m experiencing clumsiness. In a matter of 8 hours, I can trip over myself at least 5 times. I actually slipped and fell down the stairs, landing on my ass the other night. Nothing bad happened, but I did have sore ankles and shins for 2 days.
So now I’m getting quite anxious. I’m really sick of being pregnant at night. I’m so uncomfortable. All I want to do is clean and make sure that everything is in order so that I’m not rushing at the last minute. I’ve been washing baby clothes and started to pack my hospital bag yesterday. I still can’t decide what outfit I want to bring the baby home in. We haven’t decided on a name, but “Rocco” has become a family joke. It’s to the point where me, Dave and his family are starting to like it now. I think my mom would have a cow if I went forward with that one though, lol.
Finally, I’m waking up every morning with visuals of me in the hospital, holding my son. That and thinking about all the scenarios in which my water could break. Of course, I want it to break while I’m at home, during a time when it’s not rush hour traffic, but I have a funny feeling that I will be out and about. That would be my luck. God’s sense of humor with me has proven to be quite sick so I’ve decided to have everything packed in my car, including some towels. If I am out, I will be prepared to put the petal to the metal and roll out. I told Dave that we shouldn’t drive his car anymore because there’s not enough room in it for us, the girls and the baby stuff.
My next appointment is on Tuesday the 8th with the awesome male doctor I love. Unless something new happens, my cervix still won’t be checked until the following week, but that’s the timeframe I originally predicted for the birth when I found out I was pregnant. I told my sister July 14th and she replied with, “That’s when Andrea (our step-sister) is due”. Well, she just had her baby and 2 weeks early so I’m hoping that I will be in the same boat since all is well with my little dude. The other date I came up with is July 24th, so we shall wait and see.
When I found out I was pregnant, I had no idea what this experience would be like for me. I’ve always had fear regarding this process and of course, none of my fears came to fruition. You’d think me of all people would know that it doesn’t pay to be fearful when you don’t know anything about that particular subject.
I moved my 36 week OB appointment from today to Tuesday because Trenity has come down with the chicken pox. The Dr. told me that I can’t be anywhere near her and that it’s best for her to stay with her mother, so that’s what we did. The girls won’t be coming until Friday morning. They gave me a blood test to make sure I have high immunities for the pox and I should get the results soon. I’ve done nothing but work, clean and disinfect my entire house.
I’m measuring at 37.5 instead of 36. My Dr. said that it could mean that the baby will come early. I sure hope so! I was told that my little guy weighs about 6 lbs or a little over, which is normal for this stage. I asked about the strange leakage and she told me it was my cervix adjusting itself and preparing for birth, but I still won’t have it checked until week 38. They want to avoid infection. That’s really frustrating because I swear that I’ve already started to lose my plug. I just want to know how I’m progressing. I took that dirty swab test as well. I get the results of my Strep B next week.
The period-like cramps are still here and coming every day. I don’t feel like I’m contracting anymore though. All it feels like to me is pre-labor shit. It’s so weird because I haven’t felt like this since week 7. I’ve noticed that the baby has dropped too. It’s funny because now my shirts are fitting differently and since he’s so low, I can almost identify my waist! On the flip side, I still have the cankles and that really blows. I’m experiencing clumsiness. In a matter of 8 hours, I can trip over myself at least 5 times. I actually slipped and fell down the stairs, landing on my ass the other night. Nothing bad happened, but I did have sore ankles and shins for 2 days.
So now I’m getting quite anxious. I’m really sick of being pregnant at night. I’m so uncomfortable. All I want to do is clean and make sure that everything is in order so that I’m not rushing at the last minute. I’ve been washing baby clothes and started to pack my hospital bag yesterday. I still can’t decide what outfit I want to bring the baby home in. We haven’t decided on a name, but “Rocco” has become a family joke. It’s to the point where me, Dave and his family are starting to like it now. I think my mom would have a cow if I went forward with that one though, lol.
Finally, I’m waking up every morning with visuals of me in the hospital, holding my son. That and thinking about all the scenarios in which my water could break. Of course, I want it to break while I’m at home, during a time when it’s not rush hour traffic, but I have a funny feeling that I will be out and about. That would be my luck. God’s sense of humor with me has proven to be quite sick so I’ve decided to have everything packed in my car, including some towels. If I am out, I will be prepared to put the petal to the metal and roll out. I told Dave that we shouldn’t drive his car anymore because there’s not enough room in it for us, the girls and the baby stuff.
My next appointment is on Tuesday the 8th with the awesome male doctor I love. Unless something new happens, my cervix still won’t be checked until the following week, but that’s the timeframe I originally predicted for the birth when I found out I was pregnant. I told my sister July 14th and she replied with, “That’s when Andrea (our step-sister) is due”. Well, she just had her baby and 2 weeks early so I’m hoping that I will be in the same boat since all is well with my little dude. The other date I came up with is July 24th, so we shall wait and see.
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