Hey guys, I’m here with my update. I’m now 33 weeks, but I don’t have enough stuff to talk about for this week until later on so stay tuned for another entry by Friday!
I went to my OB appointment with Dave and the kids last Friday, the 6th. Trenity got to help the nurse take my blood pressure. She was more than happy to pump and squeeze the crap out of my arm, lol. Both girls were really good at the office. They were tickled when they got to hear the baby‘s heartbeat. He was back to 160 bpm again.
Unfortunately I’ve now reached the point where I’ve tipped the scale at 200 lbs, ugh. I was hoping to avoid that number, but there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. I guess that’s just more work I have to do after my little guy is born.
On a positive note, I’m measuring right on target and I was informed that if I keep it up, I’ll probably produce a 7 ½ lb. baby. I wasn’t expecting that at all, especially since I’m a smoker. The midwife checked the baby's position and this week he was feet down and she said that he was really low, but also that there's still time for him to assume the proper position before I'm due. I also received my paperwork for the hospital, pediactric doctor referral list and fetal count page. My next appointment is June 20th and then I start going weekly.
Little baby hyphenate still doesn’t have a name and people are driving me crazy asking about it. Nobody wants to accept my “I can’t name him until I see him” answer. So as of right now, we’re just going to call him Rocco Angelo, lol. That’s what Dave calls him as a joke, however, I truly believe that if he keeps it up, this child won’t answer to anything else once he arrives.
The last couple of days in week 32 has brought upon more clumsiness. I’m constantly tripping and falling backward in my chairs. It’s to the point where I just throw my hands up and say forget it. I look like a fool and I have approximately 49 days until I can balance my physical body and get my brain cells back. That’s right folks, I’ve become a moron. I can’t remember anything and I’ve had more blonde moments than Paris Hilton.
I have a new poll posted. Please check it out!
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