Week 35
So the week began on a high note with Dave and I getting a date night and some much needed silence in our home. All was great until I woke up at 4am Sunday morning to some strange clump coming out of me while going to the bathroom. Not only that, but I noticed my panties were wet and no, I did not pee. I found myself thinking, “Oh good Lord, what the hell is this?“ Then I noticed signs of a yeast infection. All of this continued for the next couple of days so I decided to call my OB office and make an appointment.
I got served up to a nurse practioner who was very nonchalant about the whole thing. She acted as if she wasn’t sure if I lost my plug or not. I received a perscription for the yeast infection, which seems to be working just fine. I left there feeling like something else was going on. It’s now Thursday and the hay colored leakage has stopped so I’m guessing that it healed itself. I’m still keeping my appointment with a real doctor next Thursday. She’s supposed to check to make sure the infection is gone, give me my Group B Strep test and continue with my normal check-up. I’m also getting the Labor Day instructions, which include all the important phone numbers to call for when the action begins.
During the whole leakage fiasco, I was getting Braxton Hicks contractions. Most were painless, however, I had one big doozy hit me Monday night. I had lower back and abdominal cramps coupled with some sharp pains that crossed the top of my stomach, ugh! I didn’t bother to call the doctor because I wasn’t getting them every 15 minutes and after drinking a ton of water, they stopped. I’m now getting random lower back cramps consistently, but nothing compared to what I got the other night. I guess this is how it’s going to be from now on.
Tuesday night I chose to sleep in bed with Dave instead of on the recliner. I’ve been sleeping there because it’s easier to find a comfortable position and get out of it if need be, but it’s really lonely and I was missing my man. In the middle of the night I got this really bad leg cramp, though. It was so horrible that I woke up screaming and poor Dave bolted out of bed, thinking that I was dying or something. He rubbed the cramp out for me though. I felt sooo bad for him. Now that we’re down to the wire and only have 4 weeks left, we’re both on alert.
In light of all the recent events, I’ve decided that it’s probably time to get my shit together where the baby is concerned. I need to figure out what to put in my hospital bag. I didn’t get nearly enough necessities from my last baby shower and we’re not expecting too much from the party we’re having this Saturday. We do have some gift cards we can use to help us buy the stuff we need and we’re grateful for that! I’ve got my list ready for our shopping excursion. Every time I go to the store I’m buying diapers so that I’m not having to rush around when my little guy arrives. We still need to get a dresser for the baby’s room and finally found one online that we like and is in our price range. We’ll be ordering that soon since I’m dying to put all the clothes where they belong.
Yesterday I got a bug up my butt and decided to start washing some of the baby clothes I got from a friend. Trenity was helping me organize the baby room a bit and I had her on diaper duty, lol. She was putting the newborn diapers into the stacker, organizing some of the toys in the crib and helped me fill the diaper bag. I’ve never seen a child so excited to do a chore. My main focus for the rest of this week is making sure my house is clean for the party on Saturday and getting the basement organized. We still have moving boxes and random papers everywhere. It’s starting to drive me crazy.
On the baby front, my little man is moving around a lot. I think he can’t decide which position he wants to be in right now. Last night I felt him kicking me very hard. He must be getting sick of his environment. You and I both, son! I haven’t dropped yet, but I was told to expect that to occur starting next week. The only time I feel sick of being pregnant is at night. The baby sits really low, putting a ton of pressure on my hip and pelvic areas. It’s difficult to function properly. Why this happens at night and not during the day is beyond me. I can climb the stairs without a problem until about 9pm, lol.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The Restless Preggo

Week 34
Today is the last day of week 34. Only 5 more weeks to go! Like I said in the last entry, our household has been crazy busy with a little drama to boot. We’ve had the girls since last Tuesday night and are returning them to their mother tonight. I love them dearly, but I’m so excited to finally have a 3 day break!
I had my 34 week check-up yesterday. All is well. I’m measuring right on target and I only gained ½ a pound in 2 weeks. My midwife is certain that it’s all baby weight at this point. She checked the little guy’s position and he’s face up again, however, she told me not to worry about it until week 38, when they check my cervix. If he’s still breech at that point I only have 2 options. 1- Have an epidural and allow the doctor to try and turn him or 2- Get a C-Section.
Then I’m informed that I have to take a vaginal and rectal Strep test. I have to use the same cotton swab for both areas and stick it up where the sun doesn’t shine. Nice eh? The midwife told me that if it comes up positive, not to worry because I’ve always had it and they’ll treat me during labor with antibiotics so the baby doesn’t get it. My last bi-weekly appointment is July 3rd and then I go weekly. I’ll be almost 37 weeks at that time.
I sent my papers in to the hospital so now I’m pre-registered. All I have to do is show up. I’m going to give them a call this week so that I can take a tour of the maternity facility. I want to know exactly where to park and everything so that I’m not in a panic for Labor Day. I’ll have to start thinking about what to put in my childbirth bag soon. The only pressing issue I have to take care of is some insurance stuff. I need to make sure that what I need to be covered during the birthing process will be covered.
I haven’t been able to sleep much at all, with the exception of one 3-hour nap yesterday. I’ve been waking up around 5am sharp every morning this past week. Today it was 4:30am. A few days ago I also noticed that my uterus has popped up a little. I feel absolutely HUGE. I feel like the baby is resting on my diaphram now and it’s getting really difficult to breathe properly when changing positions on the couch or in bed. If I’m not standing, I’m very uncomfortable. The midwife also informed me that it’s only going to get worse from here on out. That made Dave cringe a little, lol.
So I guess that’s it for now. I’m going to enjoy my time off with Dave and my clients! I need to get back to work so I can feel whole again.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Lone Preggo
Week 33
I’m on my last day of week 33 and embarking on my last 6 weeks of pregnancy. Time sure does fly by when your life is changing, doesn’t it? We scheduled our Ohio baby shower/holiday party for June 28th so that everyone can make it. It will be unisex because we don’t want a foo foo party. We just want to celebrate everything going on this month. The shower, Dave’s neice’s birthday and Dave’s birthday falls in the same week.
June is an incredibly busy month for the Lentine-Andrus household. Trenity started her day camp on Wednesday and now has junior swimming lessons every Saturday morning. Dave wanted to put her in summer school as well, but I’m not sure if we’re going to follow through with that. Halle has surgery on Monday to fix her teeth and we’re still not very happy about it. Our schedule is turning psychotic!
We’ve been going to our community pool lately, which has been a lot of fun. They have a kiddie pool, sprinkler system for the kids, a hot tub and a gigantic pool for everyone. They even have a gazebo, children’s play center and a concession stand. I don’t feel pregnant when I’m swimming. It’s kind of strange, but nice at the same time. Being in the sun totally sucks the life out of me though. I also had to suck it up and buy a plus size bathing suit. I found a really cute one that almost looks like a dress. It covers everything, thank God!
I’ve been feeling ok on the baby front. He’s been moving often so my fetal count is good. He moves so much that I lose count after 6 and I was told that I don’t need to bother after that. I’ve been getting slight stretchy cramps that come and go quickly. My sleep is still shitty since I’m getting bigger and I have to be in an upright position. It feels like this baby is sitting on my bladder all day long. It was horrible at first, but now I’m used to it.
The weather has been nuts lately. It’s been a consistent 80+ degrees with a ton of humidity. It's sunny and then we get a bizarre downpour throughout the day. I’ve had to run my air every day. Unfortunately the heat is rising upstairs, which makes the bedrooms smoldering hot. We have one of those window fans that suck the hot air out in our room and it seems to be helping. We have to get 2 more for the other rooms. Being pregnant in this heat really sucks so I’m just hanging out at home during the day for now.
Tomorrow is Father’s Day and I haven’t decided what I want to do for Dave yet. His sister mentioned going to the new water park at the Columbus Zoo, which sounds like a blast. Unfortunately for preggo over here, I can’t get on any of the fun rides and fantastic water slides. Dave is totally against it. The only thing saving me from water park loneliness is that the girls are still too short for all the major slides. They have this adult lagoon that has a swim up bar and of course, I can’t really take part in that either. There’s nothing worse than being left out of all the fun activities! So here I am, the lone preggo.
I’m on my last day of week 33 and embarking on my last 6 weeks of pregnancy. Time sure does fly by when your life is changing, doesn’t it? We scheduled our Ohio baby shower/holiday party for June 28th so that everyone can make it. It will be unisex because we don’t want a foo foo party. We just want to celebrate everything going on this month. The shower, Dave’s neice’s birthday and Dave’s birthday falls in the same week.
June is an incredibly busy month for the Lentine-Andrus household. Trenity started her day camp on Wednesday and now has junior swimming lessons every Saturday morning. Dave wanted to put her in summer school as well, but I’m not sure if we’re going to follow through with that. Halle has surgery on Monday to fix her teeth and we’re still not very happy about it. Our schedule is turning psychotic!
We’ve been going to our community pool lately, which has been a lot of fun. They have a kiddie pool, sprinkler system for the kids, a hot tub and a gigantic pool for everyone. They even have a gazebo, children’s play center and a concession stand. I don’t feel pregnant when I’m swimming. It’s kind of strange, but nice at the same time. Being in the sun totally sucks the life out of me though. I also had to suck it up and buy a plus size bathing suit. I found a really cute one that almost looks like a dress. It covers everything, thank God!
I’ve been feeling ok on the baby front. He’s been moving often so my fetal count is good. He moves so much that I lose count after 6 and I was told that I don’t need to bother after that. I’ve been getting slight stretchy cramps that come and go quickly. My sleep is still shitty since I’m getting bigger and I have to be in an upright position. It feels like this baby is sitting on my bladder all day long. It was horrible at first, but now I’m used to it.
The weather has been nuts lately. It’s been a consistent 80+ degrees with a ton of humidity. It's sunny and then we get a bizarre downpour throughout the day. I’ve had to run my air every day. Unfortunately the heat is rising upstairs, which makes the bedrooms smoldering hot. We have one of those window fans that suck the hot air out in our room and it seems to be helping. We have to get 2 more for the other rooms. Being pregnant in this heat really sucks so I’m just hanging out at home during the day for now.
Tomorrow is Father’s Day and I haven’t decided what I want to do for Dave yet. His sister mentioned going to the new water park at the Columbus Zoo, which sounds like a blast. Unfortunately for preggo over here, I can’t get on any of the fun rides and fantastic water slides. Dave is totally against it. The only thing saving me from water park loneliness is that the girls are still too short for all the major slides. They have this adult lagoon that has a swim up bar and of course, I can’t really take part in that either. There’s nothing worse than being left out of all the fun activities! So here I am, the lone preggo.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
32 Weeks - Update

Hey guys, I’m here with my update. I’m now 33 weeks, but I don’t have enough stuff to talk about for this week until later on so stay tuned for another entry by Friday!
I went to my OB appointment with Dave and the kids last Friday, the 6th. Trenity got to help the nurse take my blood pressure. She was more than happy to pump and squeeze the crap out of my arm, lol. Both girls were really good at the office. They were tickled when they got to hear the baby‘s heartbeat. He was back to 160 bpm again.
Unfortunately I’ve now reached the point where I’ve tipped the scale at 200 lbs, ugh. I was hoping to avoid that number, but there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. I guess that’s just more work I have to do after my little guy is born.
On a positive note, I’m measuring right on target and I was informed that if I keep it up, I’ll probably produce a 7 ½ lb. baby. I wasn’t expecting that at all, especially since I’m a smoker. The midwife checked the baby's position and this week he was feet down and she said that he was really low, but also that there's still time for him to assume the proper position before I'm due. I also received my paperwork for the hospital, pediactric doctor referral list and fetal count page. My next appointment is June 20th and then I start going weekly.
Little baby hyphenate still doesn’t have a name and people are driving me crazy asking about it. Nobody wants to accept my “I can’t name him until I see him” answer. So as of right now, we’re just going to call him Rocco Angelo, lol. That’s what Dave calls him as a joke, however, I truly believe that if he keeps it up, this child won’t answer to anything else once he arrives.
The last couple of days in week 32 has brought upon more clumsiness. I’m constantly tripping and falling backward in my chairs. It’s to the point where I just throw my hands up and say forget it. I look like a fool and I have approximately 49 days until I can balance my physical body and get my brain cells back. That’s right folks, I’ve become a moron. I can’t remember anything and I’ve had more blonde moments than Paris Hilton.
I have a new poll posted. Please check it out!
Monday, June 2, 2008

Week 32 - Part I
Dave and I went to Michigan for our first baby shower late Thursday night. We got home Saturday night. I was very surprised that the 3 ½ hour drive wasn’t terrible uncomfortable for me physically. The shower was a lot of fun and I was very happy to see some of my friends and family. We received a lot of really nice things. Our favorite is the video monitor we got from my God-Mother Susie. We tested it out and it works beautifully!
I was a little bummed that not everyone could make it to the shower, but that’s the way life goes. We took a lot of pictures and my dumbass pressed the wrong button on my camera, deleting almost everything. Thank God I wasn’t the only one taking snapshots of the weekend. I was also really happy to see my friend Aimee. She’s been struggling with weight issues her entire life and she’s lost 73 lbs in about 5 months! I’m so very proud of her. My friend Stacy was able to make it and I was glad to spend more time with her during this trip.
Dave and I are planning to have our baby shower here in Ohio in a couple of weeks. His and his niece’s birthdays fall around that time too. June is looking to be a busy month for us. We’re going to have a laid back, co-ed party with lots of kids running around the house. I can’t wait until this shower has passed so that I can get all my baby stuff organized and have his room set up. I would really like to spend the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy relaxing as much as I possibly can.
This Friday I have another OB appointment. Trenity’s last day of school is on Wednesday and since Dave is off work on Friday, we’re bringing the girls to the appointment so they can hear the baby’s heartbeat. I’m also getting all my paperwork. I can’t believe I’m going to the doctor’s office every other week now. It was just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant and now I’m at 32 weeks! I keep saying that because it’s true…9 months sure does fly by. I remember going online to keep track of my fetal development week by week and thinking that 32 weeks was so far off.
Things have been pretty good on the baby and symptoms front. I just said in the last entry that I wasn’t having any Braxton Hicks contractions, but I did get a couple in the past few days. I didn’t flip out because there was no blood. Just some squeezing going on down there, lol. I did experience a couple of lower abdominal cramps the other night, but they went away fast. I’m guessing that’s still my body stretching out. I will ask my midwife about this on Friday, just in case I need to be aware of premature labor.
Speaking of stretching out, my tummy is getting larger as each day passes. I wonder what I’ll look like at 40 weeks. I can still move around pretty well, although the clumsiness is starting to hit me. I’m finding myself almost tripping while hiking up the stairs at home. Bending over is a bitch sometimes as well as getting out of bed and off the couch. Sex is really uncomfortable and I can’t wait until my body goes back to normal. I am suffering emotionally because of this, lol. I need love damnit!
The most exciting thing about this month is that it’s my last rent payment to my old apartment complex. Having that burden off my shoulders starting next month will change my energy completely. This will save Dave and I a lot of money and now I won’t have anything from my past holding me back.
Dave and I went to Michigan for our first baby shower late Thursday night. We got home Saturday night. I was very surprised that the 3 ½ hour drive wasn’t terrible uncomfortable for me physically. The shower was a lot of fun and I was very happy to see some of my friends and family. We received a lot of really nice things. Our favorite is the video monitor we got from my God-Mother Susie. We tested it out and it works beautifully!
I was a little bummed that not everyone could make it to the shower, but that’s the way life goes. We took a lot of pictures and my dumbass pressed the wrong button on my camera, deleting almost everything. Thank God I wasn’t the only one taking snapshots of the weekend. I was also really happy to see my friend Aimee. She’s been struggling with weight issues her entire life and she’s lost 73 lbs in about 5 months! I’m so very proud of her. My friend Stacy was able to make it and I was glad to spend more time with her during this trip.
Dave and I are planning to have our baby shower here in Ohio in a couple of weeks. His and his niece’s birthdays fall around that time too. June is looking to be a busy month for us. We’re going to have a laid back, co-ed party with lots of kids running around the house. I can’t wait until this shower has passed so that I can get all my baby stuff organized and have his room set up. I would really like to spend the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy relaxing as much as I possibly can.
This Friday I have another OB appointment. Trenity’s last day of school is on Wednesday and since Dave is off work on Friday, we’re bringing the girls to the appointment so they can hear the baby’s heartbeat. I’m also getting all my paperwork. I can’t believe I’m going to the doctor’s office every other week now. It was just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant and now I’m at 32 weeks! I keep saying that because it’s true…9 months sure does fly by. I remember going online to keep track of my fetal development week by week and thinking that 32 weeks was so far off.
Things have been pretty good on the baby and symptoms front. I just said in the last entry that I wasn’t having any Braxton Hicks contractions, but I did get a couple in the past few days. I didn’t flip out because there was no blood. Just some squeezing going on down there, lol. I did experience a couple of lower abdominal cramps the other night, but they went away fast. I’m guessing that’s still my body stretching out. I will ask my midwife about this on Friday, just in case I need to be aware of premature labor.
Speaking of stretching out, my tummy is getting larger as each day passes. I wonder what I’ll look like at 40 weeks. I can still move around pretty well, although the clumsiness is starting to hit me. I’m finding myself almost tripping while hiking up the stairs at home. Bending over is a bitch sometimes as well as getting out of bed and off the couch. Sex is really uncomfortable and I can’t wait until my body goes back to normal. I am suffering emotionally because of this, lol. I need love damnit!
The most exciting thing about this month is that it’s my last rent payment to my old apartment complex. Having that burden off my shoulders starting next month will change my energy completely. This will save Dave and I a lot of money and now I won’t have anything from my past holding me back.
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