Week 28
Summer is near and I’ve been having a lot of nostalgic thoughts about what it was like for Dave and I last year. I’m glad we partied it up then because now we’ll be playing a different ballgame all together. We had plans to go to Rock on the Range, a 2-day rock concert held in Columbus with a ton of bands. It sold out on us last year. Unfortunately I’m too pregnant to enjoy the experience. I can still do some of the things I love such as hanging out at friends’ places enjoying BBQ’s, but come July I’ll be on baby alert and most likely, very physically uncomfortable. It’s already starting actually.
I'm officially in my 3rd trimester, woo hoo! My belly has popped out even more this week and although people are telling me that I look good, I’m having trouble with the important stuff like female grooming and painting my toe nails. I attempted the toes yesterday and they came out ok, however, I had to place my legs in positions I don’t usually try during sex. Perhaps that’s a sign to spice that shit up a bit as well, lol.
Hoisting myself out of bed is now becoming a chore and it makes me not want to sit down. When it’s time for me to get up, I have to hope Dave is around. Otherwise, I have to assess the situation, assume the position and roll off the furniture from the side and that just makes me feel debilitated! This experience is turning into comedic film. All of this at only 28 weeks, can you believe it?
I’ve been saying how cool it is that my little guy is very active. Well…it was cool until this week when I realized that this kid isn’t taking a liking to sleep. That’s right, folks. He’s moving, kicking and punching from the time I wake up in the morning until it’s time for me to go to bed. It takes me at least an hour to get used to the movements so that I can find a position that will allow me to fall asleep. Even then he wakes me up in the middle of the night and I’m needing to find something to do for a couple of hours until I get tired again. I know, I know…this is just preparation for what’s to come, but damn. I should be able to get a break while he’s still in the womb, right? Guess not.
On the brighter side of things, I got my brows waxed and a hair cut yesterday. Thank God because my hair gets heavy and I have to deal with really bad headaches. It’s pretty short for me, but I don’t want to deal with the styling. I’m taking the easy way out, which is something I don’t normally do, but hey, I’m pregnant! If I can’t get a normal REM cycle, at least I have some relief in the beauty department.
This pregnancy is forcing me to rely a bit on other people and their services, which I really hate. When it comes to household chores, I deserve some cooperation for sure. Dave is really starting to step up to the plate in that regard, which he should be doing anyway. I’m going to do my best to make sure he keeps to this standard after the baby is born. God knows I’m going to need it.
Now I feel like I’ve officially entered the nesting phase of the pregnancy. All I want to do is clean and organize. Dave thinks I’m off my rocker and I sure he’s silently cursing me since I’ve enlisted him to do most of the heavy labor, lol. I pounded out 7 loads of laundry yesterday, which is mostly the girls’ and Dave’s clothes. I also organized the girls’ bedroom and am working on my own. The baby’s crib is now set up along with the pack ’n play and bouncer seat. We have our stroller and other stuff stored in the basement. Pretty soon he’ll have to move my recliner to my office and I’ll have to decorate the baby’s room. I still have pictures to put up all around the house and I’m desperate to do something great with my office.
Pregnancy Symptoms for the Week:
* Stretchy cramps
* Insomnia
* Fatigue
* Minor skin break-outs
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