Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Final Stretch and the Gas War

Week 30

This week was pretty uneventful, which is a good thing. I had my OB appointment on Friday, May 23rd and had a lovely midwife, new to me. She answered all my questions and made me feel really safe and comfortable. I am going to find out if I can put in a request to have her deliver my baby instead of one of the doctors. We went over my medical records and everything seems to be right on track for me and the baby. I measured perfectly for 30.5 weeks, the baby’s heart rate was 150 and as of right now, he’s positioned head down. She also told me that I have another 10lbs to gain and not to worry since I’m fine medically.

I noticed some stretch marks in bizarre places and I’m really unhappy about that. The cocoa butter crap does absolutely nothing to help reduce or prevent them. I guess that’s just another silly old wive’s tale. I’m guessing that stretch marks are a genetic thing. I went to try on this really cute maternity skirt for my baby shower and noticed strech marks on my legs, ewwwwwwww. Boy am I ever disappointed. I’m starting to look like a real heffer after many weeks of looking great. So sad!

The midwife also told me that my baby should still be sleeping about 12 hours a day. In what universe, I ask? LOL! This child feels like he’s doing nothing but moving around and if he does sleep 12 hours a day, it must be in 20 minute incriments when I’m not paying attention. My next appointment is in 2 weeks. It’s almost the final stretch, folks! I’m going every 2 weeks until week 36 and then I have to go in weekly. I get all my paperwork for the hospital, fetal count charts and the “what to expect” talk on June 6th.

The Gas War
Week 31

My friend Stacy tried to politely warn me back in December about the many nusances of pregnancy, mostly about setting off the natural gas line. “Just wait” was her famous phrase. If I thought I had problems with gas before, it’s nothing compared to the war I’m fighting now with my ass and common courtesy. At this point it’s uncontrollable! It hits me first thing in the morning, is present all day and gets worse at night. No matter what I do or what I eat, there’s no “off” switch. If it’s this painful for me as a 29 year old adult, I can only imagine how it must be for babies. Just horrid!

My sleep was great in week 30, but this week I’ve been waking up at bizarre times again. 3, 4 and 5am. It’s like someone has shot me up with an instant caffeine fix and I can’t go back to sleep for the rest of the day. That’s good in a way because I can still get stuff done, but sucks because I’d love to have a good 8 hours. I highly doubt I will once the baby is born though so I better just suck it up and take it like a man, eh?

The baby feels like he’s getting heavier. It’s either that or he’s curled up in one place south of the border. I woke up this morning feeling like I was carrying a ginormous rock. A lot of people on this baby message board I check out is having Braxton Hicks contractions. I’ve read that it can start at about 20 weeks. I don’t believe I’ve had those yet, but you never know. Sometimes I’m oblivious to that stuff due to my daily routine with Dave and the kids. After all of the uncomfortable symptoms, I can still say that I’ve had an easy pregnancy. My only complaint is having to suffer from unnecessary drama and stress.

Dave is getting super excited about the baby now. Stacy sent us the cool swing for our shower gift last week. He’s been playing with it and showing it off every chance he gets, lol. It’s really funny to watch because the only thing that triggers natural excitement with him is his favorite sports teams. The other day I caught Dave gushing about our son to his friends and he acted as though having a boy is going to be his salvation in this house. Though he loves the girls and I dearly, I believe some testosterone will do him some good.

I’m leaving for Michigan tomorrow to visit family, friends and attend my first baby shower. I have to go shopping today for birthdays, Dawn’s baby shower gift and a pair of maternity Capri pants so that I look fairly decent. No shoes. I’m going to do the barefoot and pregnant deal, which is the most comfortable thing, aside from slippers, for me at this point. Due to the warm weather we’ve been getting, I’m blowing up like a marshmallow faster than you can say, “where did my ankles go?”

That’s all for now. I’ve got a lot to do in such a short time before we hit the road at 7am tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Heartburn Hell

Week 29

This week has been very uncomfortable for me physically due to this pregnancy and I know it’s only going to get worse from here on out. I did nothing but struggle to fall asleep and get enough rest in general due to back pain and late night heartburn. It didn’t matter what I ate or how much water I drank, I ended up in heartburn hell. The only position I could tolerate was sitting straight up with a dozen pillows supporting my back and head. The wall behind me looked liked I was growing pillow ivy, that’s how many I had stacked up above my head, I promise you!

Need to save money on gas? Come visit me, I’ve got plenty of it! It’s really too bad that I can’t fuel up my car with the gas I’ve got going on in pregnant lady land. It feels like there’s enough to serve the entire Columbus area. Too much information? Well, unfortunately that’s the reality of the situation right now. It’s so bad sometimes that it’s painful to get my big booty to the bathroom.

Oh and speaking of my big booty, I finally weighed myself after many weeks of avoiding the scale and I wish I would’ve stayed away longer. I’ve packed on almost 35 lbs and I still have 2 more months to go! What’s keeping me sane is hearing my friends tell me that they gained a lot as well and that it gets better. I must have the pregnancy fat gene because my sister wasn’t exactly tiny either. For the most part of this journey I’ve kept it safe and healthy, however, I did vacation in temptation island at times. That’s junk food heaven for those who don’t already know. I can’t even lie about that one…

On the baby front, he’s been moving A LOT more than normal. So much that I kept praying for a day of rest (literally). My request was granted on Sunday when I spent the day shopping with my friend Marianne. I’m seeing certain unidentifiable appendages sticking out of my tummy now. I really wish I knew what they were. I have to say that I feel lucky my little guy is staying away from the rib cage and just sticking to the southern hemisphere. I’m carrying really low and deep, which is more comfortable, so I‘ve been told. My next OB appointment is this Friday morning and Dave is coming with me so he can hear the baby’s heartbeat. I’ve got a lot of questions for my midwife and I’m going to look into having a water birth. I’m not expecting much from that, but it’s worth a try.

I started week 30 on Sunday. 10 more weeks to go! I can’t believe I’m here already. I swear it feels like I just took that pregnancy test yesterday. Dave and I are going to Michigan for our first baby shower on May 30th. His parents are leaving for their vacation the same day so we can’t borrow their van. I have to pray that we don’t get too many big boxes so that I can pack it all in my car. I haven’t traveled this far since Christmas so I’m hoping that the ride isn’t too uncomfortable. I’m really excited to see my friends and family. I’m also going to make a pit stop to the mystical store since the one here sucks now.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

28 Weeks Update

I called the automated test results hotline at my OB office and found out that my Gestational Diabetes test came back normal. Sweet! That's one less thing I have to worry about. I'm hearing that having an Epidural is not fully covered by most insurance companies so now I have to check my provider. That's really frustrating because I don't have a lot of money just laying around for that shit. I'm not even convinced that I will go that route, but I want the option.

I'm really stressed out right now. Gas prices are through the roof and I have to save up so that I can make the trip to Michigan for my first baby shower. My home life is turning into a cluster fuck from hell and the the great results of my nesting phase went to shit once the girls came here on Wednesday. Their behavior was the equivalent to caged animals being set free in a strange environment and it hasn't stopped since they got here. I'm not getting much help from Dave and I swear I'm about to blow my stack so instead, I'm just locking myself up so that I don't start screaming bloody murder.

Sorry for the negativity. I'm just pissed off right now and the best way for me to release this stuff is to write about it.

Happy Mother's Day to all the fabulous mommy's and expected mothers-to-be! I hope you guys have a very relaxing day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Nesting Phase

Week 28

Summer is near and I’ve been having a lot of nostalgic thoughts about what it was like for Dave and I last year. I’m glad we partied it up then because now we’ll be playing a different ballgame all together. We had plans to go to Rock on the Range, a 2-day rock concert held in Columbus with a ton of bands. It sold out on us last year. Unfortunately I’m too pregnant to enjoy the experience. I can still do some of the things I love such as hanging out at friends’ places enjoying BBQ’s, but come July I’ll be on baby alert and most likely, very physically uncomfortable. It’s already starting actually.

I'm officially in my 3rd trimester, woo hoo! My belly has popped out even more this week and although people are telling me that I look good, I’m having trouble with the important stuff like female grooming and painting my toe nails. I attempted the toes yesterday and they came out ok, however, I had to place my legs in positions I don’t usually try during sex. Perhaps that’s a sign to spice that shit up a bit as well, lol.

Hoisting myself out of bed is now becoming a chore and it makes me not want to sit down. When it’s time for me to get up, I have to hope Dave is around. Otherwise, I have to assess the situation, assume the position and roll off the furniture from the side and that just makes me feel debilitated! This experience is turning into comedic film. All of this at only 28 weeks, can you believe it?

I’ve been saying how cool it is that my little guy is very active. Well…it was cool until this week when I realized that this kid isn’t taking a liking to sleep. That’s right, folks. He’s moving, kicking and punching from the time I wake up in the morning until it’s time for me to go to bed. It takes me at least an hour to get used to the movements so that I can find a position that will allow me to fall asleep. Even then he wakes me up in the middle of the night and I’m needing to find something to do for a couple of hours until I get tired again. I know, I know…this is just preparation for what’s to come, but damn. I should be able to get a break while he’s still in the womb, right? Guess not.

On the brighter side of things, I got my brows waxed and a hair cut yesterday. Thank God because my hair gets heavy and I have to deal with really bad headaches. It’s pretty short for me, but I don’t want to deal with the styling. I’m taking the easy way out, which is something I don’t normally do, but hey, I’m pregnant! If I can’t get a normal REM cycle, at least I have some relief in the beauty department.

This pregnancy is forcing me to rely a bit on other people and their services, which I really hate. When it comes to household chores, I deserve some cooperation for sure. Dave is really starting to step up to the plate in that regard, which he should be doing anyway. I’m going to do my best to make sure he keeps to this standard after the baby is born. God knows I’m going to need it.

Now I feel like I’ve officially entered the nesting phase of the pregnancy. All I want to do is clean and organize. Dave thinks I’m off my rocker and I sure he’s silently cursing me since I’ve enlisted him to do most of the heavy labor, lol. I pounded out 7 loads of laundry yesterday, which is mostly the girls’ and Dave’s clothes. I also organized the girls’ bedroom and am working on my own. The baby’s crib is now set up along with the pack ’n play and bouncer seat. We have our stroller and other stuff stored in the basement. Pretty soon he’ll have to move my recliner to my office and I’ll have to decorate the baby’s room. I still have pictures to put up all around the house and I’m desperate to do something great with my office.

Pregnancy Symptoms for the Week:

* Stretchy cramps
* Insomnia
* Fatigue
* Minor skin break-outs

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bumps in the Night

Week 27

I’m porking out, yo! This week I’ve noticed my pregnant belly has pushed out big time. I’m starting to lose my “innie” belly button, I can feel my uterus right under my breasts and the baby is moving a lot there. It’s a funky feeling and it’s taken me a couple of days to get used to it. The little guy is starting to throw punches. I guess my joke to Dave about him being an “Ultimate Fighter” when he’s older may be right on target, lol. Last night it was so strong that I could see and feel, what I believe to be his little fist, popping through and I could almost grab it. Weird.

My friend Stacy has warned me since the beginning of the pregnancy to stay calm and try not to freak out over stupid stuff because the baby will feel everything I do. Well, I had my proof the other night. I woke up in the middle of the night quite emotional about an issue and the baby didn’t stop moving, poking and kicking until I calmed down. Even though I believed Stacy before, this little reality has moved me to change my perspective and alter the amount of responsibilities I’m taking on.

I’m back to having trouble sleeping again because now this child seems to be active all day and night. Dave and I are slugs when it comes to our sleep. We can normally go down at any time and for hours so with any luck, the baby will take after us in that regard once he’s born. Unfortunately, we both love to eat so I’m guessing this child is going to be a little piggy like his mommy and daddy and you know what that means…up every 2 hours.

I went to the Dr. on Thursday for my Glucose test. The orange crap I drank tasted like flat soda, but I was able to get it down in 5 minutes like I was supposed to. The nurse had to stick me a few times in each arm because my veins weren’t cooperating. She measured my uterus and I was right on target for 27 weeks. The baby’s heartbeat was at 160, as usual.

I met a new doctor in the practice and she told me that I wouldn‘t be getting another ultrasound, no more blood tests and they won‘t be checking my cervix until 38 weeks, unless I call them with something out of the ordinary. That makes me a bit nervous because my friend Dawn is having major complications with her pregnancy. I’m feeling tempted to go and pay for a 3/D ultrasound so I can get my little guy measured and weighed. I’m also dying to get a glimpse of his features since those pictures are quite amazing.

Pregnancy Symptoms for the Week:

* Constipation (ugh!)
* Gas
* Stretchy cramps
* The waddle
* Extreme fatigue

My next appointment is at 30 weeks and I’m having Dave go so he can hear the baby’s heartbeat. He hasn’t been able to experience that since the ultrasound at 7 weeks when I was bleeding and it wasn’t very clear then. After that I’ll be going to my appointments every 2 weeks.