Week 19
I’m almost to the half way point in my pregnancy, yay! I’m getting really excited for my OB appointment next Thursday. This once a month check up thing sucks as I get a little paranoid if I don’t feel the baby move consistently. I know it’s not supposed to right now, but I’ve gotten used to the feeling. I guess it’s common for first time mommies to freak out once in a while. I am getting better with keeping myself calm though.
Thursday my friend Dawn S and I went out to lunch then to the nail salon for pedicures. OH THANK GOD! My feet were horrendous! It was the best one I’ve ever had. They spent a good half hour rubbing our feet at the end of the session. I’m going to make it a point to have this done at least once a month. I may even consider bi-weekly sessions. My feet have been sore for a while now since I’m starting to blow up. That’s right folks, the cankles are on the way, UGH.
Friday night Nikki, Dawn and I enjoyed a ladies’ night. We went to dinner and bowling. Since my life is going to change dramatically next week with the move I wanted to spend some quality time with some of my friends. I’m sure I’ll be able to do it more often than I think before the baby is born, but I still needed to get out of my apartment. I didn’t bowl as well as I did on my birthday, but I had a blast anyway. Now it’s time to get back to reality with work and packing, but I‘m having trouble keeping balance between the two.
I believe that my libido has been healthy for the last couple of months, but I’ve put Dave in the “have sex with me, it’s your only job” box lately. It’s funny to see the look on his face when he comes home and I don’t even care how his day went. He’s genuinely surprised every single time and that cracks me up. Sometimes I wonder about that boy, LOL. Love is in the air and I’m taking full advantage while I still can!
JUST 6 MORE DAYS UNTIL WE FIND OUT THE SEX! I’m very very excited!!! Week 20 here I come!
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