Sorry I haven’t posted in a little bit. I’ve been really busy due to the move and the Easter holiday. We’re all still getting adjusted to the new place and I finally have time to write because this baby woke me up at 5:30am this morning. I just started week 22, but I‘m posting weeks 20 and 21 for you all.
Week 20
Dave and I went to my OB appointment for B-Day (March 13th), which is what my friend Stacy was calling “Boy Day”, LOL. I’ve been so adamant about this boy thing and from the very beginning and every time I tried to imagine a girl, I just couldn’t. Well I was right, we’re having a little BOY!
Dave doesn’t generally show much emotion about anything other than sports, so watching him squirm on his chair while the doctor was measuring the baby made me giggle. He kept inching closer and closer to the edge, fists clenched just waiting for her to announce the sex. At first glance the baby’s legs were crossed and my poor boyfriend looked defeated. After a couple of tries she said, “That looks like a scrotum…there‘s a penis…oh yeah, it’s definitely a boy”.
I thought he was going to take a flying leap as if he were at a Chicago Bulls game and his favorite player just scored a 3 pointer to win in overtime. For a second I thought he was going to let out a huge “YEAAAAHHHH”, LOL. Of course he called everyone and their mother to tell them to good news and that he’s going to decorate the baby’s room with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Chicago sports gear. Now that we’re having a boy he cares about the décor. That’s a man for ya.
Check out my photo album for a couple of ultrasound pictures and updated ones of my belly!
That same day we picked up the keys to our condo. It was a pain in the ass because we had to wait all day since they didn’t have it ready. Apparently the last tenant really trashed the place. We ended up getting the keys really late and weren’t able to start our move until the next day. All the big stuff got moved that Saturday the 15th and we’re still in the process of getting stuff out of our apartments. My old place is looking pretty good and all that’s left is the cleaning. Dave, on the other hand, has a lot more work to do on his old apartment, but he still has until April 1st.
Week 21 - The Power Bloat
One of my best friends, Dawn, got her 17 week ultrasound and check-up. She found out she is having a boy, but her doctor saw a mass on his lung. She had to go to the hospital to get a 3-D scan and they told her the baby has a benign tumor that is pushing the baby’s heart to the left side. Although her baby’s organs are functioning well, she now has to get a fetal MRI next week and ultrasounds every 3 weeks to monitor the tumor. If it grows too quickly, the baby could go into cardiac arrest and she’ll lose him. There is a chance that it won’t grow and he’ll be fine. I’m praying like crazy for her. It’s so difficult for me to be happy for myself when this is happening.
As for me, I’ve been trying to get back into the swing of things after the move. Working has been a bit difficult due to Easter and having Dave’s kids. They’re very excited about all this change and went kind of nuts running up and down our stairs, unpacking their toys in the playroom we made for them. All that Easter candy didn’t help either, lol. My cats are having a difficult time adjusting to their new surroundings. Angelica is pretty pissed at me for subjecting her to Dave and the kids, lol. She’s the most needy, territorial cat I’ve ever seen!
This week my ankels and feet have really swelled. It’s so bad that I need to go buy new socks and shoes, ugh! My feet are in so much pain, but it’s very hard to just sit around and do nothing since I have a ton of stuff to get done around here. I’m still unpacking boxes and it seems like I’ll never get done. I’m trying to pace myself and hopefully I’ll have the majority of it cleared up.
The other issue is that I’m having a hard time finding a comfy sleeping position. It doesn’t matter how many pillows I have. As a matter of fact, that makes things worse. I almost knocked poor Dave off the bed last night because there’s not enough room for the pillows, him and my big, pregnant ass.
Other than the power bloat and sleeping situation, I’m feeling pretty great. I’ve noticed the baby’s movements and kicks more consistently and I think it’s very cool! Dave told me yesterday that I’m looking real pregnant finally. My belly has grown a bit more in the last couple of weeks, but I’m not having any trouble moving around and bending over, thank God.