Week 13
At 13 weeks and 5 days, I‘m stressed to the max, leaving me in a foul mood. The pregnancy hormones seem to be kicking in finally. I’m either calm and perfectly stable or flying off the handle, pissed off because there are some people trying to dictate how I should be living my life.
Normally this wouldn’t bother me because I’m really good at flashing the middle finger and ignoring comments, however, it’s coming to me all at once and I’m severely overwhelmed. It’s not just the unsolicited advice and demeaning comments, but the tension of all the responsibilities this pregnancy is bringing upon me. It’s like a ton of bricks have been dumped upon my shoulders and I can’t seem to find a place to discard them.
Last Saturday Dave and I went to his parent’s house to give them the news about the pregnancy and us moving in together. It went pretty well, but we had to explain why we’re not getting married. We saw them again on Monday and had to do the same thing again. Actually, it was me doing most of the talking and by the end of the night I think I finally got them to understand our position.
All week long I’ve had to deal with some people using scare tactics in effort to change some of my habits. I’m only drinking 1 to 1 ½ cups of light, diluted coffee a day and that’s the only caffeine I put into my body. My doctor told me I can have up to 3 normal sized cups and I’m not even doing that. To hear people say that I can’t have any or else I’ll miscarry and that they don’t care what my doctor says pisses me off! I’m embarking on my second trimester and still with child so if you’re not a physician, shut the hell up! I’m not going to live in fear. Stress is detrimental to me and my unborn child so please, mind your own business and leave the pregnant woman alone!
Oh yeah, and the smoking. That’s always a controversial subject since smoking is not good for our bodies and unborn children. I know this and carry it with me every day. The minute I realized I was pregnant, the first thought I had was, “Holy shit! How am I going to quit smoking after 15 years?“ I have to say that when I’m left alone, it’s so much easier for me to continue cutting down my intake, but when I’m hounded constantly, all I do is smoke more. Reading an email from a friend telling me that I’m basically “scum of the Earth” because I can’t quit cold turkey is disheartening and sabotaging my efforts to change. I don’t need that shit right now. I’m trying to kick my nicotine addiction. Is a little support too much to ask for?
Pregnancy Symptoms This Week:
* Stretchy cramps
* Fatigue
* Exaggerated stress
* Hormonal outbursts
* Fluttering in my uterus
* Fairly frequent urination
* Mild itchy skin
My prenatal vitamins must be kicking in because I’m finding hair in unwanted places, ICK! I feel like I’m due for a good waxing. I’m a little pissed though. I thought prenatal vitamins were supposed to strengthen my nails, but they’re breaking easily instead. Also, I’ve hit my laziness limit. All I can think about is cleaning and clearing the extra clutter out of my apartment.
Sorry about the extra long rant. I have to write it out in order to free my Spirit of all the unnecessary negativity. Since I wrote the majority of this blog yesterday, I’ve had some time to relax and try to find solutions to my stress. Today I decided to rid myself of the crap I can’t control and put the responsibility on the person it actually belongs to. I feel better already!
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