Hey guys!
Angelo is 6 months old today...officially. It's been a crazy ride thus far and it's hard to believe that I was about 13/14 weeks pregnant at this time last year. I'm turning 30 tomorrow, which is a huge milestone for me. I've been thinking a lot about life and what I want for my son's future. I feel as though God has bestowed this gift of motherhood upon me for a reason. Apparently I have something specific to offer and I fully intend on finding out what that is.
Okay, enough of that sappy crap. On to the cuteness!
The Bubs is cutting his first tooth and it should pop any day now. His gums are swollen REALLY bad and I'm guessing that he may have a couple show up around the same time. He's a little fussy when he's in pain, but it's not that bad. I actually thought it would be way worse. I believe he's inconsistent with his sleep due to the teething and moving around in his crib. I used to sleep walk when I was a child and it's quite possible that Angelo may take after me in that regard. I sure hope not!
Angelo is all about reaching for stuff now. He'll go for anything, but mostly toy balls, draw strings on clothes, hair, food, his stuffed dinosaur or the hanging toys on his jumperoo. It's quite amazing to see him react when he gets what he wants and when he doesn't. He's now reaching for me when he's sitting on Dave's lap and I walk into the room. That's just adorable!
The crawling lessons are going fairly well. He can finally get up on all fours and stay there for a while. Then he'll try and make his knees jump, but hasn't figured out how to use his hands to move himself forward quite yet. He gets frustrated easily in that position and I feel bad for the boy. He just wants his stuff, damnit!
He's eating his solids about twice a day now, depending on how much time we have or what we're doing, but he still desires his bottle in a big way. It's as though the solids aren't enough, which is fine. I just don't want to make him fat. He's been trying hard to hold his bottle consistently, but gets easily distracted by our clothes for some reason. When I feed him, he's always trying to grab my glasses and hair, of course.
Now, on to me...
Dave and I bought a Nintendo Wii last week and we're officially in love. He got me the Wii Fit, which has allowed me to work out more during the day. I'm not into video games, but this thing is not only fun, but really gives me a great work-out and it's really convenient! It's also good for giving me something to do while the Bubs is awake, besides cleaning and laundry. He loves the colors and animation as well. Now I don't have to cram everything I need to get done while Angelo is taking his naps. I feel like I have more time to do the important stuff, thank God! So I'm losing weight and managing my time better...all because of a video game, LOL!
I've lost 3 pounds so far and I've only been doing this for a week. I'm soooo exited! I also received a good lesson in buying the right size jeans from my friend Nikki yesterday. Can you believe I was buying clothes that were too BIG? Yeah... I'm not really a 14/16, I'm a 12! Geeze, you'd think I would know this stuff, but when I was pregnant, I got used to buying super size clothing. I feel stupid...in a good way!