10 Days Post Partum Boddess
So my dear son is now 10 days old. It’s already going by so fast. Dave and I are both back to work. There’s no paid maternity leave for us self-employed folks, so getting back to the old grind is a must for me and I‘m loving it. Dave is back to work as well due to the training for his new position in the company. I’m a little bummed that I can’t have him for 2 weeks straight, but it’s working out for the best. He will be off the week before the girls go back to school and that will save us a ton of money in daycare for Trenity. Speaking of the girls, they’re coming home to us on August 12th. Now I’ll have to balance my life with three children in the house, instead of just one.
Dave and I have worked out a feeding schedule for Angelo during for the night time hours. I get the first 4 hours and he gets the last 4. I have the luxury of taking a nap with the baby during the day and he doesn’t, so we agreed on that system. At first it really sucked because the hospital had Angelo on an hourly feeding schedule that just put us out of our minds. Before I gave birth, the idea of waking up every 2 hours sounded like pure hell. I didn’t know what hell was like until this every hour bit started. Damn that NICU!
Angelo hates the bassinet, the swing and the bouncy seat right now. So much for those so-called “life saver” toys. Last night we put him in his crib and guess what? That boy slept for the first 3 hours and then woke up every 2 after that. THANK GOD. I thought all hope was lost, man! I didn’t think I’d be able to do every 2 hours. Not only can I do it, but I don’t really need much more sleep than what I’m getting. Sweet! That video monitor my God-Mother bought us is absolutely fabulous. It picks up everything without being annoying. Now THAT is a life saver.
On Wednesday the 6th, I took Angelo to his first pediatrician appointment. He left the hospital at 8lbs, 8 oz and is now at an even 9lbs. Everything is perfectly normal and he’s doing extremely well. I have to take him back on the 20th to start his cycle of shots. Ugh, I hate the thought of my son getting poked so I just won’t look.
So now on to my post partum updates…
I weighed myself this morning and I’ve lost 24 pounds, wow! I was absolutely HUGE the last 2 weeks of the pregnancy and I’m not just talking about my tummy. My ankles are now back to normal and my feet aren’t in any pain. Dave is happy about that because I’m not asking him to rub them anymore, lol. I’m under the 200 mark, which makes me feel really good. My uterus still hasn’t gone back to it’s normal size yet and apparently I’ve got a few more weeks before that can happen. I’m not physically able to start working out yet, but when I am, watch out America! I vow to not only get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but lose 20 more since I was a bit over weight to begin with.
I have to make my follow up appointment with my midwife for about 3 weeks from now. Hopefully I’ll be all healed up and done with the maxi pads. I’m really not bleeding that badly, but it’s still uncomfortable down there. I’ve gotten passed the whole burning pee pee issue and the inflammation has gone down quite a bit. Now my big problem is Dave. I find this man so attractive and I can’t do a damn thing about it! You can’t stimulate the nipples or else the milk won’t dry up and if anything else is stimulated, the only sensation I experience is pain and believe me, it’s not fun. The poor guy just can’t touch me right now. Not even a nice and long kiss. What a bummer!